Year First author Citations link
1968 Hall,J.W. Hall,J.W. (1968) A new genus of Salviniaceae and a new species of Azolla from the Late Cretaceous. American Fern Journal. 77- 88 details
1968 Yoshino,M. Yoshino,M. (1968) Palynologic analysis of the Tertiary Yatagawa and Quaternary Karayama Formations in the eastern part of Nagoya. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan(Chishitsugaku Zasshi). 1- 95 details
1968 Boekel,N.M.Van Boekel,N.M.Van (1968) Devonian microfossils of Rio Tapajos, Para 2. Chit Inozoa Notas Preliminares e Estudos - Divisao de Geologia e Mineralogia, Departamento Nacional da Produao Mineral. 1- 19 details
1968 Drugg,W.S. Drugg,W.S. (1968) Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary palynology, Moreno Formation, California. Geological Society of America, Special Paper. 1- 58 details
1968 Sikstel,T.A. et al. Sikstel,T.A. et al. (1968) On the flora past of Central Asia. (In: The Paleobotany of Uzbekistan. T.A.Sikstel, editor) Trudy Institut Botaniki,Akademiya Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR (Palaeobotanika Uzbekistana). 3- 87 details
1968 Reyre,Y. Reyre,Y. (1968) Taxonomic value of the structure of the exine of fossil pollen attributed to the Gymnosperms and the Chlamydosperms. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 488- 490 details
1968 Dettmann,M.E. et al. Dettmann,M.E. et al. (1968) Taxonomy of some Cretaceous spores and pollen grains from eastern Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 69- 94 details
1968 Boekel,N.M.Van Boekel,N.M.Van (1968) Silurian microfossils from the Garape da Rainha, Pa Para Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 22th. Sumarios Comunicacoese Conferencias.. 69- 70 details
1968 Ybert,J.P. Ybert,J.P. (1968) Miospore study of the Candiota Coal Basin, Hulka Negra, Rio Grande do Sul. Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 22th. Sumarios Comunicacoese Conferencias.. 55- 56 details
1968 Dupin,F. Dupin,F. (1968) Two new species of dinoflagellates of the Jurassic of Aquitaine. Cahiers de Micropal©ontologie, S©rie 1, no.8, (Archives originales, Centre de documentation, Centre national de la recherche scientifique). 1- 5 details
1968 Wilson,L.R. Wilson,L.R. (1968) Palynological stratigraphy and succession of Oklahoma Pennsylvanian Coal Seams. Oklahoma Geology Notes. 91- 91 details
1968 Bouckaert,J. et al. Bouckaert,J. et al. (1968) A biostratigraphic Scheme and Rererence sections of the Belgian Famennian. Annales de la Soci©t© G©ologique de Belgique. 317- 336 details
1968 Urban,L.L. Urban,L.L. (1968) Palynology of the Drywood and Bluejacket Coals (Pennsylvanian) of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geology Notes. 118- 119 details
1968 Spinner,E. Spinner,E. (1968) Contribution on the megaspore genus Tuberculatisporites (Ibrahim)Potonie and Kremp,1954. Pollen et Spores. 395- 410 details
1968 Chibrikova,E.V. Chibrikova,E.V. (1968) Colloquim on biostratigraphy and correlation of Middle Devonian deposits of the Volgo-Ural Oil and Gas Province. (Palynology section). Sovetskaya Geologiya. 147- 148 details
1968 Clapham,W.B. Clapham,W.B. (1968) Paleoecologic Inferences from pollen distribution in the Flowerpot Formation, (Permian) of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geology Notes. 195- 195 details
1968 Kosciowko,H. et al. Kosciowko,H. et al. (1968) Tertiary formations in the forefield of the Eastern Sudetes. Biuletyn - Instytutu Geologiczny. 149- 163 details
1968 Tokunaga,S. Tokunaga,S. (1968) Palynology of the Yubetsu Formation in the Kushiro Coal Field, Journal of the Geological Society of Japan(Chishitsugaku Zasshi). 95- 96 details
1968 Cramer,F.H. Cramer,F.H. (1968) Silurian phytoplankton Provinces Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Annual Meeting. 63- 64 details
1968 Wall,D. et al. Wall,D. et al. (1968) Early Pleistocene dinoflagellates from the Royal Society borehole at Ludham, Norfolk. New Phytologist. 315- 326 details
1968 Yamada,T. et al. Yamada,T. et al. (1968) Fossil pollen and spores from the Narita Group, the foot of Mount Tsukuba. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan(Chishitsugaku Zasshi). 1- 123 details
1968 Brenner,G.J. Brenner,G.J. (1968) A comparison of Albian sporomorphae from the Montana Region of Peru and West Africa. International Paleontological Union,Prague,Abstracts. 7- 8 details
1968 Diaconeasa,B. et al. Diaconeasa,B. et al. (1968) Palynological research on Neogene deposits in the Southern Part of the Simleu Basin Studii si Cercetari de Geologie, Geofizica, Geografie. Seria Geologie. 249- 256 details
1968 Newman,K.R. Newman,K.R. (1968) Palynomorphs from the Livingston Group and Fort Union Formation, Crazy Mountains Basin, Montana. Geological Society of America, Special Paper. 617- 618 details
1968 Corna,O. Corna,O. (1968) Some spores and pollen from Aptian-Albian sediments of West Carpathians. International Paleontological Union,Prague,Abstracts. 9- 9 details
1968 Hedlund,R.W. et al. Hedlund,R.W. et al. (1968) Spores and pollen grains from Fredericksburgian, (Albian), Strata, Marshall County, Oklahoma. Pollen et Spores. 129- 159 details
1968 Boulter,M.C. Boulter,M.C. (1968) An Upper Tertiary flora in Derbyshire, England. International Paleontological Union,Prague,Abstracts. 7- 7 details
1968 Gabrielova,N. et al. Gabrielova,N. et al. (1968) Palynological characteristics of Neogene sediments (Moravia, Slovakia). International Paleontological Union,Prague,Abstracts. 10- 10 details
1968 Skarby,A. Skarby,A. (1968) Extratriporopollenites (Pflug) emend. from the Upper Cretaceous of Scania, Sweden. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Stockholm Contributions in Geology. 60- 60 details
1968 KalibovЎ-KaiserovЎ,M. KalibovЎ-KaiserovЎ,M. (1968) Palynological researches of Carboniferous strata in the Central Sub-Cretaceous Basin in the Bohemian Massif. International Paleontological Union,Prague,Abstracts. 12- 12 details
1968 KonzalovЎ-MazancovЎ,M. et al. KonzalovЎ-MazancovЎ,M. et al. (1968) Results of the palynological investigation in the Cretaceous of the Bohemian Massif. International Paleontological Union,Prague,Abstracts. 13- 13 details
1968 Hodgson,E.A. Hodgson,E.A. (1968) Devonian spores from the Pertnjara Formation Amadeus Basin, northern Territory. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin, Palaeontological Papers. 65- 83 details
1968 KonzalovЎ-MazancovЎ,M. et al. KonzalovЎ-MazancovЎ,M. et al. (1968) Organic remains from Bohemian Algonkian and Ordovician. International Paleontological Union,Prague,Abstracts. 15- 15 details
1968 Pi©rart,P. Pi©rart,P. (1968) Associations of microspores and megaspores in an Upper Westphalian A Stratum (Beeringen, Seam 70) in Campine (Belgium). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 275- 283 details
1968 Kedves,M. et al. Kedves,M. et al. (1968) About paleophytogeographic regions of the Cretaceous and of the Paleogene, according to palynologic data. Acta Biologica,(Szeged). 19- 28 details
1968 Hemer,D.O. Hemer,D.O. (1968) Diagnostic palynological fossils from Arabian formations. American Institue of Mining, Metallergy, Petroleum Engineering and Society of Mining Engineering, Saudia Arabia Section , Reg.TECMP, 2nd.Proceedings. 311- 325 details
1968 Kvacek,Z. Kvacek,Z. (1968) A new Platanus from the Bohemian Tertiary. International Paleontological Union,Prague,Abstracts. 15- 15 details
1968 Ingram,B.S. Ingram,B.S. (1968) Stratigraphical palynology of Cretaceous rocks from Bores in the Eucla Basin, Western Australia. Geological Survey of Western Australia, Annual Report. 64- 67 details
1968 Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. (1968) Correlation of coal seams in Chirimiri Coalfield, M.P., on the basis of sporae dispersae. The Palaeobotanist. 36- 42 details
1968 Lele,K.M. Lele,K.M. (1968) Preliminary note on the miospores and other microfossils from the Srbsko Formation (Givetian) in the Barrandian Basin, Czchoslovakia. International Paleontological Union,Prague,Abstracts. 16- 16 details
1968 Meon-Vilian,H. Meon-Vilian,H. (1968) Palynologic analysis in the Mio-Pliocene at Ambereux d'Azergues (Rhone). International Paleontological Union,Prague,Abstracts. 17- 17 details
1968 Benda,L. et al. Benda,L. et al. (1968) Cenozoic sediments in tectonic Traps and Subrosion Depressions in Southern Niedersachsen. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft,(Hannover). 713- 726 details
1968 Dжring,H. Dжring,H. (1968) Trilete spores from the Malm of West Mecklenburg and the Island of Rugen. Geologie. 1226- 1245 details
1968 Brenner,G.J. Brenner,G.J. (1968) Palynological analysis of selected samples taken from wells contained in the correlation cross-section of southern Maryland. (In: Geophysical Log Cross Section Network of Cretaceous Sediments of South Maryland. H.J.Hansen, editor) Maryland Geological Survey,Report of Investigations. 29- 31 details
1968 Playford,G. et al. Playford,G. et al. (1968) Spores from a Carboniferous section in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia. 103- 119 details
1968 Satsangi,P.P. et al. Satsangi,P.P. et al. (1968) Sporological analysis of the Panchet series and its bearing on the Permian-Triassic transition Current Science. 116- 117 details
1968 Bolotnikova,M.D. Bolotnikova,M.D. (1968) Pterocarya pollen from the Tertiary of the Far East Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 120- 128 details
1968 Krutzsch,W. Krutzsch,W. (1968) Brosipollis and Labrapollis, two new genera of pollen grains from the Tertiary of Central Europe Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 61- 70 details
1968 Siegel,S.M. et al. Siegel,S.M. et al. (1968) A living organism morphologically comparable to the Pre-Cambrian genus Kakabekia. American Journal of Botany. 684- 687 details
1968 Cookson,I.C. et al. Cookson,I.C. et al. (1968) Microplankton from two samples from Gingin Brook No.4 borehole, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. 110- 122 details
1968 Golbert,A.V. et al. Golbert,A.V. et al. (1968) Paleolandscapes of West Siberia in Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Paleogene. Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. (Moscow). 5- 150 details
1968 Sandberg,C.A. Sandberg,C.A. (1968) Spirorbal Limestone in the Souris River (?) Formation of Late Devonian age at Cottonwood Canyon, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper. 14- 16 details
1968 Visscher,H. Visscher,H. (1968) On the Thuringian age of the Upper Paleozoic sedimentary and Volcanic deposits of the Esterel (Southern France) Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 71- 83 details
1968 Phillips,T.L. et al. Phillips,T.L. et al. (1968) Biscalitheca (Coenopteridales) from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Illinois Palaeontology. 104- 115 details
1968 Baranov,V.I. et al. Baranov,V.I. et al. (1968) A palynologic description of the Pliocene around Kazan. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1449- 1451 details
1968 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1968) Ephedralean pollen from the Upper Cretaceous Edmonton Formation of Alberta, (Canada), and their paleoecological significance. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 211- 221 details
1968 Navale,G.K.B. et al. Navale,G.K.B. et al. (1968) Palynological correlation of Coal Seams, their nature and formation in Rampur Coalfield, Lower Gondwana (India) Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 155- 169 details
1968 Kemp,E.M. Kemp,E.M. (1968) Probable angiosperm pollen from British Barremian to Albian strata Palaeontology. 421- 434 details
1968 Batanova,G.P. et al. Batanova,G.P. et al. (1968) The Eifelian of the Volgograd Oblast. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1452- 1454 details
1968 Shaffer,B.L. Shaffer,B.L. (1968) Palynology and geology of newly discovered Jurassic sediments in the Michegan Basin. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program,For 1967,Special Paper 115. 376- 377 details