Year First author Citations link
1968 Cicic,S. Cicic,S. (1968) Results of palynological research of Eocene sediments between the Sapna and Rozanj (East Majevica Mts.). Geoloshki Glasnik (Bulletin Geologique) Sarajevo. 113- 124 details
1968 Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. (1968) Palynological study of various Sparnacian Beds in the Paris Basin M©moires de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France (Nouvelle s©rie). 1- 144 details
1968 Gamerro,J.C. Gamerro,J.C. (1968) Orbicules and cutinized tapetal membranes in four conifers from the Lower Cretaceous of Santa Cruz, Argentina. Ameghiniana. 271- 278 details
1968 Men©ndez,C.A. Men©ndez,C.A. (1968) Palynological record of Pre-Tertiary floras of Argentina. Revista del Museo Argentino de CiЄncias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigaciгn de las Ciencias Naturales, Hidrobiolog­a. 231- 242 details
1968 Oberlies,F. et al. Oberlies,F. et al. (1968) Biogeochemical and electronmicroscopic studies of Precambrian rock formations. Die Naturwissenschaften (Berlin). 25- 28 details
1968 Wilson,L.R. Wilson,L.R. (1968) Palynological stratigraphy and succession of Oklahoma Pennsylvanian Coal Seams. AAPG, Bulletin. 555- 555 details
1968 Boekel,N.M.Van Boekel,N.M.Van (1968) Devonian microfossils of the Rio Tapajos, Para.1.Ta Tasmanaceae. Notas Preliminares e Estudos - Divisao de Geologia e Mineralogia, Departamento Nacional da Produao Mineral. 3- 15 details
1968 Cramer,F.H. Cramer,F.H. (1968) Paleographic considerations with regard to a microplanctonic association of the Gothlandian series of Birmingham, (Alabma, USA) Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France, 7e s©rie. 126- 131 details
1968 Kedves,M. et al. Kedves,M. et al. (1968) Reconstruction relying on results of palynology of a plant assembly forming an Upper Tertiary Angolan Brown-Coal Layer (Preliminry report). Botanica Kozlem. 187- 189 details
1968 Sittler,C. Sittler,C. (1968) Pollen analysis in eastern France. Study of Eocene formations or those referred to the Eocene, and the palynological stratotype of Borken and Messel. M©moires du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (BRGM). 165- 171 details
1968 KalibovЎ-KaiserovЎ,M. KalibovЎ-KaiserovЎ,M. (1968) Palynologic investigation of the Carboniferous in Bore-Hole Br-1 in Brnany near Terezin. Zpravy o Geologickych Vyzkumech v Roce. 101- 102 details
1968 Luta,S. Luta,S. (1968) Mesozoic sporo-pollen association in the drillings at Sirinia (Banat). Studii si Cercetari de Geologie, Geofizica, Geografie. Seria Geologie. 257- 265 details
1968 Powers,R.W. Powers,R.W. (1968) Asia, Saudi Arabia. Union Internationale Dis Sciences Geologique. 1- 152 details
1968 Men©ndez,C.A. Men©ndez,C.A. (1968) Palynological study of the Middle Jurassic from Picun Leufu, Neuqu©n. Ameghiniana. 379- 405 details
1968 Alpern,B. et al. Alpern,B. et al. (1968) Test of the stratigraphical possibilities of geochemistry in the Lorraine Coal Basin. Annales de la Soci©t© G©ologique du Nord. 185- 202 details
1968 Kotova,I.Z. Kotova,I.Z. (1968) Cretaceous spores of the Hilates Group. Mesozoic Plants.Transactions, Academy Nauk SSSR, Geological Institute. 17- 30 details
1968 Krutzsch,W. Krutzsch,W. (1968) On a few more stratigraphically or botanically important new pollen forms from the Middle European, Early Tertiary. Monatsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wisssenschaften,(Berlin). 791- 803 details
1968 Drew,C.M. et al. Drew,C.M. et al. (1968) Aquilapollenites Geological Society of America Bulletin. 1829- 1832 details
1968 Oltz,D.F. et al. Oltz,D.F. et al. (1968) The palynology of Seven Blackfoot Coulee and five other Cretaceous-Tertiary sections in east-central Montana. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, 81st Annual Meeting. 225- 225 details
1968 Navale,G.K.B. Navale,G.K.B. (1968) Microfossil analysis of Neyveli Lignite by polished surface technique. The Palaeobotanist. 141- 144 details
1968 Gгrecka,T. Gгrecka,T. (1968) Namurian-Westphalian boundary in the North-Western part of the Intra-Sudetic Trough. Kwartalnik Geologiczny (Instytut Geologiczy). 51- 64 details
1968 Jux,U. Jux,U. (1968) On the fine structure of the walls of Tasmanites Newton. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 112- 124 details
1968 Krutzsch,W. Krutzsch,W. (1968) Critical study of dispersed pollen of Oenotheraceae (Onagraceae), particularly in the Tertiary of Middle Europe. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. Palaobotanik. 635- 793 details
1968 Jux,U. Jux,U. (1968) On the fine structure of the walls of Cordosphaeridium inodes. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 48- 54 details
1968 Jung,W.W. Jung,W.W. (1968) Hirmirella munsteri (Schenk) Jung, nov.comb., an important Mesozoic Conifer. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 55- 93 details
1968 Dorofeev,P.I. Dorofeev,P.I. (1968) Oligocene flora of Transuralia. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 248- 255 details
1968 Lesage,M.T. Lesage,M.T. (1968) Palynological study of the Infra-Liassic on the Morvan Margin and comparison with other boundaries of the Central Massive Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France, 7e s©rie. 287- 292 details
1968 Riegel,W. Riegel,W. (1968) The Middle Devonian flora of Lindlar (Rheinland) 2 -Sporae dispersae Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 76- 96 details
1968 Deflandre,G. Deflandre,G. (1968) On the existence, since the Precambrian, of acritarchs of the type Acanthomorphitae. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 2385- 2389 details
1968 Townrow,J.A. Townrow,J.A. (1968) A fossil Selaginella from the Permian of New South Wales. Journal of the Linnean Society of London,(Botany). 13- 23 details
1968 Chaloner,W.G. Chaloner,W.G. (1968) The cone of Cyclostigma kiltorkense, Haughton, from the Upper Devonian of Ireland. Journal of the Linnean Society of London,(Botany). 25- 36 details
1968 Ziembinska-Tworzydlo,M. Ziembinska-Tworzydlo,M. (1968) A palyno-stratigraphic study of Tertiary Brown Coal deposits in the vicinity of Zloczew. Biuletyn - Instytutu Geologiczny. 95- 111 details
1968 Brzozowska,M. Brzozowska,M. (1968) Megaspore study. (In: The Results of Borek Szlachecki Bore-Hole. S.Alexandrowicz et al, editor). Biuletyn - Instytutu Geologiczny. 55- 60 details
1968 Fomina,L.S. Fomina,L.S. (1968) Spore assemblages of terrigene Devonian in northern areas of the Volga-Urals Region. (In: Paleopalynoligical Method Applied in Stratigraphy. S.R.Samoilovich, editor) International Palynological Conference,2nd,Contributions.Netherlands,VSEGEI. 5- 10 details
1968 Rzhanikova,L.N. Rzhanikova,L.N. (1968) Palynological description of Paleogene and Neogene deposits in the Zaisan Basin Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni,Geologicheskii Instityt, Akademiya Nauk Kirghizian SSR. 1- 224 details
1968 Sergeeva,L.A. Sergeeva,L.A. (1968) Spore-pollen complexes of Devonian deposits of the North West Part of the Dnieper-Donetzs Basin. Trudy Ministerstvo Geologii SSR,VNIGNI,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 109- 111 details
1968 Nakoman,E. Nakoman,E. (1968) Study of the microflora of the Lignites of Agach (Istanbul, Turkey). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Turkey,(Turkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bulteni). 51- 67 details
1968 Andrews,H.N. et al. Andrews,H.N. et al. (1968) Rhacophyton from the Upper Devonian of West Virginia. Journal of the Linnean Society of London,(Botany). 37- 64 details
1968 Martin,A.R.H. Martin,A.R.H. (1968) Aquilapollenites in the Britsh Isles. Palaeontology. 549- 553 details
1968 Jachowicz,A. Jachowicz,A. (1968) Megaspore studies. (In: The Results of Borek Szlachecki Bore-Hole. S.Alexandrowicz et al, editor). Biuletyn - Instytutu Geologiczny. 60- 63 details
1968 Alvin,K.L. Alvin,K.L. (1968) The spore-bearing organs of the Cretaceous fern Weichselia Stiehler. Journal of the Linnean Society of London,(Botany). 87- 92 details
1968 Reymanowna,M. Reymanowna,M. (1968) On seeds containing Eucommiidites troedssonii pollen from the Jurassic of Grojec, Poland. Journal of the Linnean Society of London,(Botany). 147- 152 details
1968 Nagy,E. Nagy,E. (1968) Moss spores in Hungarian Neogene strata. Acta Botanica, Acad©miae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 113- 132 details
1968 Archangelsky,S. Archangelsky,S. (1968) On the genus Tomaxellia (Coniferae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Patagonia (Argentina) and its male and Female Cones. Journal of the Linnean Society of London,(Botany). 153- 165 details
1968 Kotova,I.Z. Kotova,I.Z. (1968) On the age of coal bearing deposits in the eastern Transbaikalia, (Bukachacha Depression). Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya. 95- 95 details
1968 Barnard,P.D.W. Barnard,P.D.W. (1968) A new species of Masculostrobus, Seward, producing Classopollis pollen from the Jurassic of Iran. Journal of the Linnean Society of London,(Botany). 167- 176 details
1968 Zoldani,Z. Zoldani,Z. (1968) Megaspore studies. (In: Results of Golong Borehole. Y.Bojkowski et al, editors) Biuletyn - Instytutu Geologiczny. 101- 103 details
1968 Lorch,J. Lorch,J. (1968) Some Jurassic Conifers from Israel. Journal of the Linnean Society of London,(Botany). 177- 188 details
1968 Eisenack,A. Eisenack,A. (1968) Microfossils of a secondary deposit from the Borkholm Stage, Baltic Ordovician, F2. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg. 81- 94 details
1968 Jachowicz,A. Jachowicz,A. (1968) Megaspore studies. (In: Results of Golong Borehole. Y.Bojkowski et al, editors) Biuletyn - Instytutu Geologiczny. 103- 106 details
1968 Zoldani,Z. Zoldani,Z. (1968) Megaspore studies. (In: The results of Kozlowa Gora borehole. A.Jachowicz et al, editors). Biuletyn - Instytutu Geologiczny. 125- 126 details
1968 Schopf,J.M. Schopf,J.M. (1968) Studies in Antarctic paleobotany Antarctic Journal of the United States. 176- 177 details
1968 Jachowicz,A. Jachowicz,A. (1968) Megaspore studies. (In: The results of Kozlowa Gora borehole. A.Jachowicz et al, editors). Biuletyn - Instytutu Geologiczny. 126- 128 details
1968 Shugaevskaya,O.V. Shugaevskaya,O.V. (1968) Pollen of angiosperms in Lower Cretaceous Continental sediments of the Southern Far East. Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. (Novosibirsk). 31- 39 details
1968 Engel,A.E.J. et al. Engel,A.E.J. et al. (1968) Alga-like forms in Onverwacht Series, South Africa Science. 1005- 1008 details
1968 Kempf,E.K. Kempf,E.K. (1968) Water ferns in the Tertiary of the Rhine Valley Brown Coal and their stratigraphic value. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft,(Hannover). details
1968 Pflug,H.D. Pflug,H.D. (1968) Rock-forming organisms from the Molar Tooth Limestone of the Belt Series, (Precambrian). Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 134- 141 details
1968 Downie,C. et al. Downie,C. et al. (1968) Micropalaeontological evidence on the age of the Clara Group, (southeast Ireland). Geological Magazine. 401- 401 details
1968 Chaloner,W.G. Chaloner,W.G. (1968) British Pre-Quaternary palynology, a historical review. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 21- 40 details
1968 Poumot,C. Poumot,C. (1968) Amphorachitina, Ollachitina, Velatachitina; Three new genera of chitinozoan of the eastern Erg. (Algeria-Tunisia) Soci©t© nationale des p©troles d'Aquitaine, Centre de recherches de Pau, Bulletin. 45- 55 details