Year First author Citations link
1965 Papulov,G.N. Papulov,G.N. (1965) Upper Jurassic Continental deposits of the eastern Slope of the Urals Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya. 96- 106 details
1965 Hart,G.F. Hart,G.F. (1965) The systematics and distribution of Permian miospores. Witwatersrand University Press (Johannesburg). 1- 252 details
1965 Hemer,D.O. Hemer,D.O. (1965) Application of palynology in Saudia Arabia. Arab Petroleum Congress,5th,March 16-23,Cairo. 1- 28 details
1965 Schneider,W. Schneider,W. (1965) On the facies development in the "Upper Member of the Lausitzer Unterfloez" in Tagebau Spreetal. Freiberger Forschungshefte,Geologie. 203- 224 details
1965 Elsik,W.C. Elsik,W.C. (1965) Palynology of the Lower Eocene Rockdale Formation, Wilcox Group, Milam and Robertson Counties, Texas. PhD Thesis, Texas A&M University. 311- 311 details
1965 Minato,M. et al. Minato,M. et al. (1965) The geologic development of the Japanese Islands The Geologic Development of the Japanese Islands Tsukiji Shokan Co.,Ltd.,Tokyo,Japan. 1- 442 details
1965 De Coninck,J. De Coninck,J. (1965) Planktonic microfossils from Ypresian Sand at Merelbeke. Dinophyceae and acritarcha. M©moires de l'Acad©mie Royale des Sciences, des lettres et des beaux artes de Belgique, Classe des sciences. 6- 54 details
1965 Brattseva,G.M. Brattseva,G.M. (1965) Pollen and spores in Maestrichtian deposits of the Far East. Trudy Geologichesk Institut,Akademiya Nauk SSR,Moskva. 5- 42 details
1965 Dombrowski,H.J. Dombrowski,H.J. (1965) Palaeontological study of mineral Waters Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Bader-U.Klimaheilk. 169- 177 details
1965 Saad,S.I. Saad,S.I. (1965) Pollen and spores recently discovered in the Coals of the Sinai Region. 2.Um Bogma District. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 139- 149 details
1965 Klaus,W. Klaus,W. (1965) Stratigraphic dating of Alpine Salt Clays with the help of spores. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft,(Hannover). 544- 548 details
1965 Kreydendov,G.P. et al. Kreydendov,G.P. et al. (1965) Synchrony of the Alpine tectonic phase in Darvaza and Southern Tyan'-Shan'. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1374- 1377 details
1965 Kedves,M. Kedves,M. (1965) Contributions to the palynologic knowledge of the Hungarian Eocene. Acta Botanica Hungarica. 325- 360 details
1965 Newman,K.R. Newman,K.R. (1965) Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene guide palynomorphs from Northwestern Colorado. University of Colorado Studies,Series in Earth Sciences (Boulder).. 1- 21 details
1965 Taugourdeau,P. Taugourdeau,P. (1965) Three small associations of chitinozoans from the Frasnian of Boulonnais Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 64- 70 details
1965 Downie,C. et al. Downie,C. et al. (1965) Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs. Geological Society of America, Memoir. 1- 180 details
1965 Norris,G. Norris,G. (1965) Archeopyle structures in Upper Jurassic dinoflagellates from Southern England. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 792- 806 details
1965 Ilyina,V.I. Ilyina,V.I. (1965) Age of Jurassic deposits on the Left Bank of the River Tom Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Izdatelstvo, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. "Nauka". 89- 96 details
1965 Gupta,S. Gupta,S. (1965) Palynology of Grassy Creek and Saverton Shales of Missouri. PhD Thesis. 1- 275 details
1965 Behr,H.J. et al. Behr,H.J. et al. (1965) A Palaeontological Proof for the age of the Crystalline in Erzgebirge-Chitinozoans in the Phyllite from Hermsdorf-Rehefeld Monatsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wisssenschaften,(Berlin). 408- 415 details
1965 Kedo,G.I. Kedo,G.I. (1965) Colloquium on spores and pollen of the Devonian of the Russian Platform Sovetskaya Geologiya. 157- 159 details
1965 Sittler,C. Sittler,C. (1965) The Paleogene of the Rhine and Rhone drainages. Sedimentary and paleoclimatical studies. Memoires du Service de la Carte Geologique d'Alsace Lorraine. 1- 392 details
1965 Kosanke,R.M. Kosanke,R.M. (1965) Plant microfossils of the Hazard No.7 Coal, Perry County, Kentucky. United States Geological Survey, Open-File Report. 1- 3 details
1965 Shchekina,N.A. Shchekina,N.A. (1965) New facts about the Pontian vegetation of the Southern Ukraine. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 897- 900 details
1965 Playford,G. et al. Playford,G. et al. (1965) Rhaeto-Liassic plant microfossils from the Leigh Creek Coal Measures, South Australia. Senckenbergiana Lethaea. 127- 181 details
1965 Kerr,J.W. et al. Kerr,J.W. et al. (1965) An unconformity between Middle and Upper Devonian rocks of Bathurst Island, with comments on Upper Devonian faunas and Microforas of the Parry Islands. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. 409- 431 details
1965 GгczЎn,F. GгczЎn,F. (1965) Outlines of the Upper Cretaceous floral evolution in the Bakon Mts. A Magyar Allami Fжldtani Int©zet ‰vi Jelent©se, ‰vrжl. 85- 93 details
1965 Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Venkatachala,B.S. et al. (1965) Two new trilete spore genera from the Permian of India. The Palaeobotanist. 337- 340 details
1965 Zhang,L.C. Zhang,L.C. (1965) Pollen assemblages and their significance in the Yima Coal-bearing series from Yinchi Hsien, Honan Province. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (Gushengwu Xuebao). 160- 196 details
1965 Goubin,N. Goubin,N. (1965) Description and distribution of principal Permian, Triassic, and Jurassic pollenites of the Bore-Holes of the Morodava Basin (Madagascar) Revue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole et Annales des Combustibles Liquides. 1415- 1461 details
1965 Doubinger,J. et al. Doubinger,J. et al. (1965) Stratigraphic Divisions of the Carmaux (Tarn) Coalfield. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 3435- 3438 details
1965 Hyden,H.J. et al. Hyden,H.J. et al. (1965) The Foote Creek and Dutton Creek Formation, two new formations in the north part of the Laramie Basin, Wyoming. United States Geological Survey, Bulletin. 1- 12 details
1965 Goubin,N. et al. Goubin,N. et al. (1965) Taxonomic considerations on two species of Mesozoic pollen Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 225- 227 details
1965 Zhang,C.B. Zhang,C.B. (1965) On spore assemblages from the Mulin Formation, Tszisi District, Keiluntszyana Province and its stratigraphic significance. Memoirs of the Institute of Geology and Palaeontology.Academia Sinica. 163- 198 details
1965 Hacquebard,P.A. et al. Hacquebard,P.A. et al. (1965) A depositional study of the Harbour Seam, Sydney Coalfield, Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper. 1- 31 details
1965 Chandra,A. et al. Chandra,A. et al. (1965) Microflora from the Dicroidium-Bearing Beds of Sidhi District, Madhya Pradesh. Current Science. 459- 460 details
1965 Kelley,D.G. et al. Kelley,D.G. et al. (1965) Basal Mississippian volcanic rocks in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper. 1- 10 details
1965 Tschudy,R.H. Tschudy,R.H. (1965) An Upper Cretaceous deposit in the Appalachian Mountains. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper. B64- B68 details
1965 Bond,T.A. Bond,T.A. (1965) Recycled Hystrichosphaerids in Pleistocene sediments in Central Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geology Notes. 126- 130 details
1965 Fuji,N. Fuji,N. (1965) Palynological studies on the Late Tertiary and Quaternary systems in Hokuriku District, Central Japan. Quaternary Research (Daiyonki Kenkyu). 183- 190 details
1965 Zagoruiko,V.A. et al. Zagoruiko,V.A. et al. (1965) Stratigraphy and spore pollen complexes of Upper Cretaceous deposits of Kyzlkum Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskii. 67- 74 details
1965 Rozen,B. Rozen,B. (1965) Contribution to the study of Hystrichospheres and dinoflagellates of the Belgian Bartonian. Bulletin de la Soci©t© Belge de G©ologie, de Pal©ontologie et d'Hydrologie. 287- 318 details
1965 Portnyagina,L.A. Portnyagina,L.A. (1965) Spore and pollen assemblages of Upper Cretaceous deposits of the southeast part of the eastern Carpathians. Lvovskaya State University Herald, Geological Series. 22- 24 details
1965 KalibovЎ-KaiserovЎ,M. KalibovЎ-KaiserovЎ,M. (1965) Palynological studies of Carboniferous studies in borehole Mj-1 by Zdetina, Bentatic near Jizerou. Zpravy o Geologickych Vyzkumech v Roce. 152- 154 details
1965 Kondratev,G.K. et al. Kondratev,G.K. et al. (1965) Spore-pollen spectra from Middle Jurassic Beds of Zyryanovsk Basin Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Izdatelstvo, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. "Nauka". 157- 159 details
1965 Diniz,F. Diniz,F. (1965) Preliminary note on the pollen flora of the Beds of Espadanal at Rio Maior (Portugal). Pollen et Spores. 373- 380 details
1965 Grishchenko,M.N. et al. Grishchenko,M.N. et al. (1965) Miocene flora in the Yergeni Formation of Oka-Don Plain. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1365- 1367 details
1965 Dolly,E.D. Dolly,E.D. (1965) Palynology of the Bevier Coal (Pennsylvanian ) of Oklahoma. MSc Thesis, University of Oklahoma. 1- 114 details
1965 Sikstel,T.A. et al. Sikstel,T.A. et al. (1965) Fossil fern Gonatosorus notabilis, n.sp., and its spores. The Soviet Paleontological Society Yearbook (Leningrad), 1957-1964. 228- 233 details
1965 Iliescu,V. et al. Iliescu,V. et al. (1965) Contributions to the knowledge of the Micro floristic content of the Crystalline Schists complex in the eastern Carpathian Dari de Seama ale Sedintelor. 13- 18 details
1965 Malakhov,A.A. et al. Malakhov,A.A. et al. (1965) New information on the age of the Sakmara and Ulu-Tau South Urals Suites Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 183- 186 details
1965 Kuznetsova,T.A. Kuznetsova,T.A. (1965) Description of the Upper Pliocene flora of the Transvolga Mary Region (Mariyi Region) Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 425- 427 details
1965 DeЎk,M.H. DeЎk,M.H. (1965) Palynological research on the Aptian deposits of the Central Mountain of Transdanube Geologica Hungarica,Series Palaeontologica. 9- 103 details
1965 Norton,N.J. Norton,N.J. (1965) Palynology of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary strata at the type locality of the Hell Creek Formation. American Journal of Botany. 639- 639 details
1965 Hacquebard,P.A. et al. Hacquebard,P.A. et al. (1965) Carboniferous coal deposition associated with flood-plain and limnic environments in Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper,Report of Activities. 70- 70 details
1965 Grekov,I.I. et al. Grekov,I.I. et al. (1965) More facts about the age of the Amanchat Suite, (Northern Caucasus). Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1443- 1445 details
1965 Hills,L.V. et al. Hills,L.V. et al. (1965) Azolla geneseana, n.sp., and revision of Azolla primaeva. Micropaleontology. 255- 261 details
1965 Dubeykovskiy,S.G. et al. Dubeykovskiy,S.G. et al. (1965) Lower Jurassic sediments in the Upper Kama Basin Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1446- 1447 details
1965 Sullivan,H.J. Sullivan,H.J. (1965) Palynological evidence concerning the regional differentiation of Upper Mississippian floras Pollen et Spores. 539- 563 details
1965 Gгrka,H. Gгrka,H. (1965) Microfossils from the Upper Jurassic of Magnuszew (Poland). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 291- 327 details