Year First author Citations link
1963 Tarasova,L.O. Tarasova,L.O. (1963) Spore-pollen assemblage from Cretaceous Deposits of the Farab District, (Eastern Turkmenia). (In: Spore-pollen Complexes and Stratigraphy of the Upper Proterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic of the Volga-Uragarea and Central Asia. A.B.Filimonova and A.D.Archangelskaya, editors) Trudy Vsesoyunogo Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo Geologorazvedochnogo Neftyanogo Instituta (VNIGNI). 104- 109 details
1963 Artuz,S. Artuz,S. (1963) Amasra-Tarlaagzi Coal Region Kalin and Ara Layers, (Westphalian C), microspore investigation and correlation tests. Istanbul University,Faculty of Sciences Monograph. 70- 70 details
1963 Chaloner,W.G. Chaloner,W.G. (1963) Early Devonian spores from a borehole in Southern England. Grana Palynologica. 100- 110 details
1963 Kopytova,E.A. Kopytova,E.A. (1963) Spores of the fern Todites szeiana (Pan)Brick, from deposits of the Kurailian Suite of the Upper Triassic of Western Kazakhstan). (In: Spore-pollen Complexes and Stratigraphy of the Upper Proterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic of the Volga-Uragarea and Central Asia. A.B.Filimonova and A.D.Archangelskaya, editors) Trudy Vsesoyunogo Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo Geologorazvedochnogo Neftyanogo Instituta (VNIGNI). 59- 61 details
1963 Pant,D.D. et al. Pant,D.D. et al. (1963) On the occurrence of Glossopterid spores in the Bacchus Marsh Tillite, Victoria Australia. Grana Palynologica. 111- 120 details
1963 Efremova,G.D. Efremova,G.D. (1963) Results of palynological study of Permian deposits of Permian Prikamia). (In: Spore-pollen Complexes and Stratigraphy of the Upper Proterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic of the Volga-Uragarea and Central Asia. A.B.Filimonova and A.D.Archangelskaya, editors) Trudy Vsesoyunogo Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo Geologorazvedochnogo Neftyanogo Instituta (VNIGNI). 73- 75 details
1963 Krutzsch,W. Krutzsch,W. (1963) On the regional and stratigraphic distribution of Aglaoreidia cyclops, Erdtman,1960. Grana Palynologica. 121- 129 details
1963 Belsky,C.Y. et al. Belsky,C.Y. et al. (1963) Sporomorphs of uncertain taxonomic position from the Upper Cretaceous of Gabon. Grana Palynologica. 262- 270 details
1963 Cropp,F.W. Cropp,F.W. (1963) Pennsylvanian spore succession in Tennessee Journal of Paleontology. 900- 916 details
1963 DeЎk,M.H. DeЎk,M.H. (1963) The presence in Hungary of the genus Welwitschiapites Bolchovitina ex Potonie. Grana Palynologica. 405- 409 details
1963 Pavlov,V.V. Pavlov,V.V. (1963) The application of the complex method in Paleobotanic characterization of Upper Mesozoic deposits of some areas of the Lensk Basin. (In: collected Papers on Palaeontology and biostratigraphy) Trudy Ministerstvo Geologii i Okhrany Nedr SSSR,Akademiya Nauk SSSR,VNIGNI,Trudy. 68- 78 details
1963 Barss,M.S. et al. Barss,M.S. et al. (1963) Palynology and stratigraphy of some Upper Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks of the Maritime Provinces Geological Survey of Canada, Paper. 1- 13 details
1963 Durand,S. et al. Durand,S. et al. (1963) A new bed of Cenomanian Black Clay in Mountain Marshes, (Vendee), and its paleogeographic significance. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 1492- 1494 details
1963 Brelie,G.Von Der Brelie,G.Von Der (1963) Proof of marine influence with flagellates, hystrichospheres and pollen. Fortschritte in der Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen. 107- 120 details
1963 Ramanujam,C.G.K. et al. Ramanujam,C.G.K. et al. (1963) Sporae dispersae of the rust fungi (Uredinales) from the Miocene lignite of South India. Current Science. 271- 272 details
1963 Mathews,W.H. et al. Mathews,W.H. et al. (1963) Late Tertiary Volcanic rocks and plant-bearing deposits in British Columbia. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 55- 60 details
1963 Kremp,G.O.W. et al. Kremp,G.O.W. et al. (1963) Palynological contribution on the origin of the Marsileaceae. Arizona Academy of Science. 7- 8 details
1963 Reymanowna,M. Reymanowna,M. (1963) The Jurassic flora from Grojec near Cracow in Poland. Part 1 Acta Palaeobotanica. 9- 48 details
1963 Martinez-Macchiavello,J.C. Martinez-Macchiavello,J.C. (1963) Microsporomorph types contained in the Glacial Base of the Gondwana system of Uruguay Boletim du Universidade do Parana,Geologia,Conselho de Pesquisas. 1- 14 details
1963 Pi©rart,P. Pi©rart,P. (1963) Synopsis of megaspores of the Belgian Westphalian Bulletin de la Soci©t© Royale de Botanique de Belgique. 231- 252 details
1963 Vronskiy,V.A. Vronskiy,V.A. (1963) Results of the palynological analysis of Quaternary and Upper Pliocene deposits near the village of Zel'ma, Astrakhask District. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 934- 936 details
1963 PacltovЎ,B. PacltovЎ,B. (1963) Palynologic research in the Chattian-Aquitainian Layers in the Brown Coal Basin Modry Kamen. Geologicke Prace,Spravy. 121- 123 details
1963 Shepeleva,E.D. Shepeleva,E.D. (1963) Spores from the Lower Devonian Beds of the Podol Ian Dniester River area. (In: Material on regional stratigraphy of the USSR) Moskva.Gos.Nauchno-Tekhn.Izd-Vo Lit-Ry po Geol. Io Krana Nehr.SSSR.. 98- 101 details
1963 Zaklinskaya,E.D. Zaklinskaya,E.D. (1963) Angiosperm pollen and their significance for the stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene Trudy Geologichesk Institut,Akademiya Nauk SSR,Moskva. 3- 256 details
1963 Faddeeva,I.Z. Faddeeva,I.Z. (1963) Palynological characteristics of Lower Mesozoic Coal deposits of Kazakhstan. (In: History of Lower Mesozoic Coal accumulation in Kazakhstan. Part 3) Trudy Laboratoriya Geologii Uglya,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 143- 185 details
1963 Baltes,N. Baltes,N. (1963) Cretaceous dinoflagellates and Hystrichospheres of the Moesian Platform Petrol si Gaze. 581- 589 details
1963 Balme,B.E. Balme,B.E. (1963) Plant microfossils from the Lower Triassic of Western Australia. Palaeontology. 12- 40 details
1963 Odintsova,M.M. Odintsova,M.M. (1963) Palynological complexes of the Lower Jurassic diamond-carrying layers of the Central Peat of the Siberian Platform and analysis of reconstruction of landscape pecularities at the time of their accumulation Conference of the National Paleontological Society,9th.Leningrad, 1963. 44- 49 details
1963 Alpern,B. et al. Alpern,B. et al. (1963) Palynological study of the Carboniferous of Saint-Etienne. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 4057- 4059 details
1963 Tokunaga,S. Tokunaga,S. (1963) Introduction to palynology-A guide Book of pollen analysis. Earth Science Series,Jitsugyo-Kohosha,(Tokyo). 1- 128 details
1963 Cramer,F.H. Cramer,F.H. (1963) A provisional note on the occurrence of microplankton and sporomorphs in the sedimentary rocks of the Lower Devonia in the Cantabrian Mountains Estudios Geolгgicos. 215- 218 details
1963 Budanov,G.D. et al. Budanov,G.D. et al. (1963) Triassic Vetluga series of the Mezen' Basin Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 33- 35 details
1963 Kondratev,G.K. Kondratev,G.K. (1963) The first finds of angiospermae type pollen in Upper Paleozoic Beds of the Tunguska Basin Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Izdatelstvo, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. "Nauka". 63- 73 details
1963 Sato,S. Sato,S. (1963) Palynological study on Miocene sediments of Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Science Hokkaido University,Series IV,Geology and Mineralogy. 1- 10 details
1963 Evitt,W.R. Evitt,W.R. (1963) A discussion and proposals concerning fossil dinoflagellates, Hystrichospheres, and acritarchs. II. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. 298- 302 details
1963 Klement,K.W. Klement,K.W. (1963) Occurrence of Dictyocha (Silicoflagellates) in the Upper Cretaceous of Wyoming and Colorado. Journal of Paleontology. 268- 270 details
1963 Danze-Corsin,P. et al. Danze-Corsin,P. et al. (1963) Microflora. (In: The Lower Lias flora of Boulonnais. (macro and micro flora.) Annales de la Soci©t© G©ologique du Nord. Memoires. 57- 135 details
1963 Nagy,E. Nagy,E. (1963) New spores and pollen from a pit of the Wind-Brick Works in Eger, (Hungary). Pollen et Spores. 397- 412 details
1963 Filipescu,M.G. et al. Filipescu,M.G. et al. (1963) The stratigraphic characteristics of the Cornu Beds in the Subcarpathians. 6th Congres de L. 313- 327 details
1963 Sarjeant,W.A.S. Sarjeant,W.A.S. (1963) Fossil dinoflagellates from the Upper Triassic sediments. Nature. 353- 354 details
1963 Nagy,E. Nagy,E. (1963) New spores of the Neogene Beds of Hungary. Pollen et Spores. 143- 148 details
1963 Abbott,M.L. Abbott,M.L. (1963) Lycopod fructifications from the Upper Freeport (No.7) Coal in southeastern Ohio. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 93- 118 details
1963 Nagy,E. Nagy,E. (1963) Occurrence of the genus Ephedripites in the Neogene of Hungary. Grana Palynologica. 277- 280 details
1963 Nagy,E. Nagy,E. (1963) Some new spore and pollen species from the Neogene of the Mecsek Mountain. Acta Botanica, Acad©miae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 387- 404 details
1963 Tokay,M. Tokay,M. (1963) Amasra Bжlgesinin jeolojisi ve Karboniferde gravite yoluyla Bazi Kayma Olaylari. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey,(Maden Tektik ve Arama Institut,Mecmuasi,Bulletin). 1- 20 details
1963 Dilcher,D.L. Dilcher,D.L. (1963) Eocene Epiphyllous fungi. Science. 667- 669 details
1963 Clarke,R.T. Clarke,R.T. (1963) Palynology of Vermejo Formation Coals, (Upper Cretaceous) in the Canon City Coal Field, Fremont County, Colorado PhD Thesis, University of Oklahoma. 1- 162 details
1963 Iwaschow,P.W. Iwaschow,P.W. (1963) Continental Beds of the Middle Jura (Dogger) of the Syneclise of Glasow on the Russian Platform. Geologie. 917- 919 details
1963 Adamczak,E. Adamczak,E. (1963) Gloeocapsomorpha prisca Zalessky (Cyanophyceae) from Ordovician Erratic Boulders in Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 465- 474 details
1963 Takeoka,M. et al. Takeoka,M. et al. (1963) On the finestructure of some Jurassic pollen grains and spores Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift. 396- 401 details
1963 Bachmann,A. et al. Bachmann,A. et al. (1963) Micropalaeontological studies in the "Badener Tegel" of Frattingsdorf, Lower Austria. Mitteilungen der –sterreichische Geologischen Gesellschaft. 117- 210 details
1963 Deflandre,G. Deflandre,G. (1963) The present conditions of our knowledge on the representation of some Triassic microfossil Groups. Protistes, other than Foraminifera M©moires du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (BRGM). 541- 542 details
1963 Simoncsics,P. Simoncsics,P. (1963) Palynological investigation of a Neogene Drill core from Damak (northeastern Hungary). Grana Palynologica. 410- 423 details
1963 Oyen,F.H.Van et al. Oyen,F.H.Van et al. (1963) Remarks on chitinozoa Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 13- 18 details
1963 Kedves,M. Kedves,M. (1963) Palynologic stratigraphy of the Eocene deposits of Hungary. Pollen et Spores. 149- 159 details
1963 Schallreuter,R. Schallreuter,R. (1963) New chitinozoans from Redeposited Ordovician sediments and observations on the genus Illichitina. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 391- 405 details
1963 Corna,O. Corna,O. (1963) Spores, pollen and microplankton from the Mesozoic of the Western Carpathians. Geologicky Zbornik(Geoligica Carpathica). 283- 286 details
1963 Pant,D.D. et al. Pant,D.D. et al. (1963) On Walkomiellospermum indicum, sp.nov., seed-like bodies and alete megaspores from Talchir Coalfield, India. Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India. 575- 584 details
1963 PacltovЎ,B. PacltovЎ,B. (1963) Palynological characteristics of the Ledenice Layer, (Upper Pliocene), in the Trebon Basin of Southern Bohemia. Sbornik Geologickych Ved: Paleontologie. 7- 50 details
1963 Delcourt,A.F. et al. Delcourt,A.F. et al. (1963) Revision of some Lower Cretaceous microspores from Belgium. Palaeontology. 282- 292 details