Year First author Citations link
1979 Ouyang,S. Ouyang,S. (1979) Notes on some new miospore genera from Permo-Carboniferous strata of China. International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,Compte Rendu,9th,Urbana, USA ;Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica, Nanjing, China.. 1- 13 details
1979 Datta,A.K. et al. Datta,A.K. et al. (1979) A note on the palaeogeographic significance of occurrence of recycled Lower Gondwana palynoflora in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of Assam-Arakan Province Current Science. 775- 776 details
1979 Steinkraus,W.E. Steinkraus,W.E. (1979) Biostratigraphy. (In: Geological and Operational summary, Cost No.B-3 Well, Baltimore Canyon Trough area, Mid-Atlantic OCS. R.V.Amato and E.K.Simonis, editors) United States Geological Survey, Open-File Report. 21- 31 details
1979 Bertolani-Marchetti,D. et al. Bertolani-Marchetti,D. et al. (1979) Palynology and stratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene sequence of the Stirone River (Northern Itay). Pollen et Spores. 149- 167 details
1979 Mens,K.A. et al. Mens,K.A. et al. (1979) Southern Slope of the Baltic Shield. (In: Stratigraphy of Upper Precambrian and Cambrian deposits on the western part of the East European Platform. B.M.Keller and A.Y.Rozanov, editors) Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni,Geologicheskii Instityt, Akademiya Nauk Kirghizian SSR. 7- 41 details
1979 Ghosh,A.K. Ghosh,A.K. (1979) Growth of palaeobotany in relation to biostratigraphy of India. Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany.(Lucknow).Twentieth Sir Albert Charles Seward Memorial Lecture. 1- 13 details
1979 Seiler,J. Seiler,J. (1979) Paleomicroplankton of the Lower Cretaceous. subsurface of Southwestern Chubut Province, Argentina. Ameghiniana. 183- 190 details
1979 Kotlarczyk,J. Kotlarczyk,J. (1979) Occurrence of Coal in the Carpathian Flysch-Some sedimentological observations Annales de la Societe Geologique de Pologne (Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego). 135- 154 details
1979 Golub,I.N. Golub,I.N. (1979) A new problematic microorganic group from the Vendian deposits Orshanskoi (Russian Platform). Institut Geologii i Geokhronologii Dokembriay Nauchnyi Sovet po Geologii Dokembriya Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Leningrad Nauk Leningradskoe Otdelenie. 147- 155 details
1979 Doyle,J.A. Doyle,J.A. (1979) Palynostratigraphic zonation. (In: New data bearing on the structural significance of the Upper Chesapeake Bay magnetic anomaly. J.Edwards and H.J. Hansen) Maryland Geological Survey,Report of Investigations. 34- 42 details
1979 Profichet,P. Profichet,P. (1979) A note on the morphology of Saharan Paleozoic chitinozoa Annales de Pal©ontologie. 53- 68 details
1979 Wang,D.-N. et al. Wang,D.-N. et al. (1979) New Late Cretaceous pollen genera and species in the Jiang Han Basin of Hubei. Acta Botanica Sinica (Chih Wu Hsueh Pao). 320- 327 details
1979 Windle,T.M.F. Windle,T.M.F. (1979) Reworked Carboniferous spores Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 173- 184 details
1979 Huang,T.-C. Huang,T.-C. (1979) Miocene palynomorphs of Taiwan. (IV.) Gnmnospermous grains. Taiwania. 81- 105 details
1979 Davies,E.H. Davies,E.H. (1979) Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts of the Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada; Taxonomy, biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy. PhD Thesis, University of Toronto. 1- 120 details
1979 Teteryuk,V.K. Teteryuk,V.K. (1979) Spore and pollen complexes of the Moscovian Stage deposits in the Donets Basin Geologicheskii Zhurnal. 112- 120 details
1979 Variukhina,L.M. Variukhina,L.M. (1979) Triassic deposits of Kolguev Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 483- 486 details
1979 Gensel,P.G. Gensel,P.G. (1979) Two Psilophyton species from the Lower Devonian of eastern Canada with a discussion of morphological variation Wihin the genus. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 81- 99 details
1979 Teteryuk,V.K. Teteryuk,V.K. (1979) Spore and pollen complexes from the Bashkirian deposits of the Donets Basin Geologicheskii Zhurnal. 17- 27 details
1979 Wiseman,J.F. Wiseman,J.F. (1979) Neocomian Eustatic changes. Biostratigraphic evidence from the Carnarvon Basin. The APEA Journal. 66- 73 details
1979 Leisman,G.A. et al. Leisman,G.A. et al. (1979) Megasporangiate and microsporangiate cones of Achlamydocarpon varius, from the Middle Pennsylvanian. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 100- 128 details
1979 Pant,D.D. et al. Pant,D.D. et al. (1979) Some further remains of fructifications from the Triassic of Nidpur, India. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 129- 146 details
1979 Wilson,L.R. Wilson,L.R. (1979) Palynological evidence for age assignment of Basal Cherokee, (Pennsylvanian) Strata in Southern Kansas. (In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Evolutionary Botany and Biostratigraphy) Oklahoma Geology Notes. 76- 79 details
1979 Aksenova,G.G. et al. Aksenova,G.G. et al. (1979) Ecological types of associated fauna and flora and rules of their distribution in coal deposits of the Ekibastuz Basin. (In: Environments and life in the geological past, problems of Ecostratigraphy.) Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. (Novosibirsk). 47- 54 details
1979 Ash,S.R. Ash,S.R. (1979) Silliostrobus, gen.nov., a new Lycopsid cone from the Early Triassic of Australia. Alcheringa. 73- 89 details
1979 Semichatova,S.V. et al. Semichatova,S.V. et al. (1979) The Bashkirian Stage as a global stratigraphic unit. (In: The Carboniferous of the USSR. 8th International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology. R.H.Wagner et al, editors) Yorkshire Geological Society Occasional Publication. 99- 116 details
1979 Michaux,J. et al. Michaux,J. et al. (1979) Climatic Inference from the history of the Taxodiaceae during the Pliocene and the Early Pleistocene in Western Eurpe. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 185- 191 details
1979 Richardson,J.B. et al. Richardson,J.B. et al. (1979) Emphanisporites splendens new name for Emphanisporites pseudoerraticus, Richardson and Ioannides,1973, (Preoccupied. Micropaleontology. 111- 111 details
1979 Rauser-Chernousova,D.M. et al. Rauser-Chernousova,D.M. et al. (1979) The Upper Carboniferous series. (In: The Carboniferous of the USSR. 8th International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology. R.H.Wagner et al, editors) Yorkshire Geological Society Occasional Publication. 147- 174 details
1979 Ivanova,T.D. et al. Ivanova,T.D. et al. (1979) To the structure of Lower Paleozoic sediments in the Orenburgskoe Priural'e. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya. 147- 150 details
1979 Paik,K.H. et al. Paik,K.H. et al. (1979) The micropaleontological study of the Tertiary (Miocene) deposits of the Pohang area, Korea. Report on Geoscience and Mineral Resources,Korea Research Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources. 9- 46 details
1979 Benda,L. et al. Benda,L. et al. (1979) Biostratigraphic correlations in the Eastern Mediterranean Neogene. 5. Calibration of sporomorph associations, marine microfossil and mammal zones, marine and continental stages and the radiometric scale. Annales Geologiques des Pays Helleniques. 61- 70 details
1979 Good,C.W. Good,C.W. (1979) Botryopteris pinnules with Abaxial sporangia. American Journal of Botany. 19- 25 details
1979 Rauser-Chernousova,D.M. et al. Rauser-Chernousova,D.M. et al. (1979) The Carboniferous-Permian boundary in the USSR. (In: The Carboniferous of the USSR. 8th International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology. R.H.Wagner et al, editors) Yorkshire Geological Society Occasional Publication. 175- 195 details
1979 Verniers,J. et al. Verniers,J. et al. (1979) Silurian graptolites and chitinozoans from the Burdinale Valley, Brabant Massif, Belgium. Annales de la Soci©t© G©ologique de Belgique. 149- 161 details
1979 Bergman,C.F. Bergman,C.F. (1979) Polychaete jaws. (In: Lower Wenlock faunal and flora dynamics-Vattenfallet section, Gotland. V.Jaanusson, S.Laufeld and R.Skoglund, editors) Sveriges Geologiska Undersжkning, Serie C. 92- 102 details
1979 Antunes,M.T. Antunes,M.T. (1979) A critical Essay on the Late Cretaceous Paleogene of Portugal CiЄncias de Terra,(UNL). 145- 174 details
1979 Beju,D. Beju,D. (1979) A new dinoflagellate cyst from the Middle Jurassic of England. Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Monatshefte. 1- 6 details
1979 Rotat,A.P. Rotat,A.P. (1979) For an International classification. (In: The Carboniferous of the USSR. 8th International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology. R.H.Wagner et al, editors) Yorkshire Geological Society Occasional Publication. 225- 247 details
1979 Pflug,H.D. et al. Pflug,H.D. et al. (1979) Analysis of Archean microfossils by the Laser Molecular Microprobe. Microscopica Acta. 255- 266 details
1979 Sopeбa,A. Sopeбa,A. (1979) Stratigraphy of the Permian and Triassic of the North East of Guadalajara Province Seminarios de Estratigrafia. Serie Monografias. 1- 329 details
1979 Keller,B.M. Keller,B.M. (1979) Riddles of the Precambrian Priroda. 55- 75 details
1979 Tarasevich,V.F. Tarasevich,V.F. (1979) Pollen of Eleagnus (Eleagnaceae) from Miocene of Oka-Don Plain Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 983- 985 details
1979 Mchedlishvili,N.D. Mchedlishvili,N.D. (1979) Genus Tsuga Carriere in the Pliocene of Western Georgia and its geochronological significance. Akademiya Nauk Georgian SSR;22nd Scientific Session of the Institute Paleobiology(Tbilisi). 11- 12 details
1979 Gray,J. et al. Gray,J. et al. (1979) The Devonian land plant Protosalvinia. Lethaia. 57- 63 details
1979 Sergeyeva,L.A. et al. Sergeyeva,L.A. et al. (1979) Upper Devonian microphytofossils of the Dnepr-Donets Depression Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk, "Naukova Dumka", Kiev, USSR. 1- 148 details
1979 Shatilova,I.I. Shatilova,I.I. (1979) The stratigraphic significance of palynological investigations of the Gurian and Chaudinian horizons in Western Georgi. Akademiya Nauk Georgian SSR;22nd Scientific Session of the Institute Paleobiology(Tbilisi). 18- 20 details
1979 Vincens,A. Vincens,A. (1979) Palynological analysis of the Fxjj 50 Archeological Site, Koobi Fora Formation, East Turkana, (Kenya). Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France, 7e s©rie. 343- 347 details
1979 Muir,M.D. et al. Muir,M.D. et al. (1979) Palaeontological evidence for the age of some supposedly Precambrian rocks in Anglesey, North Wales. Journal of the Geological Society, London. 61- 64 details
1979 Walton,H.S. Walton,H.S. (1979) Proterozoic and Cambrian acritarchs value in Canadian exploration. Reunion de la Commission Internationale de Microflore du Paleozoique,Newsletter. 9- 9 details
1979 Visscher,H. et al. Visscher,H. et al. (1979) Palynology and the Rhaetian problem. (In: Duration and position of the Rhaetian. Wiedmann et al, editors) Newsletters on Stratigraphy. 148- 150 details
1979 Wood,G.D. et al. Wood,G.D. et al. (1979) Organic-walled microphytoplankton of the Middle Devonian Silica Formation, Ohio, USA. Reunion de la Commission Internationale de Microflore du Paleozoique,Newsletter. 10- 10 details
1979 Riley,L.A. Riley,L.A. (1979) Dinocysts from the Upper Kimmeridgian (Pectinatus Zone), of Marton, Yorkshire. Mercian Geologist. 219- 222 details
1979 Wiedmann,J. et al. Wiedmann,J. et al. (1979) Duration and position of the Rhaetian: A contribution to the Meeting of the International Subcommittee for Triassic stratigraphy in Munich July 1978 Newsletters on Stratigraphy. 133- 148 details
1979 de Jersey,N.J. de Jersey,N.J. (1979) Triassic miospores from the Gayndah Beds. Queensland Government Mining Journal. 124- 125 details
1979 Ramos,A. et al. Ramos,A. et al. (1979) Discovery of a Thuringian Microflora in the Buntsandstein of the Iberian Cordillera, (Spain). Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 525- 528 details
1979 Cao,J. et al. Cao,J. et al. (1979) The Sinian System in Southwest China. (In: Paleontology and stratigraphy of Carbonate rocks in the Southwestern Region of China) Memoirs of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica. 1- 38 details
1979 Shah,S.C. et al. Shah,S.C. et al. (1979) Pre-Tertiary nonmarine biota of the Himalaya. (In: Himalayan Geology Seminar, Section 1, Geology, Stratigraphy and Palaeontology) Geological Survey of India, Miscellaneous Publication. 115- 123 details
1979 Hughes,N.F. et al. Hughes,N.F. et al. (1979) Barremian earliest angiosperm pollen. Palaeontology. 513- 535 details
1979 Salard-Cheboldaeff,M. Salard-Cheboldaeff,M. (1979) Apropos the genus Fillaeopsidites Salard-Cheboldaeff 1978, Tertiary pollen of Cameroo. Pollen et Spores. 361- 364 details