Year First author Citations link
1972 Mathur,K. Mathur,K. (1972) Studies in the paleoflora of the Himalayan Foot-Hills 2. on the palynoflora in the Lower Siwalik sediments of Nepal. Journal of Palynology. 54- 62 details
1972 Lukose,N.G. Lukose,N.G. (1972) Palynological evidence on the age of Lathi Formation, western Rajasthan, India. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 155- 159 details
1972 Mathur,Y.K. et al. Mathur,Y.K. et al. (1972) Angiospermous pollen and associated fossils from the Mid-Cretaceous subsurface sediments of Rajasthan, India. Journal of Palynology. 89- 96 details
1972 Singh,H.P. Singh,H.P. (1972) Palynology of the Lower Cretaceous sediments of India. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 159- 166 details
1972 Tuzhikova,V.I. Tuzhikova,V.I. (1972) Tasmanites-like microfossils in Triassic sediments of the Urals. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 56- 59 details
1972 Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Venkatachala,B.S. et al. (1972) Palynology of the Mesozoic sediments of Kutch, West India: 9. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 166- 171 details
1972 Andrews,J.T. et al. Andrews,J.T. et al. (1972) An Early Tertiary outcrop in North Central Baffin Island, NWT, Canada. Environment and significance. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 233- 238 details
1972 Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Venkatachala,B.S. et al. (1972) Palynological Zonation of Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous sediments in the subsurface of Cauvery Basin. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 172- 187 details
1972 Vaytekunas,P.P. et al. Vaytekunas,P.P. et al. (1972) The Vetigala section, Lithuania, and its stratigraphic significance Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 83- 85 details
1972 Olaru,L. Olaru,L. (1972) Palynological considerations of the deposits of the Grit Stone of Tarcau and the Limestones of Doamna in the Flysch of the eastern Carpathians. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi (serie noua), Sectiunea IIb, Geologie-Geografie. 129- 134 details
1972 Bertelsen,F. Bertelsen,F. (1972) A Lower Carbiferous microflora from the Orslev No. 1 borehole, Island of Falster, Denmark. Danmarks Geologiske Undersиgelse, Series 2. 1- 79 details
1972 Baksi,S.K. Baksi,S.K. (1972) On the palynological biostratigraphy of Bengal Basin. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 188- 206 details
1972 Deb,U. Deb,U. (1972) Some pollen grains from the Neyveli Lignite. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 220- 228 details
1972 Banerjee,D. et al. Banerjee,D. et al. (1972) Hystrichosphaerids in the Tertiary Formations of Assam and Tripura. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 207- 211 details
1972 Ramanujam,C.G.K. Ramanujam,C.G.K. (1972) Revision of Pteridophytic spores from the Warkalli Lignite of South India. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 248- 254 details
1972 Yankauskas,T.V. Yankauskas,T.V. (1972) Stratigraphic subdivision of the Lower Cambrian of Lithuania using acritarchs Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 88- 90 details
1972 Jardin©,S. et al. Jardin©,S. et al. (1972) Acritarchs of Late Silurian-Devonian of Algerian Sahara. CongrЁs International de Stratigraphie et de G©ologie du CarbonifЁre.Comptes Rendus.7e.Krefeld. 295- 311 details
1972 Kiselev,I.I. Kiselev,I.I. (1972) The results of spore-pollen analyses of samples from Boulder deposits at the West of the Kola Peninsula Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta. 117- 121 details
1972 Downie,C. et al. Downie,C. et al. (1972) Age of the Eycott Volcanic Group and its Conformable relationship to the Skiddaw Slates in the English Lake District. Geological Magazine. 259- 268 details
1972 Sah,S.C.D. et al. Sah,S.C.D. et al. (1972) Palynostratigraphic evaluation of the Lower Eocene sediments of India. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 255- 265 details
1972 Yefremov,I.V. et al. Yefremov,I.V. et al. (1972) Tatarian sequences on the coast of Cheshskaya Bay. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 63- 65 details
1972 Clayton,G. Clayton,G. (1972) Compression structures in the Lower Carboniferous miospore Dictyotriletes admirabilis, Playford. Palaeontology. 121- 124 details
1972 Playford,G. Playford,G. (1972) Trilete spores of Umbonatisporites in the Lower Carboniferous of Northwestern Australia Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Abhandlungen. 301- 315 details
1972 Salujha,S.K. et al. Salujha,S.K. et al. (1972) Palynology of the South Shillong Front, Part 1. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 265- 291 details
1972 Peppers,R.A. et al. Peppers,R.A. et al. (1972) Pennsylvanian Coal swamp flora in the Illinois Basin. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Annual Meeting. 624- 625 details
1972 Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Venkatachala,B.S. et al. (1972) Palynology of the Tertiary sediments in the Cauvery Basin. 1: Palaeocene - Eocene palynoflora from the subsurface. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 292- 335 details
1972 Kalvacheva,R.K. Kalvacheva,R.K. (1972) Preliminary results from palynological studies of the Lower Palaeozoic in the Iskur Gorge. Spisanie na Bulgarskogo Geologichesko Druzhestvo (Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society). 242- 251 details
1972 Gitmez,G.U. et al. Gitmez,G.U. et al. (1972) Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Kimmeridgian, (Upper Jurassic), of England, Scotland and France. British Museum (Natural History) Geology, Bulletin. 171- 257 details
1972 Nandi,B. Nandi,B. (1972) Some observations on the microflora of Middle Siwalik sediments of Mohand (East) Field, Himachal Pradesh. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 375- 383 details
1972 Lapegna,A.T. Lapegna,A.T. (1972) Palynologic research on Mesozoic succession of the Serra del Prete (Pollino Mountains, Southern Apennines). Bolletino Della Societa Naturali in Napoli. 51- 58 details
1972 Mens,K.A. et al. Mens,K.A. et al. (1972) New data on the data of the Tiskre Beds in the northwest of Estonia. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised,Geologia. 278- 281 details
1972 Juiget,P. et al. Juiget,P. et al. (1972) The Black Shales of Ecommoy (Sarthe). Comptes Rendu des S©ances de l'Academie des Sciences. 310- 311 details
1972 Orlowska-Zwolinska,T. Orlowska-Zwolinska,T. (1972) Flora of the Permian-Microflora of the Zechstein Geology of Poland. Catalogue of Fossils. Palaeozoic. 206- 207 details
1972 Banks,H.P. Banks,H.P. (1972) The stratigraphic occurrence of Early land plants. Palaeontology. 365- 377 details
1972 Roche,E. Roche,E. (1972) The Landenian Lignite, (L2), from the Budingen Boring. palynologic study. Bulletin de la Soci©t© Belge de G©ologie, de Pal©ontologie et d'Hydrologie. 183- 189 details
1972 Kala,E. Kala,E. (1972) On the age of the Tiskre Beds in the Isle of Hiiumaa. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised,Geologia. 276- 278 details
1972 Hollister,C.D. et al. Hollister,C.D. et al. (1972) Site 99 -Cat Gap Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, Initial Reports, (U.S.Gov't Print.Office). 51- 59 details
1972 Chorna,O. Chorna,O. (1972) On the organic remains found at Betlyarsikh (Spishsko-Gemerskie Mine, Slovakia, Early Paleozoic). Geologicky Zbornik(Geoligica Carpathica). 279- 282 details
1972 Rudavskaya,V.A. Rudavskaya,V.A. (1972) Microstructures of the Orgueil Meteorite similar to microforms from the Lower Paleozoic of eastern Siberia Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 61- 62 details
1972 Diniz,F. Diniz,F. (1972) Palynological notes on Portuguese Upper Cenozoic formations.1. The pollen spectrum of Pampilhosa do Botao. Boletim do Museu e Laboratorio Mineralogico e Geologico da Faculdade de CiЄncias. 83- 95 details
1972 Myannil,R.M. Myannil,R.M. (1972) Chitinozoan correlation of the Upper Viruan (Middle Ordovician) rocks of Sweden and the East Baltic area. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised,Geologia. 137- 142 details
1972 Hollister,C.D. et al. Hollister,C.D. et al. (1972) Site 100 -Catgap Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, Initial Reports, (U.S.Gov't Print.Office). 75- 81 details
1972 Neves,R. et al. Neves,R. et al. (1972) A Scheme of miospore zones for the British Dinantian. CongrЁs International de Stratigraphie et de G©ologie du CarbonifЁre.Comptes Rendus.7e.Krefeld. 347- 353 details
1972 Yankauskas,T.V. et al. Yankauskas,T.V. et al. (1972) Micropaleontological characteristics of the Tremadocian Ulgase Member of Estonia. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised,Geologia. 92- 93 details
1972 Diederix,D.O.J. et al. Diederix,D.O.J. et al. (1972) Organic microfossils. Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, Initial Reports, (U.S.Gov't Print.Office). 137- 138 details
1972 Bezuglov,E.D. et al. Bezuglov,E.D. et al. (1972) New stratigraphic data concerning the Crystalline series of the Southwestern Hissar range Uzbekskiy Geologicheskiy Zhurnal(Uzbekiston Geologiya Zhurnali). 70- 71 details
1972 Hollister,C.D. et al. Hollister,C.D. et al. (1972) Site 101: Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge (Southern End) Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, Initial Reports, (U.S.Gov't Print.Office). 105- 110 details
1972 de Jersey,N.J. de Jersey,N.J. (1972) Triassic miospores from the Abercorn Trough. Queensland Government Mining Journal. 383- 385 details
1972 Ash,S.R. Ash,S.R. (1972) Late Triassic plants from the Chinle Formation in northeastern Arizona. Palaeontology. 598- 618 details
1972 Chakraborty,A. et al. Chakraborty,A. et al. (1972) Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous - Tertiary sedimentary sequence, southwest of Shillong Plateau. Quarterly Journal of the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India. 109- 127 details
1972 Hollister,C.D. et al. Hollister,C.D. et al. (1972) Site 102-103-104: Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge (Northern End). Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, Initial Reports, (U.S.Gov't Print.Office). 135- 143 details
1972 Hollister,C.D. et al. Hollister,C.D. et al. (1972) Site 105: Lower Continental Rise Hills. Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, Initial Reports, (U.S.Gov't Print.Office). 219- 228 details
1972 Jakubowska,L. Jakubowska,L. (1972) Flora of the Devonian;Microflora Geology of Poland. Catalogue of Fossils. Palaeozoic. 118- 119 details
1972 VavrdovЎ,M. VavrdovЎ,M. (1972) Acritarchs from Klabava Shales (Arenig). Vestnik Ustredniho љstavu Geologickeho,(Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Prague). 79- 86 details
1972 Stanoiu,I. Stanoiu,I. (1972) Attempt to reestablish the Paleozoic sequence of the Outter Side of the Danudian Autochthonous concerning mainly the Upper Part of the Motru Valley (South Carpathians) Dari de Seama ale Sedintelor. 57- 71 details
1972 Hollister,C.D. et al. Hollister,C.D. et al. (1972) Site 106: Lower Continental Rise. Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, Initial Reports, (U.S.Gov't Print.Office). 313- 319 details
1972 Chaloner,W.G. Chaloner,W.G. (1972) Early Devonian spores from maine USA. International Geological Congress,24th Session,(Montreal),Section 7. 365- 365 details
1972 Starke,K.H. Starke,K.H. (1972) Pollen and spores from Mesozoic Rocks. Mikrokosmos. 163- 165 details
1972 Arkhangelskaya,A.D. Arkhangelskaya,A.D. (1972) Palynological characteristics of the Middle Devonian Lower horizons in the eastern part of the Russian Platform. Trudy VNIGNI. 124- 143 details
1972 Morariu,D. Morariu,D. (1972) Lower Paleozoic from the Lapusniscul Valley Dari de Seama ale Sedintelor. 12- 21 details