Year First author Citations link
1969 Cranwell,L.M. Cranwell,L.M. (1969) Antarctic and Circum-Antarctic palynological contributions Antarctic Journal of the United States. 197- 198 details
1969 Felix,C.J. et al. Felix,C.J. et al. (1969) Additional knowledge of Pteroretis. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 203- 211 details
1969 Segroves,K.L. Segroves,K.L. (1969) Palynological assemblages from the Permian of the Perth Basin, Western Australia. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Annual Meeting, Southcentral Section. 26- 27 details
1969 Yrigoyen,M.R. et al. Yrigoyen,M.R. et al. (1969) Palynology as an element of correlation of the Triassic of the Cuyo Basin. Actas de las Cuartas Jornadas Geologicas Argentinas. 427- 447 details
1969 de Groote,V. et al. de Groote,V. et al. (1969) Microscopical analysis, (palynology and foraminifera), of a Quaternary sample from Uitkerke. Natuurwetenschappelijk Tijdschrift. 94- 110 details
1969 Hills,L.V. et al. Hills,L.V. et al. (1969) Paraalnipollenites, a new form genus from Uppermost Cretaceous and Paleocene rocks of Arctic Canada and Russia. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin. 139- 145 details
1969 Brown,D.D. Brown,D.D. (1969) Palynology of the Hannibal Formation, (Lower Mississippian), of northeast Missouri and western Illinois. PhD Thesis, University of Missouri. 1- 282 details
1969 Sabry,H. et al. Sabry,H. et al. (1969) Palynological evidence concerning the unconformable Carboniferous Basal Measures in the Sanquhar Coalfield, Dumfrieshire, Scotland. CongrЁs International de Stratigraphie et de G©ologie du CarbonifЁre,Compte Rendu,6th. 1441- 1458 details
1969 Kessler,L.G.I. Kessler,L.G.I. (1969) Paleoenvironmental and stratigraphic implications of palynomorph distribution in the Glen Rose Formation (Lower Cretaceous), North and Central Texas. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Annual Meeting, Southcentral Section. 16- 16 details
1969 Moreau-Benoit,A. Moreau-Benoit,A. (1969) Palynologic study of the Shale-Sand Formations associated with the Chalonnes Limestone of the Saint-Charles and Tarare Qarries at Chaudefonds (Maine-et-Loire). Bulletin de la Societe et Sciences du Anjou,N.S.. 93- 99 details
1969 Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. (1969) Preliminary palynological study of the Lutetian of Montchauvet (Yvelines, Bassin De Paris). Compte-Rendu Sommaire et Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France. 221- 223 details
1969 Roche,E. Roche,E. (1969) Palynologic study of the sediments from the Continental Montian and Upper Landenian in Hainaut Bulletin de la Soci©t© Belge de G©ologie, de Pal©ontologie et d'Hydrologie. 131- 146 details
1969 Carbonnel,G. et al. Carbonnel,G. et al. (1969) Regional documents presented by the Lyon Seam to the group of the terminal Miocene. Giornale di Geologia (Bologna),Series 2. 7- 10 details
1969 M©dus,J. M©dus,J. (1969) Morphological study of pollen grains belonging to the Circumpolles (Pflug) Klaus Group in the Jurassic of the Western Aqitaine. Geobios. 81- 88 details
1969 Hall,F.W. Hall,F.W. (1969) Notes on fossil Salviniaceae. Taxon. 735- 735 details
1969 Lona,F. et al. Lona,F. et al. (1969) Plio-Pleistocenic boundary in Italy based on the Leffian and Tiberian vegetational and climatological sequences. INQUA Congress,8th.Paris. Etudes sur Le Quaternaire dans le Monde.. 573- 574 details
1969 Fuji,N. Fuji,N. (1969) Fossil spores and pollen grains from the Neogene deposits in Noto Peninsula, Central Japan, No. I. A palynological study of Thelate Miocene Wakura Member. Palaeontological Society of Japan, Transactions and Proceedings, New Series. 1- 25 details
1969 Ghosh,A.K. et al. Ghosh,A.K. et al. (1969) Peyssonelia Antiqua Johnson from the Bagh Beds of Madhya Pradesh Current Science. 148- 149 details
1969 Martin,F. Martin,F. (1969) Chitinozoans from the Upper Arenig-Lower Llanvirn at Condroz, (Belgium). Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 99- 106 details
1969 Fuji,N. Fuji,N. (1969) Fossil spores and pollen grains from the Neogene deposits in Noto Peninsula, Central Japan. Palaeontological Society of Japan, Transactions and Proceedings, New Series. 51- 80 details
1969 Fuji,N. Fuji,N. (1969) Fossil spores and pollen grains from the Neogene deposits in Noto Peninsula, Central Japan. Palaeontological Society of Japan, Transactions and Proceedings, New Series. 185- 204 details
1969 Durand,S. et al. Durand,S. et al. (1969) New observations on the presence of pollen of the Palm Nypa from the Eocene of Western France and Southern England. Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique et Min©ralogique de Bretagne, Nouvelle s©rie. 49- 57 details
1969 Shchekina,N.A. Shchekina,N.A. (1969) Results of spore And-pollen investigation of the Middle Maikop deposits of the South of the Ukraine Ukrainskii Botanichnyy Zhurnal,(Kiev). 39- 47 details
1969 Alpern,B. et al. Alpern,B. et al. (1969) Synthesis of palynological zonations in the Coal Basins of Lorraine and Sarre Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 217- 221 details
1969 Norris,G. Norris,G. (1969) Miospores from the Purbeck Beds and marine Upper Jurassic of Southern England. Palaeontology. 574- 620 details
1969 Leffingwell,H.A. et al. Leffingwell,H.A. et al. (1969) Scanning and transmission electron microscopy of Wodehouseia spinata pollen. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists,2nd Annual Meeting,Program and Abstracts. details
1969 Alekseeva,V.I. Alekseeva,V.I. (1969) The Albian spore-pollen complexes of the Pre-Caspian Depression, (east part), and their stratigraphic significance. Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskii. 115- 120 details
1969 Artru,P. et al. Artru,P. et al. (1969) Variations in the sedimentary origin and diagenetic evolution of the palynological and geochemical character of Te Jurassic Black Lands in the direction of the Alpine Rc (Southeast France). Soci©t© nationale des p©troles d'Aquitaine, Centre de recherches de Pau, Bulletin. 357- 376 details
1969 Staplin,F.L. Staplin,F.L. (1969) Sedimentary organic matter, organic metamorphism, and oil and gas occurrence. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. 47- 66 details
1969 Hepner,B.J. et al. Hepner,B.J. et al. (1969) Effects of Ash-Falls on Cretaceous floras. palynology of rocks associated with Bentonites. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Annual Meeting, Southcentral Section. 13- 14 details
1969 Maithy,P.K. Maithy,P.K. (1969) Palaeobotany and stratigraphy of the coal-bearing beds of the Daltonganj Coalfield, Bihar. The Palaeobotanist. 265- 274 details
1969 Martin,F. Martin,F. (1969) On the age of the shales of the Caledonian Belt of the Sambre-Meuse at Ombret. Annales de la Soci©t© G©ologique de Belgique. 241- 242 details
1969 Stockmans,F. et al. Stockmans,F. et al. (1969) Acritarchs of the Lower Famennian. M©moires de l'Acad©mie Royale des Sciences, des lettres et des beaux artes de Belgique, Classe des sciences. 1- 63 details
1969 Segroves,K.L. Segroves,K.L. (1969) Saccate plant microfossils from the Permian of Western Australia Grana Palynologica. 174- 227 details
1969 Cookson,I.C. et al. Cookson,I.C. et al. (1969) Some microplankton from two Bores at Balcatta, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. 3- 8 details
1969 Bharadwaj,D.C. Bharadwaj,D.C. (1969) Lower Gondwana formations. CongrЁs International de Stratigraphie et de G©ologie du CarbonifЁre,Compte Rendu,6th. 255- 274 details
1969 Davey,R.J. Davey,R.J. (1969) Some dinoflagellate cyst from the Upper Cretaceous of northern Natal, South Africa. Palaeontologia Africana. 1- 23 details
1969 Schaarschmidt,F. et al. Schaarschmidt,F. et al. (1969) A male Gymnosperm fructification from the Voltzia Sandstone (Lower Triassic) of the Vosges. Senckenbergiana Lethaea. 377- 397 details
1969 Butterworth,M.A. Butterworth,M.A. (1969) Microfloras of the Upper Carboniferous. CongrЁs International de Stratigraphie et de G©ologie du CarbonifЁre,Compte Rendu,6th. 59- 70 details
1969 Davey,R.J. Davey,R.J. (1969) The evolution of certain Upper Cretaceous Hystrichospheres from South Africa. Palaeontologia Africana. 25- 51 details
1969 Poole,E.G. Poole,E.G. (1969) The stratigraphy of the geological survey Apley Barn borehole, Witney, Oxfordshire Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. 1- 103 details
1969 Clendening,J.A. Clendening,J.A. (1969) The base of the Permian in the Appalachians; ninety years of controversy. West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, Guidebook. 229- 233 details
1969 Petrovic,M. et al. Petrovic,M. et al. (1969) Biostratigraphic analysis of the fauna and flora in the area of Ugljevik Geoloshki Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva. 21- 43 details
1969 Brattseva,G.M. Brattseva,G.M. (1969) Spores of a new form genus Ansaite from the Eocene of the Far East. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 528- 532 details
1969 Eisenack,A. Eisenack,A. (1969) On the systematics of some Palaeozoic Hystrichospheres (Acritarch) from the Baltic Region. Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Abhandlungen. 245- 266 details
1969 Visarion,A. Visarion,A. (1969) The spore-pollen assemblage of the Late Carboni Ferous Dragdsel Syncline-Sirinia zone Studii si Cercetari de Geologie, Geofizica, Geografie. Seria Geologie. 261- 267 details
1969 Haskell,T.R. Haskell,T.R. (1969) Dinoflagellate species Dingodinium cerviculum, Odontochitina operculata and Muderongia tetracantha in Lower Cretaceous strata of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland. 57- 68 details
1969 Filipovich,V.F. Filipovich,V.F. (1969) Miocene sediments south of Moscow. Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskii. 85- 92 details
1969 Evans,P.R. Evans,P.R. (1969) Upper Carboniferous and Permian palynological stages and their distribution in eastern Australia Gondwana Stratigraphy,IUGS Symposium. 41- 54 details
1969 Shatskii,S.B. Shatskii,S.B. (1969) Determination of the Paleogene - Neogene boundary in the West Siberian Lowlands, based on palynologic data. In: (Materialy po Stratigrafii i Paleontologii Sibiri.) Trudy Sibirskogo Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo Instituta Geologii Geofiziki i Mineralnogo Syrya (SNIIGGIMS). Ministerstva Geologii SSSR,Vypusk. 146- 150 details
1969 Simoncsics,P. Simoncsics,P. (1969) Spore, pollen, and Bog types of the Miocene Brown Coal area of Nograd.1. Acta Biologica,(Szeged). 37- 49 details
1969 Krassilov,V.A. Krassilov,V.A. (1969) Types of palaeofloristic successions and their causes. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 296- 308 details
1969 Liabeuf,J.J. et al. Liabeuf,J.J. et al. (1969) Palynological study of the Coal Basin of St. Etienne, Stratotype of the Stephanian. CongrЁs International de Stratigraphie et de G©ologie du CarbonifЁre,Compte Rendu,6th. 155- 169 details
1969 Grigorovich,A.S. Grigorovich,A.S. (1969) Characteristic of some species dinoflagellata from Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of the Carpathians. Paleontologicheskii Sbornik. 67- 72 details
1969 Grigorovich,A.S. Grigorovich,A.S. (1969) A new genus Carpatella, (Dinoflagellata), from Danian-Paleocene deposits of Carpathians. Paleontologicheskii Sbornik. 74- 76 details
1969 Brelie,G.Von Der et al. Brelie,G.Von Der et al. (1969) New investigations in the Lower Tertiary of Eckfeld near Manderscheild, (Eifel). Fortschritte in der Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen. 27- 40 details
1969 Bouckaert,J. et al. Bouckaert,J. et al. (1969) Biostratigraphic chart of the Famennian Stage (Upper Devonian) in the type localities of Belgium a preliminary report Journal of Paleontology. 727- 734 details
1969 Nambudiri,E.M.V. et al. Nambudiri,E.M.V. et al. (1969) Kuprianovaites deccanii, sp.nov., a new petrified sporocarp from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Mohgaon Kalan. Journal of Palynology. 51- 52 details
1969 Vakhrameev,V.A. Vakhrameev,V.A. (1969) Separation of Stages in the Middle Jurassic of Southern Regions of the USSR from paleobotanical data. Annales Instituti Geologici Publici Hungarici,(Budapest). 527- 533 details
1969 Ramanujam,C.G.K. et al. Ramanujam,C.G.K. et al. (1969) A Lepidocarpon cone Tip from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 159- 167 details