Year First author Citations link
1968 Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. et al. Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. et al. (1968) Heteraulacaceae (Pyrrhoptyta), a correction. Journal of Paleontology. 1486- 1486 details
1968 Obrhel,J. Obrhel,J. (1968) The Barrandian flora of the Silurian and Devonian. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. Palaobotanik. 663- 701 details
1968 Bourn,O.B. Bourn,O.B. (1968) An application of Upper Pennsylvanian palynolog Ical data to interpret environment of deposition AAPG, Bulletin. details
1968 Bludorova,E.A. Bludorova,E.A. (1968) The role of the paleopalynological method in solving the problem of the borderline between the Tournaisian and Visean Stages in the Volga-Urals Region. (In: Paleopalynoligical Method Applied in Stratigraphy. S.R.Samoilovich, editor) International Palynological Conference,2nd,Contributions.Netherlands,VSEGEI. 23- 32 details
1968 Potonie,R. Potonie,R. (1968) A Bibulbate angiosperm spore from the Senonian of Gabon (Equatorial West Africa) Pal¤eontologische Zeitschrift. 120- 125 details
1968 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1968) Reticulate species of Aquilapollenites and emendation of genus Mancicorpus Mtchedlishvili Pollen et Spores. 665- 699 details
1968 Sah,S.C.D. et al. Sah,S.C.D. et al. (1968) Palynostratigraphy of the Tertiary sedimentary formations of Assam. The Palaeobotanist. 177- 195 details
1968 Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. (1968) First information of the Tasmanaceae of France Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France, 7e s©rie. 159- 167 details
1968 Kogbe,C.A. et al. Kogbe,C.A. et al. (1968) Some interesting palynologic data on the Eocene and Upper Miocene of the Eoulx-Brenon Basin near, (Basses Alpes), stratigraphic conclusions. Laboratoires de G©ologie de la Facult© des Sciences de Lyon, Documents. 7- 16 details
1968 Harris,W.K. Harris,W.K. (1968) Bore 3A, Lake Torrens, palynological examination of selected core samples. Geological Survey of South Australia, Report of Investigations. 57- 58 details
1968 Sah,S.C.D. et al. Sah,S.C.D. et al. (1968) Palynological evidence on the age of the Krols. Publication of the Centre of Advanced Study in Geology. Panjab University, Chandigarh (New Series). 115- 120 details
1968 Deunff,J. Deunff,J. (1968) On a new form of acritarch possessing a polar aperture, (Veryhachium niloni, n.sp.), and on the presence of a colony of Veyhachium from the Tremadocian of Morocco. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 46- 49 details
1968 Bolkhovitina,N.A. Bolkhovitina,N.A. (1968) The spores of the Family Gleicheniaceae ferns and their importance for the stratigraphy Trudy Geologichesk Institut,Akademiya Nauk SSR,Moskva. 116- 116 details
1968 Pomerol,C. et al. Pomerol,C. et al. (1968) Paris Basin, Ile-de-France. Guides Geologiques Regionaux.(Masson and Cie,editors.Paris). 174- 174 details
1968 Sullivan,H.J. Sullivan,H.J. (1968) A Tournaisian spore flora from the Cementstone Group of Ayreshire, Scotland. Palaeontology. 116- 131 details
1968 Bowen,F.E. et al. Bowen,F.E. et al. (1968) The age of Wairakau Andesite Breccia at Whangaroa Harbour, Northland New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 262- 264 details
1968 Egorova,V.L. Egorova,V.L. (1968) Characteristics of spore complexes of Givetian deposits of Kuybyshev Oblast. Trudy Kuibyshevskii Gos N-1 Institut Neftyanoy. 88- 98 details
1968 Ghosh,A.K. et al. Ghosh,A.K. et al. (1968) Cayeuxia fructilosa (Johnson) from the Bagh Beds, Madhya Pradesh Current Science. 561- 562 details
1968 Kjellstrжm,G. Kjellstrжm,G. (1968) Remarks on the Chemistry and ultrastructure of the Cell wall of some Palaeozoic Leispheres Geologiska fжreningens i Stockholm fжrhandlingar. 221- 228 details
1968 Boltenhagen,E. Boltenhagen,E. (1968) Revision of the genus Classopollis Pflug Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 29- 44 details
1968 Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. et al. Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. et al. (1968) Index to the genera, subgenera, and sections of the Pyrrhophyta. II. Journal of Paleontology. 210- 213 details
1968 Horowitz,A. Horowitz,A. (1968) Upper Jurassic microflora from Zohar 8 Well Southern Israel) Geological Survey of Israel,Paleontology Division,Report. 1- 64 details
1968 Clarke,R.T. et al. Clarke,R.T. et al. (1968) Some new sporomorphs from the Upper Tertiary of Nigeria. Grana Palynologica. 210- 224 details
1968 Clendening,J.A. et al. Clendening,J.A. et al. (1968) A new spore genus from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Kansas. American Journal of Botany. 723- 724 details
1968 Ishchenko,T.A. et al. Ishchenko,T.A. et al. (1968) Fructification of the Late Devonian fern Rhacophyton Incertum Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 110- 114 details
1968 Timofeev,B.V. Timofeev,B.V. (1968) The Precambrian microplant fossils and their significance in identification and correlation. International Geological Congress,23rd Session 23.Nauka,Leningrad. 95- 99 details
1968 Kar,R.K. Kar,R.K. (1968) A fossil resembling Pediastrum from the Barren Measures sequence of Jharia Coalfield, Bihar, India. The Palaeobotanist. 216- 218 details
1968 Hopkins,W.S. Hopkins,W.S. (1968) Subsurface Miocene Rocks, British Columbia-Washington, a palynological investigation. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 763- 768 details
1968 Corsin,P.M. et al. Corsin,P.M. et al. (1968) The stratotype of the Westphalian C, in the north Pas-de-Calais Coal Basin. Boundaries and paleontological content. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 455- 460 details
1968 Jain,S.K. Jain,S.K. (1968) Morphology and taxonomy of the genus Triangularis Doring 1961. The Palaeobotanist. 43- 47 details
1968 Reyre,Y. Reyre,Y. (1968) Precise definitions on the structure and the morphology of the prepollen of the form genus Classopollis (Pflug) Pocock and Jansonius. Paleobotanical and stratigraphic consquences. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 1233- 1235 details
1968 Rzhonsnitskaya,M.A. et al. Rzhonsnitskaya,M.A. et al. (1968) Guidebook for the geological excursion to the Devonian type sections of north-eastern Salair. International Symposium of the Silurian-Devonian Boundary,3rd,Proceeding,Stratigraphy of Rand Middle Devonian Deposits,Leningrad,1968. 1- 66 details
1968 Taugourdeau,P. Taugourdeau,P. (1968) On a partial assemblage, (scolecodont), of Polychaetaspis oklahomensis, n.sp. Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 176- 180 details
1968 Volkheimer,W. Volkheimer,W. (1968) Spores and pollen of the Jurassic of Neuqu©n (Republic of Argentina). Ameghiniana. 333- 370 details
1968 Chaloner,W.G. Chaloner,W.G. (1968) The paleoecology of fossil spores. Foundation of Peabody Museum Natural History.Evolution and Environment,Symposium,Yale University. 125- 138 details
1968 Bose,M.N. et al. Bose,M.N. et al. (1968) Palaeozoic sporae dispersae from Congo. 7. Coal Measures near Lake Tanganyika, South of Albertville. Annales Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale,(Tervuren, Belgium) Serie in 8, Sciences Geologiques. 1- 116 details
1968 Skuratenko,A.V. Skuratenko,A.V. (1968) Some new spore species of Davalliaceae and Aspidiaceae from the Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene of Western Siberia. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 115- 121 details
1968 Eisenack,A. Eisenack,A. (1968) Chitinozoa of the Baltic Region. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung A. 137- 198 details
1968 Chaloner,W.G. et al. Chaloner,W.G. et al. (1968) Spores and floras. (In: Coal and Coal-Bearing Strata. D.Murchison et al, editors) Coal and Coal-Bearing Strata. (D.Murchison and T.S.Westoll,editors).Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. 127- 146 details
1968 Gidai,L. Gidai,L. (1968) Geological results of borehole Nyergesujfalu Nr.29 A Magyar Allami Fжldtani Int©zet ‰vi Jelent©se, ‰vrжl. 141- 148 details
1968 Bond,T.A. Bond,T.A. (1968) Permian palynological assemblage from the Wellington Formation, Kay County, Oklahoma. Pollen et Spores. 387- 393 details
1968 Davey,R.J. Davey,R.J. (1968) Gonyaulacusta parorthoceras, a new species of dinoflagellate cyst. Palaeontologia Africana. 1- 1 details
1968 Nagy,E. Nagy,E. (1968) New spore genera from the Mecsek Mountains (Hungary). Acta Botanica, Acad©miae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 357- 367 details
1968 Rakosi,L. Rakosi,L. (1968) Palynological synthesis of the Early Eocene, stratigraphy of borehole Csehbany Nr.1 and Balinka Nr. 252 A Magyar Allami Fжldtani Int©zet ‰vi Jelent©se, ‰vrжl. 83- 94 details
1968 Kielan-Jaworowska,Z. Kielan-Jaworowska,Z. (1968) Scolecodonts versus jaw apparatuses. Lethaia. 39- 49 details
1968 Stough,J.B. Stough,J.B. (1968) New Late Cretaceous palynomorphs from Southern South America. University of Kansas,Paleontological Contributions.Paper 32.Palynomorphs From South America. 1- 7 details
1968 Stough,J.B. Stough,J.B. (1968) A new species of Gothanipollis Krutzsch from Chile. University of Kansas,Paleontological Contributions.Paper 32.Palynomorphs From South America. 8- 9 details
1968 Tokunaga,S. et al. Tokunaga,S. et al. (1968) Preliminary study on spore and pollen fossils from the Kuji Coalfield, Iwate Prefecture Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan (Chishitsu Chosajo Geppo). 495- 505 details
1968 Stough,J.B. Stough,J.B. (1968) Hypocrititriletes, a new trilete spore genus from Argentina. University of Kansas,Paleontological Contributions.Paper 32.Palynomorphs From South America. 9- 11 details
1968 Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. (1968) Suggestions for a morphological classification of sporae dispersae. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 41- 59 details
1968 Stough,J.B. Stough,J.B. (1968) Palynomorphs from the Zipaquira Salt, Colombia. University of Kansas,Paleontological Contributions.Paper 32.Palynomorphs From South America. 11- 12 details
1968 Cramer,F.H. et al. Cramer,F.H. et al. (1968) Taxonomic considerations on the acritarchs of the Middle and Upper Silurian of northern Spain. Instituto geolгgico y minero de Espaбa, Bolet­n. 541- 574 details
1968 Elsik,W.C. Elsik,W.C. (1968) Palynology of the Wilcox Group. Houston Geological Society,Environments of Depositions. 22- 27 details
1968 Takahashi,K. Takahashi,K. (1968) Microfossils from the Neogene deposits in the Islands of Okinawa, Kume, and Ogami. Bulletin of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Nagasaki University, Natural Science. 32- 38 details
1968 Haskell,T.R. Haskell,T.R. (1968) Saccate pollen grains from the Lower Cretaceous of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia Papers Department of Geology, University of Queensland. 211- 243 details
1968 Elsik,W.C. Elsik,W.C. (1968) Morphologic variation in the palynomorphs Thomsonipollis and Pistillipollenites. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Southcentral Section, 2nd Annual Meetiing. 18- 19 details
1968 Elsik,W.C. Elsik,W.C. (1968) Palynology of a Paleocene Rockdale Lignite Milam County, Texas. II. Morphology and taxonomy. Pollen et Spores. 599- 664 details
1968 Habib,D. Habib,D. (1968) Upper Tertiary and Quaternary spores and pollen in a marine core near South Island, New Zealand. Geological Society of America, Special Paper. 81- 82 details
1968 Galtier,J. Galtier,J. (1968) A new type of fern fructification from the Lower Carboniferous. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 1004- 1007 details
1968 Reyre,Y. Reyre,Y. (1968) Importance of qualitative study of gymnosperm pollen grains in the Upper Triassic and Lower Lias of the Algerian-Tunisian Sahara. Bulletin du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (DeuxiЁme s©rie). 87- 98 details