Year First author Citations link
1982 Azcuy,C.L. et al. Azcuy,C.L. et al. (1982) Some Carboniferous miospores from the Aqua Colorada Formation, La Rioja Provence Ameghiniana. 289- 302 details
1982 Mihaltz-Farago,M. Mihaltz-Farago,M. (1982) Pollen Profiles from the Basin Marginal Pannonian Fжldtani Kжzlжny (Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society). 161- 167 details
1982 Sittler,C. et al. Sittler,C. et al. (1982) The Cretaceous Epicontinental transgression on the Jurassic Karst of Poitiers Sill, (western France); Spore, pollen and dinocyst associations. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists,Annual Meeting,Dublin,Sept.1982.Abstracts. 18- 18 details
1982 Keller,B.M. Keller,B.M. (1982) The Vendian-Cambrian boundary Sovetskaya Geologiya. 5- 12 details
1982 Skarby,A. et al. Skarby,A. et al. (1982) The flora of a small Upper Cretaceous body of standing water (NEe Scania, Sweden). American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists,Annual Meeting,Dublin,Sept.1982.Abstracts. 18- 19 details
1982 Poulton,T.P. et al. Poulton,T.P. et al. (1982) Stratigraphy and microfossil of the Jurassic Bug Creek Group of northern Richardson Mountains, northern Yukon and adjacent NWT Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin. 1- 137 details
1982 Raznitsyn,V.A. et al. Raznitsyn,V.A. et al. (1982) Biostratigraphy of Devonian-Carboniferous boundary deposits SVKNII, DVNTS. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. 1- 16 details
1982 Takahashi,K. Takahashi,K. (1982) Distribution and change of Triprojectacites pollen in Late Cretaceous Fossils. 37- 38 details
1982 Utting,J. Utting,J. (1982) A review of the Lower Carboniferous miospore succession in Canada and a comparison with Western Europe. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists,Annual Meeting,Dublin,Sept.1982.Abstracts. 21- 21 details
1982 Petrescu,J. et al. Petrescu,J. et al. (1982) Palynological research concerning the Pontian from Darova-Lugoj, (Romania). Universitatea "Babes-Bolyae". Contributii Botanice,Cluj-Napoca. 117- 130 details
1982 Pelzer,G. et al. Pelzer,G. et al. (1982) The Otavi-Schiefertonwerke Opern Pit, Oberkirchen Sequence 1 of the Buckeberg Formation, Berrais. (In: Wallensen, Wealden, Willershausen, Westersteine). CFS. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. 136- 146 details
1982 Veen,P.M.Van Veen,P.M.Van (1982) Paleo-Environmental differentiation of (Spore) floras during the Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists,Annual Meeting,Dublin,Sept.1982.Abstracts. 22- 23 details
1982 Sontag,E. et al. Sontag,E. et al. (1982) Micropalaeobotanic stratification of the second Niederlausitz Seam Unit. Zeitschrift fмr Angewandte Geologie. 470- 480 details
1982 Klein-Reesink,J. et al. Klein-Reesink,J. et al. (1982) Tertiary Brown Coal of Lower Hessen. (In: Tertiary Brown Coals and Copper Slates in Lower Hessen) CFS. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. 111- 129 details
1982 Welsch,M. Welsch,M. (1982) A newly discovered acritarch sequence from the Middle Cambrian to Tremadoc Continental Margin deposits of the Digermul Peninsula, Finnmark, northern Norway. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists,Annual Meeting,Dublin,Sept.1982.Abstracts. 23- 24 details
1982 Eggert,D.L. et al. Eggert,D.L. et al. (1982) Environments of deposition coal balls, Cuticular Shale and Grey-Shale floras in Fountain and Parke Counties, Indiana. Indiana Geological Survey,Department of Natural Resources,Special Report. 1- 43 details
1982 Fauconnier,D. Fauconnier,D. (1982) Palynology of the Hauterivian type section Rapport du Bureau de Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres,82 Geo Em 120. 1- 20 details
1982 Zhou,S. et al. Zhou,S. et al. (1982) Two genera from the Taizhou Formation in Rudong Country, northern Jiangsu. Symposium of the Palynological Society of China,(PSC),1st,Selected Papers. 89- 92 details
1982 Morzadec-Kerfourn,M.T. Morzadec-Kerfourn,M.T. (1982) Pollen analytical data and environmental conditions of the Plio-Pleistocene Lanrinou Clay at Landerneau, (Finistere), France. Bulletin de l'Association Francaise Pour l'Etude du Quaternaire,(Paris). 179- 184 details
1982 Planderova,E. Planderova,E. (1982) Review of biostratigraphical research on Low-Grade Metasediments in the West Carpathians. (In: Correlation of Prevariscan and Veriscan events of the Alpine-Mediterranean Mountain Belt. F.P.Sassi and M.Julivert, editors) Newsletter - IGCP Project 5: International Geological Correlation Program. details
1982 Habib,D. et al. Habib,D. et al. (1982) Stratigraphic utility of Cretaceous small acritarchs. Micropaleontology. 335- 371 details
1982 Maljakov,J.G. et al. Maljakov,J.G. et al. (1982) Palynological data for a possible age of a Part of the Low-Grade metamorphic rocks in Strandza Mountain Geologica Balcanica. 57- 62 details
1982 Andreis,R.R. et al. Andreis,R.R. et al. (1982) Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Paleozoic sequence outcrops at the Rio Grande, Zapla Mountains, Juyuy Province of Argentina, with consideration of age. Congreso Latinoamericano de Geologia,5th,Actas,Argentina,1982. 457- 479 details
1982 Lu,G. et al. Lu,G. et al. (1982) The Triassic of Hubei. Regional Geology of China,(Chung-Kuo Ch Uyu Tichih). 82- 91 details
1982 Yang,J. et al. Yang,J. et al. (1982) The discovery of Early and Middle Jurassic megaspores from the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang and their stratigraphic significance. Symposium on Mesozoic and Cenozoic Geology in Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Geological Society of China.Abstracts.. 42- 43 details
1982 Takahashi,K. Takahashi,K. (1982) Stratigraphic significance of Triprojecate, Oculata, and Callistopollenites pollen Groups in the Late Upper Cretaceous and Early Palaeogene. Symposium on Mesozoic and Cenozoic Geology in Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Geological Society of China.Abstracts.. 59- 60 details
1982 Coetzee,J.A. et al. Coetzee,J.A. et al. (1982) Palynological and lithological evidence for the Miocene palaeoenvironment in the Saldanha Region (South Africa). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 71- 85 details
1982 Broutin,J. Broutin,J. (1982) The palaeogeographical importance of a mixed flora discovered in the Lower Permian of the South-Western Iberian Peninsula. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 419- 422 details
1982 Mehrotra,N.C. et al. Mehrotra,N.C. et al. (1982) Record of Aquilapollenites from the Andaman Offshore. Bulletin of the Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Dehra Dun, India. 83- 86 details
1982 Grebe,H. Grebe,H. (1982) Lower Cretaceous filling of the Nehden Karst cave in Sauerland. 2.Microspore associations, determination of age and an attempt to associate microflora with Parent plants. Geologica et Palaeontologica. 243- 258 details
1982 Saxena,R.K. et al. Saxena,R.K. et al. (1982) Palynological investigation of the sediment cores from the Arabian Sea. 2. Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs. Geophytology. 81- 94 details
1982 Robbins,E.I. Robbins,E.I. (1982) "Fossil Lake Danville" PhD Thesis, Pennsylvania State University. 1- 400 details
1982 Jux,U. et al. Jux,U. et al. (1982) Hydrocarbons in Lower Devonian deposits of the Bergisches land and their Ecostratigraphic meaning (Rhenish Massif). Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Monatshefte. 73- 90 details
1982 Jarzen,D.M. Jarzen,D.M. (1982) Angiosperm pollen from the Ravenscrag Formation (Paleocene), Southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Pollen et Spores. 119- 155 details
1982 Zhao,Y. et al. Zhao,Y. et al. (1982) Tertiary sporopollen assemblages from Shache and Kuche Basin, Xinjiang. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Geological Science. 95- 126 details
1982 Millay,M.A. Millay,M.A. (1982) Studies of Palaeozoic Marattialeans; an Early Pennsylvanian species of the fertile fern Scolecopteris. American Journal of Botany. 728- 733 details
1982 Tynni,R. Tynni,R. (1982) On Paleozoic microfossils in clastic dykes on the …land Islands and in the core samples of Lumparn. (In: Paleozoic sediments in the Rapakivi area of the …land Islands. L. Bergman, R. Tynni and B. Winterhalter, editors.) Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin. 36- 94 details
1982 Klimushina,L.P. et al. Klimushina,L.P. et al. (1982) Palynological analysis of oils of Samotlor Field Neftegazovaya Geologya i Geofizika. 8- 11 details
1982 Achab,A. Achab,A. (1982) Chitinozoans of the Upper Arenigian, (Zone D) of the Levis Formation, Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 1295- 1306 details
1982 Batten,D.J. Batten,D.J. (1982) Palynology of shales associated with the Kap Washington Group Volcanics, Central North Greenland. Grиnlands Geologiske Undersиgelse, Bulletin. 15- 23 details
1982 Gгrka,H. Gгrka,H. (1982) Dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs and algae of the Upper Campanian Chert of Mielnik on the Bug (Poland). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 45- 58 details
1982 Tongiorgi,M. et al. Tongiorgi,M. et al. (1982) First datation of palynological (acritarch) of the Solanas Formation (Tremadoc, Arenig) (Meana Sardo, Central Sardinia) Guida Alla Geologia del Paleozoico Sardo.Guide Geologiche Regionalti, Societ  Geologica Italiana. 127- 128 details
1982 Batten,D.J. Batten,D.J. (1982) Palynofacies and salinity in the Purbeck and Wealden of Southern England. (In: Aspects of Micropalaeontology. F.T.Banner et al, editors) Aspects of Micropalaeontology.(F.T.Banner,T.Barnard and A.R.Lord,editors).London;Boston:Allen & Unwin. 278- 295 details
1982 Waksmundzka,M. Waksmundzka,M. (1982) Lower Cretaceous megaspores from northern Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 147- 156 details
1982 Pittau Demelia,P. et al. Pittau Demelia,P. et al. (1982) The signifance of acritarch stratigraphy of the Paleozoic succession of Sardinia. Guida Alla Geologia del Paleozoico Sardo.Guide Geologiche Regionalti, Societ  Geologica Italiana. 33- 35 details
1982 Christophel,D.C. et al. Christophel,D.C. et al. (1982) Earliest floral evidence for the Ebenaceae in Australis. Nature. 439- 441 details
1982 Millay,M.A. et al. Millay,M.A. et al. (1982) The ultrastructure of Paleozoic fern spores. American Journal of Botany. 1148- 1155 details
1982 Norris,G. Norris,G. (1982) Spore-pollen evidence for Early Oligocene high-latitude cool climatic episode in northern Canada. Nature. 387- 389 details
1982 Vakhrameev,V.A. Vakhrameev,V.A. (1982) Classification and correlation of Continental deposits based on palaeobotanical data Sovetskaya Geologiya. 58- 67 details
1982 Baskakova,L.A. Baskakova,L.A. (1982) Phytostratigraphy dismembering of the Paleogene deposits of the South-West of Primorski Kray Sovetskaya Geologiya. 68- 78 details
1982 Cooper,R.A. et al. Cooper,R.A. et al. (1982) Late Precambrian and Cambrian fossils from northern Victoria land and their stratigraphic implications. (In: Antarctic Geoscience. C.Craddock, editor) International Union of Geological Sciences,Series B. 629- 633 details
1982 Salas,E. et al. Salas,E. et al. (1982) New Mesozoic Striate spores from Southeast Mexico. Revista del Instituto Mexicano del Petrгleo. 88- 98 details
1982 Jansonius,J. Jansonius,J. (1982) Muderongia Canadian Association of Palynologists, Newsletter. 16- 17 details
1982 Kalvacheva,R.K. Kalvacheva,R.K. (1982) Palynological evidence for the Early-Ordovician (Arenigian) age of ophiolites in the Botevgran District (West Balkan Mountain) Bulgaria. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie Bulgare des Sciences(Dokladi na Bulgarskata Akademiya na Naukite). 1101- 1104 details
1982 Playford,G. Playford,G. (1982) A Latest Devonian palynoflora from the Buttons Bed, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Western Australia. Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, Bureau of Mineral Resources. 149- 157 details
1982 Bona,J. Bona,J. (1982) Contributions to the palynostratigraphic Division of the Upper Triassic and Lower Liassic in the Mecsek Mts. A Magyar Allami Fжldtani Int©zet ‰vi Jelent©se, ‰vrжl. 203- 216 details
1982 Kalvacheva,R.K. Kalvacheva,R.K. (1982) Palynology and stratigraphy of the Diavase-Phyllitoid complex in the West Balkan Mountains. Spisanie na Bulgarskogo Geologichesko Druzhestvo (Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society). 8- 24 details
1982 Kuzichkina,Y.M. et al. Kuzichkina,Y.M. et al. (1982) On the question of lowering the limit of the advent of higher plants in connection with their co-discovery with Ordivician chitinozoans. (In: Paleontology and Detailed Stratigraphic Correlation.) Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestvo, 28th Sessii Akademiya Nauk SSR. 96- 99 details
1982 Kalvacheva,R.K. Kalvacheva,R.K. (1982) Paleopalynology. Priroda. 6- 11 details
1982 Srivastava,A.K. et al. Srivastava,A.K. et al. (1982) Pteridophytic remains from the selected Searsole Colliery, Raniganj Coalfield, West Bengal, India. Geophytology. 95- 104 details