Year First author Citations link
1981 Achilles,H. Achilles,H. (1981) Spore stratigraphy of Rhaetian - Jurassic Deposits of the Alborz Mountains, (North Iran). CFS. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. 35- 40 details
1981 Klinec,A. et al. Klinec,A. et al. (1981) On the problem of the stratigraphic Unit Hladomorna Dolina "Group". Geologicke Prace,Spravy. 13- 18 details
1981 Bint,A.N. Bint,A.N. (1981) An Early Pliocene pollen assemblage from Lake Tay, South-Western Australia, and its phytogeographic implications Australian Journal of Botany. 277- 292 details
1981 McGregor,D.C. McGregor,D.C. (1981) Spores and the Middle-Upper Devonian boundary. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 25- 47 details
1981 Muller,J. Muller,J. (1981) Fossil pollen records of extant angiosperms. The Botanical Review. 1- 142 details
1981 Mens,K.A. et al. Mens,K.A. et al. (1981) Environmental control in the distribution of acritarchs in the Lontova Stage of Estonia. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised,Geologia. 148- 148 details
1981 Zaklinskaya,E.D. Zaklinskaya,E.D. (1981) Phylogeny and classification of the Normapolles. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 139- 147 details
1981 Martin,H.A. Martin,H.A. (1981) The Tertiary flora. Ecological Biogeography of Australia. 393- 406 details
1981 Takahashi,K. Takahashi,K. (1981) Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary palynology in In the Concepcion Area, Chile. International Palynological Conference,4th,Proceedings, Lucknow, 1976-1977. 402- 405 details
1981 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1981) Evolution of Upper Cretaceous Phytogeoprovinces and their pollen flora. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 155- 173 details
1981 Zhang,Q. Zhang,Q. (1981) Paleocene sporopollen assemblages in the Nanxion Basin Guangdong Province Bulletin of the Yichang Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the Chinese Academy of Geological Science,Special Issue of Stratigraphy and Paleontology. 106- 117 details
1981 Malakhova,N.P. Malakhova,N.P. (1981) Lower Moscovian deposits in the southern part of Magnitogorsk Synclinorium, (Southern Urals). Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskii. 51- 58 details
1981 Takahashi,K. Takahashi,K. (1981) Palynoflora from the Chojarbaru Diatomite Formation of the Iki Group. Bulletin of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Nagasaki University, Natural Science. 21- 48 details
1981 Wicander,R. et al. Wicander,R. et al. (1981) Systematics and biostratigraphy of the organic-walled microphytoplankton from the Middle Devonian, (Givetian), Silica Formation, Ohio, USA. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Contributions Series. 1- 137 details
1981 Abdelmalik,W.M. et al. Abdelmalik,W.M. et al. (1981) Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous microflora from the Northwestern Desert, Egypt: Betty Well No.1 and Ghazalat Well No.1. Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Abhandlungen. 244- 263 details
1981 Volkova,N.A. et al. Volkova,N.A. et al. (1981) New data on Cambrian-Ordovician transitional Beds in the eastern part of the East Baltic. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised,Geologia. 51- 55 details
1981 Zhong,G. Zhong,G. (1981) Early Ordovician microflora from the Dawan Formation at Huanghuachang, Yichang. Bulletin of the Yichang Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the Chinese Academy of Geological Science,Special Issue of Stratigraphy and Paleontology. 118- 124 details
1981 Takahashi,K. et al. Takahashi,K. et al. (1981) Neogene microfossils of Chlorophyceae, Prasinophyceae and acritarchs from Niigata, Central Japan. Palaeontological Society of Japan, Transactions and Proceedings, New Series. 105- 121 details
1981 PacltovЎ,B. PacltovЎ,B. (1981) The evolution and Distribuiton of Normapolles pollen during the Cenophytic. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 175- 208 details
1981 Heroux,Y. et al. Heroux,Y. et al. (1981) Thermal evolution and petroleum potential from the study of extracted organic kerogen and gas absorbtion of clay from Drill Hole Karlsefni H-13. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 1856- 1877 details
1981 Hochuli,P.A. Hochuli,P.A. (1981) North Gondwanan floral elements in Lower to Middle Cretaceous sediments of the Southern Alps (Southern Switzerland, Nortern Italy). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 337- 358 details
1981 Mikhelis,A.A. Mikhelis,A.A. (1981) Normapolles pollen in Cretaceous/Palaeogene boundary deposits of the Priazov'ye, (Azov Sea Area). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 209- 229 details
1981 Erkmen,U. et al. Erkmen,U. et al. (1981) Cambrian acritarchs from the Sosink Formation in southeast Turkey. Revista Espaбola de Micropaleontolog­a. 47- 60 details
1981 Portnyagina,L.A. Portnyagina,L.A. (1981) Normapolles pollen in Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene deposits of the Skale zone of the Carpathians. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 231- 235 details
1981 Fabricio,M.E.D. Fabricio,M.E.D. (1981) Palynology of the Rio Bonito Formation in the Gravatai-Morungava area, Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisas - Instituto de GeociЄncias. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. 69- 130 details
1981 Misra,P.S. et al. Misra,P.S. et al. (1981) On the occurrence of some Precambrian acritarchs in the Carbonaceous lens associated with Dharamkot Limestones, Charamsala, Himachal Pradesh. Current Science. 365 details
1981 Backhaus,E. Backhaus,E. (1981) The Marine-Brackish influence in the Upper Rot of Southern Germany. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft,(Hannover). 361- 382 details
1981 Timmcke,T.A. Timmcke,T.A. (1981) Palynolgoy of the Lower Cretaceous Pebble Shale Unit, Point Barrow, Alaska. United States Geological Survey, Open-File Report. 2- 115 details
1981 Az©ma,C. et al. Az©ma,C. et al. (1981) Microfossils from the Upper Cretaceous of Vendee (France). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 237- 281 details
1981 Paris,F. Paris,F. (1981) Chitinozoans. M©moires de la Soci©t© G©ologique et Min©ralogique de Bretagne. 55- 75 details
1981 Gamerro,J.C. et al. Gamerro,J.C. et al. (1981) Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary palynozones of the Continental Platform in the Colorado Basin of Argentina. Revista Espaбola de Micropaleontolog­a. 119- 140 details
1981 Tschudy,R.H. Tschudy,R.H. (1981) Geographic distribution and dispersal of Normapolles genera in North America. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 283- 314 details
1981 Voronova,M.A. et al. Voronova,M.A. et al. (1981) New data about the Sea Berraisian deposits in the northern part of Dneiper-Donets Depression Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi RRS,Seriya B. Geologichi Khimichi ta Biologichni Nauki. 3- 6 details
1981 Paris,F. Paris,F. (1981) The chitinozoans in the Paleozoic of Southwest Europe. M©moires de la Soci©t© G©ologique et Min©ralogique de Bretagne. 1- 412 details
1981 Wolfard,A. et al. Wolfard,A. et al. (1981) Crussolia deflandrei, nov.sp., a dinoflagellate cyst from the Jurassic, (Callovian - Lower Oxfordian), of Montagne Crussol, Rhone Valley, France. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 321- 329 details
1981 Chlonova,A.F. Chlonova,A.F. (1981) Senonian, (Late Cretaceous), palynofloral provinces in Circumpolar areas of the northern Hemisphere. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 315- 324 details
1981 Mildenhall,D.C. et al. Mildenhall,D.C. et al. (1981) Palynology and age of the Tadmor Group (Late Miocene-Pliocene), and Porika Formation (Early Pleistocene), South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 515- 528 details
1981 Grahn,Y. Grahn,Y. (1981) Middle Ordovician chitinozoa from Oland Sveriges Geologiska Undersжkning, Serie C. 1- 51 details
1981 Vane,M. Vane,M. (1981) Synsedimentary Tertiary Volcanism at Skupice and Mradice in Louny area Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii. 403- 414 details
1981 Le H©riss©,A. Le H©riss©,A. (1981) The Lower Devonian spores of the Armorican Massif Chitinozoan Newsletter(Proceedings of Proj. Ecostratigraphy,Gotland,). 6- 7 details
1981 Grahn,Y. Grahn,Y. (1981) Ordovician chitinozoa from the Stora Asbotorp Boring in Vastergotland South-Central Sweden Sveriges Geologiska Undersжkning, Serie C. 1- 40 details
1981 Kharin,G.S. et al. Kharin,G.S. et al. (1981) Composition and some rules on the distribution of bottom stoney material in the Barents Sea from the Profile Pytachiy Pen.-Franz Josef Land. (In: Lithology and Paleogeography of the Barents and Kara Seas. Collection of Scientific Papers. D.S.Korokov et al, editors) Nauchno-Issledovatelskii Institut Geologii Arktiki (NIIGA) Ministerstva Geologii SSR. Leningrad. 33- 40 details
1981 Paris,F. et al. Paris,F. et al. (1981) Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the Ludlovian-Pridolian boundary in the Barrandian area. Chitinozoan Newsletter(Proceedings of Proj. Ecostratigraphy,Gotland,). 8- 9 details
1981 Mehrotra,N.C. Mehrotra,N.C. (1981) Fossil dinoflagellates from Subcrop Garampani Limestone sediments of Garampani area in North Cachar Hills, Assam. Geoscience Journal. 13- 22 details
1981 Achab,A. Achab,A. (1981) Biostratigraphy of the chitinozoa of Upper Ordovician - Lower Silurian of Anticosti Island. Preliminary results. Subcommision on Silurian Stratigraphy, Ordovician-Silurian Boundary Working Group. Field Meeting, Anticosti-Gaspe, Quebec.. 143- 157 details
1981 Pons,D. et al. Pons,D. et al. (1981) Mycokidstonia sphaerialoides Pons and Locquin, gen et sp.nov., Devonian Ascomycete fossil. Cahiers de Micropal©ontologie. 101- 104 details
1981 Raznitsyn,V.A. Raznitsyn,V.A. (1981) On new finds of fauna in Devonian Carboniferous transition Beds of the Dnieper-Donets Depression Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 720- 723 details
1981 Medianik,S.I. Medianik,S.I. (1981) Palynological characteristics of the Frasnian deposits of the Timan-Pechora Province. Moskovskii Ordena Lenina i Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Imeni M.V.Lomonosova. 1- 27 details
1981 Michaux,J. et al. Michaux,J. et al. (1981) The Pliocene of Montpellier: New palynological analyses and stratigraphic correlations. Bulletin du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (DeuxiЁme s©rie). details
1981 Aldridge,R.J. et al. Aldridge,R.J. et al. (1981) Distribution of microfossil Groups across the Wenlock Shelf of the Welsh Basin. Microfossils from recent and fossil Shelf Seas. (J.W.Neale and M.D. Brasier, editors). British Micropalaeontological Society Series. 18- 30 details
1981 Batten,D.J. et al. Batten,D.J. et al. (1981) Peralkaline Volcanicity on the Eurasia Basin Margin. Nature. 150- 152 details
1981 Jansonius,J. et al. Jansonius,J. et al. (1981) Geleenites Dijkstra 1949, a Cretaceous fungal fructification. Pollen et Spores. 557- 562 details
1981 Suc,J.-P. Suc,J.-P. (1981) The vegetation and climate of Languedoc, (Southern France) in the Middle Pliocene based on from palynology. Pal©obiologie Continentale. 7- 26 details
1981 Schallreuter,R. Schallreuter,R. (1981) Microfossils of Gesehieben. Part 1: Melanoskeleton. Der Geschiebesammler. 13- 811 details
1981 Lentin,J.K. et al. Lentin,J.K. et al. (1981) Fossil dinoflagellates: Index to genera and species, 1981 edition. Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Report Series. 1- 345 details
1981 Loboziak,S. et al. Loboziak,S. et al. (1981) Miospores in Middle - Upper Frasnian to Famennian sediments partly dated by conodonts, (Boulonnais, France). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 49- 66 details
1981 Yorath,C.J. et al. Yorath,C.J. et al. (1981) Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy and paleogeography northern Interior Plains, District of MacKenzie. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir. 1- 76 details
1981 Archangelsky,S. et al. Archangelsky,S. et al. (1981) Stratigraphic palynology of the Cretaceous of Southern Argentina. (In: The Geology of the Province of San Luis) Congreso Geolгgico Argentino,8th Actas,IV, (San Luis). 719- 742 details
1981 Chauvel,J.J. et al. Chauvel,J.J. et al. (1981) Micropaleonotology of the Proterozoic of the Armorican Massif, (France). Precambrian Research. 25- 42 details
1981 Michniak,R. Michniak,R. (1981) Holy Cross Mountains. (In: The Tomkmotian Stage and the Cambrian Lower boundary problem. M.E.Raaben, editor) The Tomkmotian Stage and the Cambrian Lower boundary problem. (M.E.Raaben,editor). Amerind Publishing. New Delhi, India.. 88- 94 details