Year First author Citations link
1976 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1976) The fossil pollen genus Classopollis Lethaia. 437- 457 details
1976 Pykhova,N.G. Pykhova,N.G. (1976) Systematic classification of some Precambrian microfossils as Blue-Green algae and the nature of their distribution. International Palynological Conference,4th,Papers of the Soviet Palynologists,Palynology in USSR. 58- 62 details
1976 Kemp,E.M. Kemp,E.M. (1976) Early Tertiary pollen from Napperby, Central Australia. Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, Bureau of Mineral Resources. 109- 114 details
1976 Ragozina,A.L. Ragozina,A.L. (1976) Riphean acritarchs from the Kolskiy Penninsula. International Palynological Conference,4th.Palynology in USSR.Papers of Soviet Palynologists,(Lucknow)Nauka,(Moscow). 62- 64 details
1976 Price,P.L. Price,P.L. (1976) Permian palynology of the Bowen Basin. Appendix 2. (In: Excursion Guide #36: A guide to the geology of the Bowen and Surat Basins in Queensland. A.R.Jensen, N.F.Exon, J.C. Anderson and W.H.Koppe, editors) International Geological Congress,25th. 44- 47 details
1976 Playford,G. et al. Playford,G. et al. (1976) Palynological evidence for the age of the Synorogenic Brewer Conglomerate, Amadeus Basin, Central Australia. Alcheringa. 235- 243 details
1976 Dibner,A.F. Dibner,A.F. (1976) Upper Paleozoic palynozones of Western Angaraland. International Palynological Conference,4th,Papers of the Soviet Palynologists,Palynology in USSR. 66- 69 details
1976 Dettmann,M.E. et al. Dettmann,M.E. et al. (1976) Paleontology. (In: Geology of Victoria, J.G.Douglas and J.A.Ferguson, editors) Geological Society of Australia, Special Publication. 164- 176 details
1976 Chi,B.I. et al. Chi,B.I. et al. (1976) Morphologic variation and stratigraphic significance of Triangulatisporites rootsii, Chaloner. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 847- 861 details
1976 Beck,C.B. Beck,C.B. (1976) Current status of the Progymnospermopsidia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 5- 23 details
1976 Brzyski,B. Brzyski,B. (1976) Sporogonites chapmanii, Prototaxites lafontii, Prototaxites sp., and Pachytheca sp. from the Devonian of Suskowola Nearradom, (Central Poland). Acta Palaeobotanica. 3- 16 details
1976 Abele,C. et al. Abele,C. et al. (1976) Otway Basin. (In:Geology of Victoria. J.C.Douglas et al, editors) Geological Society of Australia, Special Publication. 198- 229 details
1976 Dolby,J.H. et al. Dolby,J.H. et al. (1976) Triassic palynology of the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 105- 168 details
1976 Doubinger,J. et al. Doubinger,J. et al. (1976) Initial palynologic studies in the Autunian-Stephanian Basin of Guadalcanal (Northern Sevilla Province, Spain). Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France, 7e s©rie. 1033- 1040 details
1976 Harris,W.K. Harris,W.K. (1976) Appendix 1: Permian palynology of Purni 1, Witcherrie 1 and Mokari 1, Perdirka Basin. (In: The Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Pedirka Basin) Geological Survey of South Australia, Report of Investigations. 46- 47 details
1976 Martini,E. et al. Martini,E. et al. (1976) Calcarious nannofossils, silicoflagellates, dinoflagellates and related forms in the northwest German Tertiary Basin. (In: Project 124--the Northwest European Tertiary Basin) The Northwest European Tertiary Basin. Report IGCP 124. 73- 81 details
1976 Ramos,A. et al. Ramos,A. et al. (1976) The Lower Permian of Rillo De Gallo (Guadalajara). Acta Geolгgica HispЎnica. 65- 70 details
1976 Miall,A.D. Miall,A.D. (1976) Proterozoic and Paleozoic geology of Banks Island, Arctic Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin. 1- 77 details
1976 Bonnefille,R. Bonnefille,R. (1976) Implications of pollen assemblage from the Koobi Fora Formation, East Rudolf, Kenya. Nature. 403- 407 details
1976 Nasu,T. et al. Nasu,T. et al. (1976) Fossil Macrospores ; And Massulae of Salvinia Natans from the Pliocene and the Quaternary sediments in the Kinki and Takai Districts, Japan Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History. 37- 48 details
1976 Karczewska,J. Karczewska,J. (1976) Megaspores of the Turma Zonales from the Carboniferous of Poland. Part 2 Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 333- 363 details
1976 Wilson,L.R. Wilson,L.R. (1976) Desmoinsian Coal Seams of Northeastern Oklahoma and their palynological Content. Tulsa Geological Society,Guidebook,Field Trip,Coal and Oil Potential of the Tri-State Area,April 30 -May 1,1976. 19- 32 details
1976 Dzhabarova,K.S. Dzhabarova,K.S. (1976) Developmental stages of the Upper Paleogene and Neogene floras of Azerbaijan according to palynological data International Palynological Conference,4th,Papers of the Soviet Palynologists,Palynology in USSR. 747- 749 details
1976 Wolfe,J.A. Wolfe,J.A. (1976) Stratigraphic distribution of some pollen types from the Campanian and Lower Maestrichtian rocks, (Upper Cretaceous), of the Middle Atlantic States. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper. 1- 18 details
1976 Durand,S. et al. Durand,S. et al. (1976) Stratigraphic interest of a drilling at Loudun (Vienne) for the study of the Cenomanian of Western France. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 1719- 1722 details
1976 Wilson,L.R. Wilson,L.R. (1976) A preliminary assessment of palynomorph stratigraphy in Morrow and Atoka rocks of the Quachita Mountains, Oklahoma. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, Guidebook for 1976 Field Trip,Study of Paleozoic Rocks in Arbuckle and Western Quachita Mts.Of S.O. 83- 89 details
1976 Nautiyal,A.C. Nautiyal,A.C. (1976) First record of filamentous algal remains from the Late Precambrian rocks of Random Island, (Trinity Bay), eastern Newfoundland, Canada. Current Science. 609- 611 details
1976 Bujak,J.P. Bujak,J.P. (1976) An evolutionary series of Late Eocene dinoflagellate cysts from Southern England. Marine Micropaleontology. 101- 117 details
1976 Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. et al. Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. et al. (1976) Some new and revised organic-walled phytoplankton microfossil genera. Journal of Paleontology. 301- 308 details
1976 Bujak,J.P. et al. Bujak,J.P. et al. (1976) Dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Triassic of Arctic Canada. Micropaleontology. 44- 70 details
1976 KonzalovЎ,M. et al. KonzalovЎ,M. et al. (1976) On the age of the Rychmburk Greywacke. Bulletin of the Geological Survey. 129- 138 details
1976 Yankauskas,T.V. Yankauskas,T.V. (1976) Revision of the age of the "Cambro-Ordoviciennes" formations of the Baltic Region by micropaleontological analysis. (Acritarchs and chitinozoes) Compte-Rendu Sommaire et Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France. 47- 49 details
1976 Pons,M.E.H. Pons,M.E.H. (1976) Palynological study of the Subgroup Itarare in the "White's Section", Lower Permian, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Part 1. Ameghiniana. 109- 125 details
1976 Eggert,P. et al. Eggert,P. et al. (1976) Coalification studies on drift wood embedded in the Lower Junghansen-Series, (Lower Cretaceous), of the Feuerstatter-Nappe, (Northern Peninicum), West of Oberstdorf/Allgaeu. Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Abhandlungen. 111- 136 details
1976 Kong,Z.-C. et al. Kong,Z.-C. et al. (1976) Vegetational and climatic changes in Peking during the past one hundred years. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica. 79- 89 details
1976 Gradstein,F.M. et al. Gradstein,F.M. et al. (1976) Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Atlantic Continental Margin, eastern Canada. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists,Memoir. 103- 131 details
1976 Kedves,M. Kedves,M. (1976) Scanning electron-Microscopic investigations on the pollen grains of the Operculati Venk.Et Gocz. 1964. Acta Biologica,(Szeged). 29- 36 details
1976 Rybakova,N.O. Rybakova,N.O. (1976) The main features of the vegetation change in the Southern Part of the Yano-Indirskaya Depression during the Neogene and Plestocene. International Palynological Conference,4th.Palynology in USSR.Papers of Soviet Palynologists,(Lucknow)Nauka,(Moscow). 122- 125 details
1976 Dellazana,J.G. Dellazana,J.G. (1976) Contribution to the palynology of the Irati form Ation, (Permian), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Ameghiniana. 1- 42 details
1976 Mihaltz-Farago,M. Mihaltz-Farago,M. (1976) Palynological analysis of borehole Egyek-1 A Magyar Allami Fжldtani Int©zet ‰vi Jelent©se, ‰vrжl. 219- 219 details
1976 Hocking,J.B. Hocking,J.B. (1976) Gippsland Basin. (In:Geology of Victoria. J.C.Douglas et al, editors) Geological Society of Australia, Special Publication. 248- 273 details
1976 Owens,B. et al. Owens,B. et al. (1976) Kraeuselisporites from the Namurian of northern England. Pollen et Spores. 145- 156 details
1976 de Lima,M.R. de Lima,M.R. (1976) The genus Classopollis in Mesozoic Basins of North East Brazil Ameghiniana. 226- 234 details
1976 Abele,C. et al. Abele,C. et al. (1976) Tertiary. (In:Geology of Victoria. J.C.Douglas et al, editors) Geological Society of Australia, Special Publication. 177- 191 details
1976 Faizulina,Z.K. et al. Faizulina,Z.K. et al. (1976) Precambrian and Early Cambrian plant microfossils of the South West Prebaikal Irkutsk Amphitheatre and Mid-Botuobinsk Paleontologiya Dokembriya i Rannego Kembriya. 113- 114 details
1976 Bein,A. et al. Bein,A. et al. (1976) Cretaceous Pithonella from Israel Micropaleontology. 83- 91 details
1976 Nagy,L. Nagy,L. (1976) Paleofloral changes in the Hungarian Neogene based on palynological studies Fжldtani Kжzlжny (Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society). 177- 180 details
1976 Stanichnikova,M.S. et al. Stanichnikova,M.S. et al. (1976) Palynological characteristics of Permian and Carboniferous deposits of the southeast part of the Pre-Caspian Basin. (In: Palynological studies (Collected Articles) Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Neftyanogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologorazvedochnogo Instituta, Leningrad(VNIGRI). 7- 19 details
1976 Lachkar,G. Lachkar,G. (1976) Megaspore assemblages in the Coal Seams of the "La Camocha" Mine (Province of Oviedo, Spain) Revista Espaбola de Micropaleontolog­a. 123- 137 details
1976 Archangelsky,S. Archangelsky,S. (1976) Palynlogy of the Paleocene of Chubut Ii.Pollen Diagrams Ameghiniana. 43- 55 details
1976 Millay,M.A. et al. Millay,M.A. et al. (1976) Evolutionary trends in fossil Gymnosperm pollen Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 65- 91 details
1976 de Lima,M.R. de Lima,M.R. (1976) Crotonipollis, a new pollen genus from Santana Formation, Cretaceous of northeastern Brazil. Boletim de la Asociaciгn Latinoamericana de PaleobotЎnica y Palinolog­a. 14- 20 details
1976 Mikhelis,A.A. Mikhelis,A.A. (1976) Characteristic of pollen and spores and separation of Paleogene sections of the Azov Massive Geologicheskii Zhurnal. 105- 115 details
1976 Martin,A.R.H. Martin,A.R.H. (1976) Somestructures in Azolla megaspores, and an anomalous Form. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 141- 169 details
1976 Hallegouet,B. et al. Hallegouet,B. et al. (1976) Discovery of a Lower Oligocene deposit in the Upper Aber Ildut Valley, to the North-West of Brest (Finistere). Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 1711- 1714 details
1976 Brattseva,G.M. Brattseva,G.M. (1976) Pollen of a new form genus, Buravicolpites, from the Eocene of the Far East. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 317- 327 details
1976 Elsik,W.C. Elsik,W.C. (1976) Palynology of Gulf Coast Lignites: The stratigraphic framework and depositional environments. (In: Proceedings Gulf coast Lignite Conference. Geology, Utilization and Environmental Aspects. R.Kaiser, editor) Bureau of Economic Geology,Report of Investigations,University of Texas,(Austin). 21- 31 details
1976 Lang,J. et al. Lang,J. et al. (1976) Contribution to pollen analysis of the Cenozoic Intermountain Basins from Bamyan, Yakawlang, and Ghorband, in Central Afghaistan. Geobios. 425- 480 details
1976 Ragozina,A.L. Ragozina,A.L. (1976) Procaryopsis and Eucaryopsis microfossils of Riphean deposits of the Kolskogo Peninsula Paleontologiya Dokembriya i Rannego Kembriya. 100- 102 details
1976 Isagulova,Y.Z. Isagulova,Y.Z. (1976) Palynological investigation of Taganrogskogo Bay. (In: Palynological Studies of Sedimentary Deposits in the Ukraine and adjacent Regions. Y.V.Teslenko, editor) Trudy Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk Institut Botaniki Izdatelstvo,Naukova Dumka,Kiev,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 17- 21 details