Year First author Citations link
1974 Volkheimer,W. Volkheimer,W. (1974) Stratigraphic palynology of the Jurassic of Sierra de Chacai County and nearby areas (Neuqu©n Province, Argentine Republc). 2. Description of Lower Jurassic and Aalenian palynoorphs (Sierra Chacai Coal and Los Molles Formations). Ameghiniana. 135- 172 details
1974 Kedves,M. et al. Kedves,M. et al. (1974) New observations on the Ektexine of angiosperm fossil pollen from the Lower Eocene. Pollen et Spores. 425- 437 details
1974 Gueinn,K.J. Gueinn,K.J. (1974) A review of the Dinantian palynology of Western Europe. International Symposium on Namur 1974,Geological Survey of Belgium,Publication No.10. 1- 13 details
1974 Burger,D. Burger,D. (1974) Palynology of subsurface Lower Cretaceous strata in the Surat Basin, Queensland. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin. 27- 42 details
1974 Tiwari,R.S. Tiwari,R.S. (1974) Miofloral succession in the African Lower Gondwanas. Mezhdunarodnaya Palinologicheskaya Konferentsiya,3rd,Novosibirsk. 1971, Nauka Moskva. Palinologiya Proterofita I Paleofita. (Palynology of Proterophyte and Paleophyte). 130- 134 details
1974 Moorman,M. Moorman,M. (1974) Microbiota of the Late Proterozoic Hector Formation, Southwestern Alberta, Canada. Journal of Paleontology. 524- 539 details
1974 Evitt,W.R. Evitt,W.R. (1974) Restudy of an Oligocene freshwater dinoflagellate from Vermont. Geoscience and Man. 1- 6 details
1974 Faddeeva,I.Z. Faddeeva,I.Z. (1974) Palynological characteristics of stratotypic sections through Permian Stages. Mezhdunarodnaya Palinologicheskaya Konferentsiya,3rd,Novosibirsk. 1971, Nauka Moskva. Palinologiya Proterofita I Paleofita. (Palynology of Proterophyte and Paleophyte). 135- 139 details
1974 Stockmans,F. et al. Stockmans,F. et al. (1974) Acritarchs of the "Tranchee de Senzeille" (Upper Frasnian and Lower Famennian). M©moires de l'Acad©mie Royale des Sciences, des lettres et des beaux artes de Belgique, Classe des sciences. 1- 79 details
1974 Cornell,W.C. Cornell,W.C. (1974) Maastrichtian silicoflagellates of the Great Valley, California. Geoscience and Man. 37- 44 details
1974 Regali,M.S.P. et al. Regali,M.S.P. et al. (1974) Palynology of Mesozoic-Cenozoic Sediments of Brazil (I and II). (Vol. 17(3), Pages: 177-191). (Vol.17(4), Pages: 263-301.) Boletim T©cnico da Petrobras (Rio de Janeiro). 177- 301 details
1974 Sivertseva,I.A. Sivertseva,I.A. (1974) Lower Permian spores and pollen of the Pamirs. Mezhdunarodnaya Palinologicheskaya Konferentsiya,3rd,Novosibirsk. 1971, Nauka Moskva. Palinologiya Proterofita I Paleofita. (Palynology of Proterophyte and Paleophyte). 139- 141 details
1974 Habib,D. Habib,D. (1974) Morphogenetic relationship between Scriniodinium campanula, Gocht, and Scriniodinium dictyotum, Cookson and Eisenack. Geoscience and Man. 45- 51 details
1974 Dyupina,G.V. Dyupina,G.V. (1974) Lower Permian spore-pollen complexes from the Middle Urals. Mezhdunarodnaya Palinologicheskaya Konferentsiya,3rd,Novosibirsk. 1971, Nauka Moskva. Palinologiya Proterofita I Paleofita. (Palynology of Proterophyte and Paleophyte). 142- 146 details
1974 Sverdlove,M.S. et al. Sverdlove,M.S. et al. (1974) Stratigraphy and suggested phylogeny of Deflandrea vestita (Brideaux) comb.nov. and Deflandrea echinoidea Cookson and Eisenack. Geoscience and Man. 53- 62 details
1974 Dyuzhikova,E.E. Dyuzhikova,E.E. (1974) Stratigraphic subdivision of the Upper Palaeozoic Coal-bearing deposits in the Norilsk Region on a palynological basis. Mezhdunarodnaya Palinologicheskaya Konferentsiya,3rd,Novosibirsk. 1971, Nauka Moskva. Palinologiya Proterofita I Paleofita. (Palynology of Proterophyte and Paleophyte). 146- 150 details
1974 Horowitz,A. Horowitz,A. (1974) Palynostratigraphy of the subsurface Carboniferous Permian, and Triassic in Southern Israel Geoscience and Man. 63- 70 details
1974 Grey,K. Grey,K. (1974) Hystrichosphaeropsis Quasicribrata O.Wetzel, a Basin. Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Monatshefte. 96- 99 details
1974 Stuchlik,L. Stuchlik,L. (1974) Floristic characteristics of the Sarmatian in Gliwice in Upper Silesia, southwest Poland. Akad©miai Kiadг, Budapest, Hungary.. 666- 673 details
1974 Stukalova,N.I. Stukalova,N.I. (1974) Paleofloristic regions of central Kazakhstan for the Early Permian, based on palynological data. Mezhdunarodnaya Palinologicheskaya Konferentsiya,3rd,Novosibirsk. 1971, Nauka Moskva. Palinologiya Proterofita I Paleofita. (Palynology of Proterophyte and Paleophyte). 150- 154 details
1974 Bergad,R.D. Bergad,R.D. (1974) Ultrastructure of living and fossil Salviniaceous megaspores. Geoscience and Man. 72- 72 details
1974 Backhouse,J. Backhouse,J. (1974) Stratigraphic palynology of the Watheroo boreholes Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum, Ehr. compared with Geological Survey of Western Australia, Annual Report. 99- 103 details
1974 Planderova,E. et al. Planderova,E. et al. (1974) Palynological characteristics of the Sarmatian, sensu stricto. Akad©miai Kiadг, Budapest, Hungary.. 674- 705 details
1974 Gutova,L.N. et al. Gutova,L.N. et al. (1974) Upper Paleozoic spore-pollen complexes of the southeastern Part of the Tunguska River Basin. Mezhdunarodnaya Palinologicheskaya Konferentsiya,3rd,Novosibirsk. 1971, Nauka Moskva. Palinologiya Proterofita I Paleofita. (Palynology of Proterophyte and Paleophyte). 154- 160 details
1974 Doyle,J.A. Doyle,J.A. (1974) Angiosperm pollen and correlation of Potomac megafossil localities. Geoscience and Man. 73- 73 details
1974 Gayazova,A.L. Gayazova,A.L. (1974) Spore-pollen complexes from the Lower Kazanian deposits of the Orenburg District. Mezhdunarodnaya Palinologicheskaya Konferentsiya,3rd,Novosibirsk. 1971, Nauka Moskva. Palinologiya Proterofita I Paleofita. (Palynology of Proterophyte and Paleophyte). 160- 165 details
1974 Elsik,W.C. Elsik,W.C. (1974) General characteristics of Eocene palynomorph assemblages in the Gulf Coast, with emphasis on the Claiborne Group of Central Texas. Geoscience and Man. 73- 73 details
1974 Gray,J. et al. Gray,J. et al. (1974) Silurian trilete spores and spore tetrads from Gotland. Science. 260- 263 details
1974 Telnova,V.D. Telnova,V.D. (1974) Correlation of Permian deposits of different facies in the northern part of the Cis-Urals Trough and in the Northeasern Part of the Russianp Latform. Mezhdunarodnaya Palinologicheskaya Konferentsiya,3rd,Novosibirsk. 1971, Nauka Moskva. Palinologiya Proterofita I Paleofita. (Palynology of Proterophyte and Paleophyte). 165- 169 details
1974 Agrali,B. Agrali,B. (1974) Quantitative palynologic summary of Kozlu Group coal veins and consideration of the age of the "Kilic" Vein Series. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey,(Maden Tektik ve Arama Institut,Mecmuasi,Bulletin). 1- 20 details
1974 May,F.E. May,F.E. (1974) Dichastopollenites reticulatus, n.gen., n.sp., Cenomanian guide fossil from the Dakota Sandstone of Utah and Arizona. Geoscience and Man. 75- 76 details
1974 Pi©rart,P. Pi©rart,P. (1974) Morphologic and biometric study of two species of spores from the Gondwana, (Punctatisporites gretensis and Kraeuselispoites braziliensis). Mezhdunarodnaya Palinologicheskaya Konferentsiya,3rd,Novosibirsk. 1971, Nauka Moskva. Palinologiya Proterofita I Paleofita. (Palynology of Proterophyte and Paleophyte). 181- 191 details
1974 Sokolov,B.S. Sokolov,B.S. (1974) On the significance of microfossils of vegetation nature. (In: Microfossils USSR. T.F.Vozzhennikova et al, editors) Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. (Novosibriski), T.F.Vozzhennikova,B.V.Timofeev and L.I.Sheshegova,(editors), Microfossilii SSSR. 5- 11 details
1974 Baragwanath,G.E. et al. Baragwanath,G.E. et al. (1974) Palynological investigations of Victorian Brown Coals. State Electricity Commission of Victoria,Scientific Division,Report #2 (Originally Issued 1964). 1- 67 details
1974 Kiryanov,V.V. Kiryanov,V.V. (1974) New acritarchs from the Volynian Cambrian. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 225- 236 details
1974 Sivertseva,I.A. et al. Sivertseva,I.A. et al. (1974) Finds of Paleozoic spores in metamorphosed Kamchatkan Beds Geologiya i Geofizika. 126- 128 details
1974 Miller,M.S. Miller,M.S. (1974) Stratigraphy and Coal Beds of Upper Mississippian and Lower Pennsylvanian rocks in Southwestern Virginia. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources,Bulletin. 1- 211 details
1974 Yuldashev,S.I. et al. Yuldashev,S.I. et al. (1974) Lower and Middle Jurassic deposits of the North-Western Part of the Bukharo-Khivinsk oil-Gas area Uzbekskiy Geologicheskiy Zhurnal(Uzbekiston Geologiya Zhurnali). 76- 79 details
1974 Naumova,S.N. Naumova,S.N. (1974) Problems of palynology and Palaeophyte and Proterophyte. (In: Palynology of Proterophyte and Palaeophyte.S.N.Naumova, editor) Materily Nauch Sbezdov i Konferentsii,Trudy III Mezhdunarodnoi Palinologicheskoi Nauka,Moscow USSR Konferenttsii. 94- 101 details
1974 Sah,S.C.D. et al. Sah,S.C.D. et al. (1974) Palynostratigraphy of the sedimentary formations of Assam. 3. Biostratigraphic zonation of the Cherra Formation of South Shillon Plateau. The Palaeobotanist. 42- 47 details
1974 Benson,D.G. Benson,D.G. (1974) Geology of the Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir. 1- 90 details
1974 Dutta,S.K. et al. Dutta,S.K. et al. (1974) Palynostratigraphy of the sedimentary formations of Assam, India. 4. Age of the Laitryngew Mawkma coal-bearing sandstones and their relationship with the Cherra Formation. The Palaeobotanist. 48- 51 details
1974 Sah,S.C.D. et al. Sah,S.C.D. et al. (1974) Palynology of the Tertiary sediments of Palana, Rajasthan. The Palaeobotanist. 163- 188 details
1974 Reid,P.C. Reid,P.C. (1974) Gonyaulacacean dinoflagellate cysts from the British Isles Nova Hedwigia. 579- 637 details
1974 Ramanujam,C.G.K. et al. Ramanujam,C.G.K. et al. (1974) Probable Attachment of Dolerotheca Campanulum to a Myeloxylon-Alethopteris type Frond American Journal of Botany. 1057- 1066 details
1974 Zagwijn,W.H. Zagwijn,W.H. (1974) Remarks on the stratigraphic Divisions of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Layers of the Dutch-German Border Regions between Veno and Bruggen. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft,(Hannover). 11- 16 details
1974 Sweet,A.R. et al. Sweet,A.R. et al. (1974) A detailed study of the genus Azollopsis. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1625- 1642 details
1974 Cabanis,B. et al. Cabanis,B. et al. (1974) Palynological dating of the Carbonaceous Schists from the Region of Morlaix (North Finistere). Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 217- 220 details
1974 Banerji,J. et al. Banerji,J. et al. (1974) Palynology of the Panchet Group exposed in the Nonia Nala, near Asansol, West Bengal. The Palaeobotanist. 368- 372 details
1974 Archangelsky,S. et al. Archangelsky,S. et al. (1974) A study of the most ancient Nothofagus, (Fagaceae), pollen from Patagonia, (Argentina and Chile). Boletin de la Sociedad Biologica Mexicana. 13- 30 details
1975 Rжgl,F. et al. Rжgl,F. et al. (1975) Biochronology of conglomerate bearing Molasse sediments near Como, Italy. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia. 57- 88 details
1975 Jerzykiewicz,J. Jerzykiewicz,J. (1975) Spore-pollen assemblages of the Carboniferous/Permian boundary of the Okrzeszyn area. Kwartalnik Geologiczny (Instytut Geologiczy). 559- 567 details
1975 Nautiyal,A.C. Nautiyal,A.C. (1975) Microplanktons from Tethyan sequence of Niti Pass Kumaon Himalayas, India. Current Science. 608- 609 details
1975 Tschudy,R.H. et al. Tschudy,R.H. et al. (1975) Palynological evidence for Late Cretaceous, Paleocene, and Early and Middle Eocene ages for strata in the Kaolin Belt, Central Georgia. Journal of Research of the United States Geological Survey. 437- 445 details
1975 Kemp,E.M. et al. Kemp,E.M. et al. (1975) Antarctic Glaciation and Early Tertiary vegetation. Nature. 507- 508 details
1975 Foucher,J.-C. Foucher,J.-C. (1975) Dinoflagellates and acritarchs from the Cretaceous flints of the Paris Basin Annales Scientifiques de l'Universit© de Reims et de l'A.R.E.R.S.(Association r©gionale pour l©tude et la recherche scientifiques). 8- 10 details
1975 Fowler,K. Fowler,K. (1975) Megaspores and Massulae of Azolla prisca from the Oligocene of the Isle of Wight. Palaeontology. 483- 507 details
1975 Kemp,E.M. et al. Kemp,E.M. et al. (1975) The vegetation of Tertiary Islands on the Ninetyeast Ridge. Nature. 303- 307 details
1975 Kar,R.K. et al. Kar,R.K. et al. (1975) Libya-A probable Part of Gondwanaland Geophytology. 72- 80 details
1975 Krassilov,V.A. et al. Krassilov,V.A. et al. (1975) Pleuromeia from the Lower Triassic of the Olenek River. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 256- 262 details