Year First author Citations link
1974 Waanders,G.L. Waanders,G.L. (1974) Palynology of the Monmouth Group (Maestrichtian) from Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA. PhD Thesis, Michigan State University. 1- 204 details
1974 Riley,L.A. Riley,L.A. (1974) Miospores from the Upper Jurassic of Cabo Espichel, Portugal. (In: Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology) Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Special Publication. 33- 40 details
1974 Benda,L. et al. Benda,L. et al. (1974) Biostratigraphic correlations in the eastern Mediterranean Neogene. 1: Correlation between planktonic foraminiferal, uvigerinid, sporomorphal, and Mammal zonations of the Cretan and Italian Neogene. Newsletters on Stratigraphy. 205- 217 details
1974 Bertelsen,F. et al. Bertelsen,F. et al. (1974) On the environments and stratigraphy of the Late Tertiary of Romo, southwest Denmark. Danmarks Geologiske Undersиgelse. 5- 14 details
1974 Davey,R.J. Davey,R.J. (1974) Dinoflagellate cysts from the Barremian of the Speeton Clay, England. (In: Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology) Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Special Publication. 41- 75 details
1974 Corradini,D. et al. Corradini,D. et al. (1974) Langeites siciliensis, n.sp., a polychaete jaw apparatus from the Permo-Carboniferous of Northwestern Sicily Bollettino della Societ  Paleontologica Italiana. 156- 163 details
1974 McLachlan,R.E. et al. McLachlan,R.E. et al. (1974) Palynomorphs in the Chatanooga Black Shale in Tennessee Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Annual Meeting. 381- 381 details
1974 Bertelsen,F. Bertelsen,F. (1974) Late Tertiary Azolla species from Romo, southwest Denmark. Danmarks Geologiske Undersиgelse. 15- 25 details
1974 Bharadwaj,D.C. Bharadwaj,D.C. (1974) On the classification of Gymnospermous, sporae dispersae. The Palaeobotanist. 7- 52 details
1974 Sah,S.C.D. et al. Sah,S.C.D. et al. (1974) Palynological biostratigraphy of the Tura Formation in the type area. (In: Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology) Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Special Publication. 76- 98 details
1974 Corradini,D. et al. Corradini,D. et al. (1974) Ultrastructure of some fossil and recent polychaete jaws, (scolecodonts). Bollettino della Societ  Paleontologica Italiana. 122- 134 details
1974 Bliakhova,S.M. Bliakhova,S.M. (1974) New organ-Genera Kizylkumina and Zaklinskiana from the Paleocene of Southern Kazakhstan Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 122- 127 details
1974 Planchais,N. Planchais,N. (1974) The Latest Tertiary palynoflora of Sete, (Herault). Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 855- 858 details
1974 Sein,M.K. et al. Sein,M.K. et al. (1974) Palynological demarcation of the Eocene-Oligocene sediments in the Jowai-Badarpur road section, Assam. (In: Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology) Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Special Publication. 99- 105 details
1974 Baksi,S.K. Baksi,S.K. (1974) On Oligocene palynological biostratigraphy of Assam-Bengal Region, India. (In: Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology) Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Special Publication. 106- 116 details
1974 Millay,M.A. et al. Millay,M.A. et al. (1974) Morphological studies of Paleozoic saccate pollen. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 75- 99 details
1974 Brack-Hanes,S.D. Brack-Hanes,S.D. (1974) A Pennsylvanian Lepidocarp Petrifaction with Winged spores. American Journal of Botany. 13- 13 details
1974 Taggart,R.E. et al. Taggart,R.E. et al. (1974) History of vegetation and paleoecology of Upper Miocene Sucker Creek Beds of eastern Oregon. (In: Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology) Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Special Publication. 125- 132 details
1974 Holub,V. Holub,V. (1974) A new occurrence of Lower Carboniferous in the Bohemian Massif. International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,Compte Rendu. 197- 205 details
1974 Portnyagina,L.A. Portnyagina,L.A. (1974) New Taxons of pollen of angiosperm from the Upper Senonian-Paleocene deposits of Carpathians Paleontologicheskii Sbornik. 82- 88 details
1974 Meyers,W.C. et al. Meyers,W.C. et al. (1974) Centonites-A stratigraphically useful palynomorph Restricted to Upper Pennsylvanian Rocks. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Annual Meeting. 117- 118 details
1974 Cosentino,K. et al. Cosentino,K. et al. (1974) Anatomy and development of Nucellangium Glabrum. American Journal of Botany. 14- 14 details
1974 Dijkstra,S.J. Dijkstra,S.J. (1974) Note on some Westphalian megaspores from the Netherlands Geologie en Mijnbouw. 327- 328 details
1974 Wilson,L.R. Wilson,L.R. (1974) Observations on the morphology and stratigraphic distribution of Hamiapollenites. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Annual Meeting. 130- 130 details
1974 Good,C.W. et al. Good,C.W. et al. (1974) Elater-bearing spores of the Calamitales. American Journal of Botany. 16- 16 details
1974 Crepet,W.L. et al. Crepet,W.L. et al. (1974) Investigations of angiosperms from the Eocene of southeastern North America. American Journal of Botany. 14- 14 details
1974 Godwin,C.G. et al. Godwin,C.G. et al. (1974) A review of the Coal Measures, (Westphalian), of Leeds. Journal of Earth Sciences,Leeds Geological Association. 409- 432 details
1974 Warrington,G. Warrington,G. (1974) Geology of the country around Stratford-upon-Avon and Evesham. (Palynology of the Triassic.) Memoir of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. 19- 21 details
1974 Lyarskaya,L.A. et al. Lyarskaya,L.A. et al. (1974) Composition and Ichthyofauna of the Ketlersk Suite in Latvia. (In: Regional Geology of the Baltic Region. V.S.Sorokin, editor) All Union Scientific-Research Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, USSR Ministry of Geology. 90- 105 details
1974 Traverse,A. Traverse,A. (1974) Plant microfossils help date rocks of questionable age. Earth and Mineral Sciences,(Pennsylvania State University). 28- 29 details
1974 Nemejc,F. et al. Nemejc,F. et al. (1974) Hepaticae in the Senonian of South Bohemia. The Palaeobotanist. 23- 26 details
1974 Traverse,A. Traverse,A. (1974) Paleopalynology 1947-1972. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 203- 236 details
1974 Masumov,A.S. et al. Masumov,A.S. et al. (1974) Lower Permian age of the Nadak Suite on the Left Bank of the Arabau River, the Southwestern Part of the Chatkal range Uzbekskiy Geologicheskiy Zhurnal(Uzbekiston Geologiya Zhurnali). 71- 75 details
1974 Cramer,F.H. et al. Cramer,F.H. et al. (1974) Early Paleozoic palynomorph Provinces and paleoclimate. (In: Paleogeographic Provinces and Provinciality, Charles A. Ross, editor) Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM) Special Publication. (Paleogeographic Provinces and Provinciality. Charles A. Ross,editor). 177- 188 details
1974 Bogomyagkova,V.B. et al. Bogomyagkova,V.B. et al. (1974) Stratigraphy of Cambrian deposits of the l'Vov Paeleozoic Trough. (In: Geology and Geochemistry of Fossil Fuels) Geologiya i Geokhimiya Goryuchikh Iskopaemykh,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 35- 45 details
1974 Koch,R.C. et al. Koch,R.C. et al. (1974) Microfossil biostratigraphy of the Uppermost Cretaceous Beds of New Jersey, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Annual Meeting. 45- 46 details
1974 Henry,J.L. et al. Henry,J.L. et al. (1974) Chitinozoans, ostracods and trilobites of the Ordovician of Portugal, (Serra de Bucaco), and the Amorician Massif: Attempt at comparison and paleogeographic significance. Comunica§еes dos Servi§os Geolгgicos de Portugal. 303- 345 details
1974 Johnson,C.D. Johnson,C.D. (1974) Microplankton palynostratigraphy of the Savik Formation (Jurassic), Axel Heiberg and Ellesmere Islands. GAC/CSPG Symposium.Canadian Arctic Geology.Saskatoon,1973. 259- 275 details
1974 Schweitzer,H.J. Schweitzer,H.J. (1974) The Tertiary Conifers of Spitsbergen. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 1- 89 details
1974 Adloff,M.C. et al. Adloff,M.C. et al. (1974) A contribution to the palynology of the Triassic and Lower Lias in Portugal. "Silves Sandstone" from northern Tage. Comunica§еes dos Servi§os Geolгgicos de Portugal. 91- 144 details
1974 Karolusova,E. Karolusova,E. (1974) Correlation of Tufitic sediments of the Zvolen Depression and Volcanic rocks of the Kremnike Higland Geologicke Prace,Spravy. 149- 158 details
1974 Foucher,J.-C. Foucher,J.-C. (1974) Upper Turonian microfossils from the Cherts of Ruyaulcourt (Pas-de-Calais). Annales de Pal©ontologie. 113- 164 details
1974 de Jersey,N.J. de Jersey,N.J. (1974) Palynology and age of the Callide Coal Measures. Queensland Government Mining Journal. 1- 7 details
1974 d'Amato-Avanzi,M.G. d'Amato-Avanzi,M.G. (1974) Mesozoic spores and pollen grains from the Isle of Tavolara, Sardinia (Italy).1. Laevigate Trilete spores. Palaeontographia Italica. 1- 35 details
1974 Inosova,K.I. et al. Inosova,K.I. et al. (1974) Principles of distribution of spores and pollen and changes in their morphological peculiarites in sections of Upper Carboniferous and Lower Permian deposits of the Donetz Basin. (In: Palynology of Proterophyte and Palaeophyte.S.N.Naumova, editor) Materily Nauch Sbezdov i Konferentsii,Trudy III Mezhdunarodnoi Palinologicheskoi Nauka,Moscow USSR Konferenttsii. 116- 124 details
1974 Artzner,D.G. Artzner,D.G. (1974) Palynology of a Volcanic Ash in the Fox Hills Formation (Maestrichtian) of Emmons, Morton, and Sioux Counties, North Dakoa, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Annual Meeting. 487- 488 details
1974 Bonnefille,R. Bonnefille,R. (1974) Palynologic study of Plio-Pleistocene deposits of Ethiopia. Bulletin de Liaison - ASEQUA. 21- 32 details
1974 Pжthe de Baldis,E.D. Pжthe de Baldis,E.D. (1974) Additional microplankton from the Upper Silurian of Santiago del Estero, Republic of Argentina. Ameghiniana. 313- 327 details
1974 Akhmeteev,M.A. Akhmeteev,M.A. (1974) The Oligocene and Miocene floras in the Soviet South Far East as indicators of climatic environments Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya. 134- 143 details
1974 Brezinova,D. et al. Brezinova,D. et al. (1974) A paleobotanical research of Neogene sediment in the environs of the village of Stojcin. Sbornik Narodniho Muzea v Praze. 35- 48 details
1974 Bergad,R.D. Bergad,R.D. (1974) Palynology of the Hell Creek Formation (Maastrichtian) in South-Central North Dakota. PhD Thesis, University of Minnesota. 1- 451 details
1974 Jansa,L.F. Jansa,L.F. (1974) Trace fossils from the Cambro-Ordovician Cow Head Group, Newfoundland, and their paleobathymetric implication. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 233- 244 details
1974 Aren,B. et al. Aren,B. et al. (1974) Organic remains at the Vendian-Cambrian boundary in the Platform sediments in Poland Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Earth Science. 49- 53 details
1974 Saad,S.I. Saad,S.I. (1974) Palynological results and their bearing on the Theory of Continental Displacement. Advances in Pollen-Spore Research. 70- 77 details
1974 de Porta,J. de Porta,J. (1974) Stratigraphic Lexicon. Colombia:(Part Two). Tertiary and Quaternary. Union Internationale Des Sciencies G©ologiques. details
1974 Vasileva,M.N. et al. Vasileva,M.N. et al. (1974) On the Upper Paleozoic deposits in the Daldyn-Alakit Area, (Western Yakutia). Geologiya i Geofizika. 149- 154 details
1974 Szaniawski,H. Szaniawski,H. (1974) Some Mesozoic Scolecodonts Congeneric with recent forms Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 179- 199 details
1974 McIntyre,D.J. McIntyre,D.J. (1974) Palynology of an Upper Cretaceous section, Horton River, District of MacKenzie, N. W. T. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper. 1- 57 details
1974 Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. (1974) Protistan phylogeny as indicated by the fossil record. Taxon. 277- 290 details
1974 Kedves,M. Kedves,M. (1974) Paleogene fossil sporomorphs of the Bakony Mountains, Part Ii. Studia Biolobica Hungarica. 5- 124 details