Year First author Citations link
1971 Mitsul,E.Z. Mitsul,E.Z. (1971) Palynological characterization of Sarmatian deposits of Moldavia. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Atkinson,K. et al. Atkinson,K. et al. (1971) Lower Caradocian (Upper Ordovician) chitinozoa from North Wales. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 239- 250 details
1971 Baksi,S.K. Baksi,S.K. (1971) Generalized palynological biostratigraphy of Bengal Basin, a preliminary study. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings.Abstracts. 29- 29 details
1971 Pelipenko,Y.M. Pelipenko,Y.M. (1971) Interpreting spore-pollen spectra of Continental deposits. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Az©ma,C. et al. Az©ma,C. et al. (1971) A preliminary palynological study of a Cenomanian deposits from Bironniere, Vendee (France). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 267- 282 details
1971 Savina,A.I. et al. Savina,A.I. et al. (1971) Triassic stratigraphy of eastern Ciscaucasia Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 100- 103 details
1971 Loboziak,S. Loboziak,S. (1971) The micro and megaspores of the western part of the northern Coal Basin of France. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 1- 127 details
1971 Chitaley,S.D. et al. Chitaley,S.D. et al. (1971) Microflora of Intertrappean and Lamfta Formations of India Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings.Abstracts. 30- 30 details
1971 Wall,D. et al. Wall,D. et al. (1971) A reconsideration of living and fossil Pyrophacus Stein, 1883 (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology. 221- 235 details
1971 Planderova,E. et al. Planderova,E. et al. (1971) Floristic characteristics of Oligocene and Lower Miocene sediments in the Region of Western Carpathians of Slovakia. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Muntyan,I. Muntyan,I. (1971) Cretaceous and Jurassic boundary in the borehole Number 15 A Magyar Allami Fжldtani Int©zet ‰vi Jelent©se, ‰vrжl. 257- 266 details
1971 Deb,U. Deb,U. (1971) Some spores and pollen grains from Neyveli Lignite. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings.Abstracts. 31- 31 details
1971 Pogodayeva,T.V. Pogodayeva,T.V. (1971) Main stages in the development of Late Cretaceous flora in the northern part of the Dzhezkazgan Sarysui Depression in Cental Kazakhstan. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Grigoreva,K.N. et al. Grigoreva,K.N. et al. (1971) On the question of the presence of Danian (?) deposits in the eastern West Siberia. (In: Paleopalynology Material of Central Siberia. L.E.Markova, editor) Trudy Sibirskogo Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo Instituta Geologii Geofiziki i Mineralnogo Syrya (SNIIGGIMS). Ministerstva Geologii SSSR,Vypusk. 64- 67 details
1971 Ramanujam,C.G.K. Ramanujam,C.G.K. (1971) Revision of Pteridophytic spores from the Warkallili of South India. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings.Abstracts. 35- 35 details
1971 Ponomarenko,Z.K. et al. Ponomarenko,Z.K. et al. (1971) Significance of Classopollis, Pflug, pollen for the stratigraphy and paleofloristic zonation of Kazakhstan in Jurassic - Eary Paleogene Times. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Hueber,F.M. Hueber,F.M. (1971) Sawdonia Ornata Taxon. 641- 642 details
1971 Shakhmundes,V.A. Shakhmundes,V.A. (1971) The findings of Acanthodiacrodium Timofeev,1958 in Lower Cretaceous deposits of the northern part of Caspian Region. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 437- 439 details
1971 Sah,S.C.D. et al. Sah,S.C.D. et al. (1971) Stratigraphical evaluation of the palynological assemblages from the Lower Eocene sediments of India. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings.Abstracts. 36- 36 details
1971 Penkova,A.M. Penkova,A.M. (1971) The distribution of Ephedra L. pollen in the Upper Paleogene and Neogene deposits of Southwest Tadzhikistan. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Lopukhin,A.S. Lopukhin,A.S. (1971) New microfossils from the Precambrian of Tian-Shan Izvestia Higher Education Institute, Geology and Exploration. 156- 158 details
1971 Salujha,S.K. et al. Salujha,S.K. et al. (1971) Palynology of the Tertiary sediments in Assam, Part 1, the Paleogenes of Garo Hills. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings.Abstracts. 37- 37 details
1971 Petrescu,J. Petrescu,J. (1971) Paleobiology of the forests in the Northwest Roumania based upon palynological studies. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Venkatachala,B.S. et al. (1971) Palynology of the Tertiary sediments in the Cauvery Basin. 1. Eocene palyflora from the subsurface. Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings.Abstracts. 38- 38 details
1971 Portnyagina,L.A. Portnyagina,L.A. (1971) Palynology and stratigraphy of Upper Senonian and Paleogene deposits of the Skibovaya Zone of the Carpathians International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Kedo,G.I. Kedo,G.I. (1971) Spores of the group Monoletes Ibrahim in Devonian deposits. (In: Palynology research in Byelorussia and other Regions of the USSR) Nauka i Tekhniki,Minsk, Belnigri. 74- 80 details
1971 Pulatova,M.Z. Pulatova,M.Z. (1971) Eocene flora of the Tadzhik Depression as revealed by palynological evidence International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Jenkins,W.A.M. Jenkins,W.A.M. (1971) Palynology and Silurian-Lower Devonian (Hunton) stratigraphy in the subsurface of Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle Geological Society of America Bulletin. 489- 492 details
1971 Rakosi,L. et al. Rakosi,L. et al. (1971) Connections in Paleogene vegetation between Hungary and Slovakia International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Gray,J. et al. Gray,J. et al. (1971) Early Silurian spore tetrads from New York earliest new world evidence for vascular plants. Science. 918- 921 details
1971 Egorov,A.I. et al. Egorov,A.I. et al. (1971) Upper Devonian climatic Geozones and spore-pollen association. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Palynology of the Lower Don and the Northern Caucasus. 16- 36 details
1971 Voitsel,Z.A. et al. Voitsel,Z.A. et al. (1971) Palynological characteristics of Berraisian (?), Valanginian and Hauter-Barremian deposits of the Ob-Irtysh Interfluve. (In: Paleopalynology Material of Central Siberia. L.E.Markova, editor) Trudy Sibirskogo Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo Instituta Geologii Geofiziki i Mineralnogo Syrya (SNIIGGIMS). Ministerstva Geologii SSSR,Vypusk. 26- 33 details
1971 Evans,P.R. Evans,P.R. (1971) Palynology. (In: A review of the Otway Basin. M.A. Reynolds, editor) Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Australia, Report. 31- 35 details
1971 Rakosi,L. Rakosi,L. (1971) Phylogenetical history of Paleogene vegetation in Hungary International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Katinas,V. Katinas,V. (1971) Amber and Amber-bearing deposits of the Southern Baltic area Trudy Litovskii Nauchno-Issledovatelskii Geologorazvedochnyi Institut. 1- 151 details
1971 Rybakova,N.O. Rybakova,N.O. (1971) Spore-pollen complexes from the Neogene of Arctic Yakutia International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Lapteva,A.M. et al. Lapteva,A.M. et al. (1971) The age terrigenian sediments of the Lower Carboniferous from the Southern Slope of the Voronezh Anticline, accouding to palynology. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Palynology of the Lower Don and the Northern Caucasus. 37- 42 details
1971 Umnova,N.I. et al. Umnova,N.I. et al. (1971) Acritarch assemblages from the Cambrian and Early Ordovician sediments of western and northwestern Russian Platform. (In: Palynology research in Byelorussia and other Regions of the USSR) Nauka i Tekhniki,Minsk, Belnigri. 45- 72 details
1971 Nakagawa,H. et al. Nakagawa,H. et al. (1971) Quaternary Crustal Movements in the Shinjo Basin, Northeastern Honshu, Japan. Contributions from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University. 13- 29 details
1971 Kirkland,D.W. et al. Kirkland,D.W. et al. (1971) Jurassic Salt, Central Gulf of Mexico, and its Temporal relation to Circum-Gulf Evaporites AAPG, Bulletin. 680- 686 details
1971 Graham,A. et al. Graham,A. et al. (1971) The geologic history of the Lythraceae Brittonia. 335- 346 details
1971 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1971) Biostratigraphic significance of the Upper Cretaceous genera Aquilapollenites and Mancicorpus in interregional correlations. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Petrova,E.K. Petrova,E.K. (1971) Palynological characteristics of Permian deposits of the Central Vilyuysk area. (In: Palynological characteristics of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of Vakutia. A.I.Tomskayiya and V.F.Vozin, editors) International Palynological Conference,3rd, Palynologic Characteristics of Paleozoic,Mesozoic and Cenozoic Deposits of Yakut. 45- 50 details
1971 Umnova,V.T. Umnova,V.T. (1971) New species of spores in Dopyarnusk deposits of the Devonian (Upper Emsian?-Lower Eifelian?). (In: Palynological investigations in Belorussia and other Regions of the USSR. V.K.Golubzov et al, editors) Upravlenie Geologii Pri Sovete Ministrov BSSR,(Beinigri). 135- 144 details
1971 Portnyagina,L.A. Portnyagina,L.A. (1971) Stratigraphy and palynology of the Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene Flysch of the Skale Zone of the Carpathians Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 55- 64 details
1971 Semochkina,T.G. Semochkina,T.G. (1971) Palynological characterization of Oligocene deposits in the Southwestern Part of the West Siberian Lowland International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Tuzhikova,V.I. Tuzhikova,V.I. (1971) Triassic acritarchs of the Urals Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 146- 148 details
1971 Skripina,G.F. Skripina,G.F. (1971) New data regarding the age of the Upper Layers of the Kurungury Suite in the Kempendyayi area. (In: Palynological characteristics of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of Vakutia. A.I.Tomskayiya and V.F.Vozin, editors) International Palynological Conference,3rd, Palynologic Characteristics of Paleozoic,Mesozoic and Cenozoic Deposits of Yakut. 51- 54 details
1971 Kedo,G.I. et al. Kedo,G.I. et al. (1971) Palynological criteria for determination of the boundry between the Devonian and Carboniferous in the Pripyat Depression. (In: Palynological research in Belorussia and other Regions of the USSR) Nauka i Tekhniki,Minsk, Belnigri. 5- 34 details
1971 Salujha,S.K. et al. Salujha,S.K. et al. (1971) Fossil palynomorphs from the Vindhyans of Rajasthan, (India). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 65- 83 details
1971 Takahashi,K. Takahashi,K. (1971) Spore and pollen assemblages from the Upper Cretaceous Futaba Group, Northeast Japan. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Skripina,G.F. Skripina,G.F. (1971) Triassic spore-pollen assemblages of Middle Vilyuusk gas-containing deposits. (In: Palynological characteristics of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of Vakutia. A.I.Tomskayiya and V.F.Vozin, editors) International Palynological Conference,3rd, Palynologic Characteristics of Paleozoic,Mesozoic and Cenozoic Deposits of Yakut. 54- 62 details
1971 Marcinkiewicz,T. Marcinkiewicz,T. (1971) The stratigraphy of the Rhaetian and Liasin Poland based on megaspore investigations Prace Instytut Geologiczny,(Warsaw). 1- 57 details
1971 Terekhova,E.K. Terekhova,E.K. (1971) Miocene spore-pollen complexes of eastern Kyzylkum Desert International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Olaru,L. Olaru,L. (1971) Stratigraphic distribution of microphytoplankton in Paleogene Beds of the Plopu Rivulet Flysch (Trotosul Basin). Progrese in Palinologia Romaneasca,Editura Academiei Republicii Socite Romania. 169- 174 details
1971 Zhabresa,L.D. Zhabresa,L.D. (1971) Palynological characteristics of Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of the Kenkeme Area, (Southern Chakys Horst). (In: Palynological characteristics of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of Vakutia. A.I.Tomskayiya and V.F.Vozin, editors) International Palynological Conference,3rd, Palynologic Characteristics of Paleozoic,Mesozoic and Cenozoic Deposits of Yakut. 62- 68 details
1971 Hawkins,P.J. et al. Hawkins,P.J. et al. (1971) Stratigraphy. (In: A review of the Otway Basin. M.A. Reynolds, editor) Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Australia, Report. 7- 30 details
1971 Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Venkatachala,B.S. et al. (1971) Palynological zonation of the Tertiary subcrop sequence in the Cauvery Basin, South India. International Palynological Conference,3rd,Abstracts,(Novosibirsk). details
1971 Eisenack,A. Eisenack,A. (1971) Anomalies of fossil dinoflagellates. Pal¤eontologische Zeitschrift. 75- 78 details
1971 Rimma,L.A. Rimma,L.A. (1971) Palynological stratigraphy of the Dolmen Suite International Palynological Conference,3rd,Palynology of the Lower Don and the Northern Caucasus. 102- 112 details