Stratification of Late Precambrian-Early Paleozoic deposits of Central Taimyr. (In: The Precambrian and Cambrian of the Taimyr Peninsula. A Collection of Six Scientific Papers. V.Y.Kabankov, editor)
Foreign title:
K probleme Stratifikatsii Pazdnedokembriiskikh-Rannepaleozoiskikh otlozhenii Tsentralnogo Taimyra. (In: Dokembrii i Kembrii Poluostrova Taimyr Sbornik Nauchykh Trudov. V.Y. Kabankov,editor)
Kabankov,V.Y. et al. (1981) Stratification of Late Precambrian-Early Paleozoic deposits of Central Taimyr. (In: The Precambrian and Cambrian of the Taimyr Peninsula. A Collection of Six Scientific Papers. V.Y.Kabankov, editor) [ K probleme Stratifikatsii Pazdnedokembriiskikh-Rannepaleozoiskikh otlozhenii Tsentralnogo Taimyra. (In: Dokembrii i Kembrii Poluostrova Taimyr Sbornik Nauchykh Trudov. V.Y. Kabankov,editor) ] Nauchno-Issledovatelskii Institut Geologii Arktiki (NIIGA) Ministerstva Geologii SSR. Leningrad P. 5- 21
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Leiosphaeridia Leiosphaeridia bituminosa USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Riphean Vendian
Leiosphaeridia Leiosphaeridia complicata USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Vendian
Leiosphaeridium Leiosphaeridium particularum USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Vendian
Leiosphaeridium Leiosphaeridium sphaericum USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Vendian
Micrhystridium Micrhystridium tornatum USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Cambrian
Orygmatosphaeridium Orygmatosphaeridium rubiginosum USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Precambriam Cambrian
Oscillatorites Oscillatorites wernadskii USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Vendian Cambrian
Protosphaeridium Protosphaeridium cellulare USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Riphean
Protosphaeridium Protosphaeridium densum USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Riphean Vendian
Protosphaeridium Protosphaeridium duricorium USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Late Riphean Vendian
Protosphaeridium Protosphaeridium flexuosum USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Riphean Vendian
Protosphaeridium Protosphaeridium laccatum USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Riphean Vendian
Protosphaeridium Protosphaeridium pusillum USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Riphean Vendian
Pterospermopsimorpha Pterospermopsimorpha annularis USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Precambriam Cambrian
Tasmanites Tasmanites tenellus USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Cambrian
Tasmanites Tasmanites variabilis USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Cambrian
Trachysphaeridium Trachysphaeridium araneosum USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Riphean