Rhaeto-Jurassic flora of Iran Andafghanistan.6. Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous dinoflagellates and acritarchs from northern Aghanistan.
Foreign title:
Die r¤to-jurassischen Floren des Iran und Afghanistans. 6. Jurassische und unterkretazische dinoflagellaten und Acritarchen aus Nordafghanistan.
Ashraf,A.R. (1979) Rhaeto-Jurassic flora of Iran Andafghanistan.6. Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous dinoflagellates and acritarchs from northern Aghanistan. [ Die r¤to-jurassischen Floren des Iran und Afghanistans. 6. Jurassische und unterkretazische dinoflagellaten und Acritarchen aus Nordafghanistan. ] Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B Vol. 169 # 4 P. 122- 158
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Gonyaulacysta Gonyaulacysta filapicata Afghanistan Malm
Gonyaulacysta Gonyaulacysta jurassica Afghanistan Malm
Gonyaulacysta Gonyaulacysta nannotrix Afghanistan Malm
Gonyaulacysta Gonyaulacysta sp Afghanistan Malm
Hexasphaera Hexasphaera asymmetrica Afghanistan Early Cretaceous
Hystrichokolpoma Hystrichokolpoma xipheum Afghanistan Early Cretaceous
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium complex Afghanistan Early Cretaceous
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium cooksoniae Afghanistan Early Cretaceous
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium stellatum Afghanistan Early Cretaceous
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum Afghanistan Early Cretaceous
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium valgum Afghanistan Early Cretaceous
Hystrichosphaerina Hystrichosphaerina schindewolfii Afghanistan Dogger Malm
Lanterna Lanterna pattei Afghanistan Malm Early Cretaceous
Leptodinium Leptodinium arcuatum Afghanistan Malm
Leptodinium Leptodinium porosum Afghanistan Malm
Leptodinium Leptodinium regale Afghanistan Malm
Leptodinium Leptodinium saepitum sp. nov. Afghanistan Malm