Palaeozoic sporae dispersae from Zaire, (Congo). 14.Specimen No 3 from the Lufubu Salt Marshes near Nyangwe (Maniema).
Kar,R.K. et al. (1978) Palaeozoic sporae dispersae from Zaire, (Congo). 14.Specimen No 3 from the Lufubu Salt Marshes near Nyangwe (Maniema). Annales Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale,(Tervuren, Belgium) Serie in 8, Sciences Geologiques # 82 P. 11- 17
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Decussatisporites Decussatisporites magmus Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Divarisaccus Divarisaccus lelei Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Elilasaccites Elilasaccites elilaensis Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Fusacolpites Fusacolpites fusus Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Fusacolpites Fusacolpites ovatus Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Ginkgocycadophytus Ginkgocycadophytus cymbatus Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Hoegiasaccites Hoegiasaccites transitus Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Indotriradites Indotriradites korbaensis Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Jugasporites Jugasporites ovatus Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Kibambaites Kibambaites corius Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Lahirites Lahirites sp Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Leiotriletes Leiotriletes sp Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Limitisporites Limitisporites elilaensis Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Limitisporites Limitisporites plicatus Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Lophotriletes Lophotriletes mabuitaensis Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Lophotriletes Lophotriletes rectus Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic
Lukugasporites Lukugasporites spinosus Dem.Repub.of the Congo Paleozoic