Structural types of the Prosome and Operculum in the chitinozoa and their association with genera and species.
Umnova,N.I. (1976) Structural types of the Prosome and Operculum in the chitinozoa and their association with genera and species. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal) Vol. 1976 # 4 P. 393- 406
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Eisenackitina Eisenackitina rimosa sp. nov. USSR(Russian Platform) Ludlovian
Hoegisphaera Hoegisphaera glabra USSR(Russian Platform) Ordovician
Hoegisphaera Hoegisphaera glabra USSR(Russian Platform) Silurian
Lagenochitina Lagenochitina baltica USSR(Russian Platform) Late Ordovician
Lagenochitina Lagenochitina pervulgata USSR(Russian Platform) Early Ordovician
Linochitina Linochitina cingulata USSR(Russian Platform) Early Wenlockian
Linochitina Linochitina erratica USSR(Russian Platform) Ordovician
Linochitina Linochitina erratica USSR(Russian Platform) Silurian
Margachitina Margachitina margaritana USSR(Russian Platform) Early Wenlockian
Rhabdochitina Rhabdochitina magna USSR(Russian Platform) Early Ordovician
Rhabdochitina Rhabdochitina tubularis sp. nov. USSR(Russian Platform) Early Ordovician Middle Ordovician
Sphaerochitina Sphaerochitina sphaerocephala USSR(Russian Platform) Late Ludlovian