Palynological study of the Paleogene in Southern England.
Foreign title:
Etude palynologique du Paleogene de Sud de l'Angleterre.
Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. (1976) Palynological study of the Paleogene in Southern England. [ Etude palynologique du Paleogene de Sud de l'Angleterre. ] Cahiers de Micropal©ontologie Vol. 1 P. 5- 49
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Polyporopollenites Polyporopollenites stellatus England(Sussex) Ludian Stampian
Polyporopollenites Polyporopollenites undulosus England(Isle of Wight) Auversian
Polyporopollenites Polyporopollenites undulosus England(Sussex) Auversian Stampian
Polysphaeridium Polysphaeridium pumilum England(Isle of Wight) Sparnacian
Polysphaeridium Polysphaeridium pumilum England(Sussex) Sparnacian
Polysphaeridium Polysphaeridium subtile England(Isle of Wight) Sparnacian
Polysphaeridium Polysphaeridium subtile England(Sussex) Sparnacian
Polyvestibulopollenites Polyvestibulopollenites verus England(Isle of Wight) Thanetian
Polyvestibulopollenites Polyvestibulopollenites verus England(Sussex) Thanetian Stampian
Pompeckjoidaepollenites Pompeckjoidaepollenites subhercynicus England(Isle of Wight) Thanetian Cuisian
Pompeckjoidaepollenites Pompeckjoidaepollenites subhercynicus England(Sussex) Thanetian Cuisian
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites microvestibulum England(Isle of Wight) Sparnacian
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites microvestibulum England(Sussex) Sparnacian
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites vestibulum England(Isle of Wight) Late Lutetian Stampian
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites vestibulum England(Sussex) Late Lutetian Stampian
Pseudospinaepollis Pseudospinaepollis pseudospinosus England(Isle of Wight) Sparnacian Stampian
Pseudospinaepollis Pseudospinaepollis pseudospinosus England(Sussex) Sparnacian Stampian