Microfossils with organic tests from Wenlock Stage of Dudley, England.
Foreign title:
Mikrofossilien in organischer Substanz aus den Middle Nodular Beds (Wenlock) von Dudley, England.
Eisenack,A. (1977) Microfossils with organic tests from Wenlock Stage of Dudley, England. [ Mikrofossilien in organischer Substanz aus den Middle Nodular Beds (Wenlock) von Dudley, England. ] Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Monatshefte Vol. 1977 # 1 P. 25- 35
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Ancyrochitina Ancyrochitina ancyrea England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Ancyrochitina Ancyrochitina diabolus England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Ancyrochitina Ancyrochitina primitiva England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Conochitina Conochitina elegans England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Conochitina Conochitina latifrons England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Conochitina Conochitina pachycephala England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Goniosphaeridium Goniosphaeridium polygonale England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Multiplicisphaeridium Multiplicisphaeridium corallinum England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Multiplicisphaeridium Multiplicisphaeridium digitatum England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Polysiphonidia Polysiphonidia enigmatica England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Problematikum Problematikum sp.A sp. nov. England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Sphaerochitina Sphaerochitina sphaerocephala England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Synsphaeridium Synsphaeridium tuberculatum England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian
Tasmanites Tasmanites medius England(Staffordshire) Wenlockian