Palynologic analyses of Upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks of the Grand Banks, Atlantic Continental Margin.
Williams,G.L. et al. (1975) Palynologic analyses of Upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks of the Grand Banks, Atlantic Continental Margin. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin # 236 P. 1- 162
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Pollenites Pollenites kruschi Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd
Pollenites Pollenites kruschi Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd Nd
Pollenites Pollenites pseudocastanea Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd
Pollenites Pollenites pseudolaesus Atlantic Coast Offshore Early Eocene Late Miocene
Pollenites Pollenites pseudolaesus Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd
Pollenites Pollenites pseudolaesus Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd
Pollenites Pollenites ventosus Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd
Polysphaeridium Polysphaeridium pastielsii Atlantic Coast Offshore Early Eocene Late Miocene
Polysphaeridium Polysphaeridium sp.A sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Early Oligocene
Polystephanephorus Polystephanephorus sp.A sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Eocene
Proteacidites Proteacidites sp.A sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Campanian Maastrichtian
Proteacidites Proteacidites sp.B sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Campanian
Proteacidites Proteacidites thalmannii Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd
Psilatricolporites Psilatricolporites sp.Y sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Early Miocene Late Miocene
Psilatricolporites Psilatricolporites sp.Z sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Late Eocene Late Miocene
Pterocaryapollenites Pterocaryapollenites sp Atlantic Coast Offshore Late Eocene
Pterospermopsis Pterospermopsis spinosa Atlantic Coast Offshore Early Santonian