Palynologic analyses of Upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks of the Grand Banks, Atlantic Continental Margin.
Williams,G.L. et al. (1975) Palynologic analyses of Upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks of the Grand Banks, Atlantic Continental Margin. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin # 236 P. 1- 162
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Monosulcites Monosulcites scabratus Atlantic Coast Offshore Late Albian Early Santonian
Monosulcites Monosulcites scabratus Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd
Monosulcites Monosulcites sp.A sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Late Albian
Multiporopollenites Multiporopollenites sp.A sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Oligocene Pleistocene
Muratodinium Muratodinium fimbriatum Atlantic Coast Offshore Paleocene
Nematosphaeropsis Nematosphaeropsis balcombiana Atlantic Coast Offshore Late Miocene
Nematosphaeropsis Nematosphaeropsis sp.A sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd
Nematosphaeropsis Nematosphaeropsis sp.B Will.& Brid.,1975 sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Early Oligocene
Neoraistrickia Neoraistrickia robusta Atlantic Coast Offshore Late Albian
Neoraistrickia Neoraistrickia sp.A sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Late Albian Late Miocene
Nudopollis Nudopollis terminalis Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd
Nyssa Nyssa ingentipollinia Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd
Nyssapollenites Nyssapollenites accessorius Atlantic Coast Offshore Nd
Nyssapollenites Nyssapollenites sp.A sp. nov. Atlantic Coast Offshore Paleocene Early Oligocene
Odontochitina Odontochitina striatoperforata Atlantic Coast Offshore Cenomanian Campanian
Oligosphaeridium Oligosphaeridium anthophorum Atlantic Coast Offshore Coniacian Early Santonian
Oligosphaeridium Oligosphaeridium complex Atlantic Coast Offshore Cenomanian Early Santonian