Nannoplankton-phytoplankton correlation from the Middle and Upper Oligocene of northwest Germany.
Foreign title:
Nannoplankton-Phytoplankton korrelation im Mittel-und Ober-Oligoz¤n von NW Germany.
Benedek,P.N. et al. (1974) Nannoplankton-phytoplankton correlation from the Middle and Upper Oligocene of northwest Germany. [ Nannoplankton-Phytoplankton korrelation im Mittel-und Ober-Oligoz¤n von NW Germany. ] Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Monatshefte Vol. 1974 # 7 P. 385- 397
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Discolithina Discolithina enormis W.Germany(N.Rhine) Chattian
Discolithina Discolithina pygmaea W.Germany(N.Rhine) Rupelian Chattian
Helicopontosphaera Helicopontosphaera obliqua W.Germany(N.Rhine) Chattian
Helicopontosphaera Helicopontosphaera perch-nielseniae W.Germany(N.Rhine) Chattian
Helicopontosphaera Helicopontosphaera recta W.Germany(N.Rhine) Rupelian Chattian
Homotryblium Homotryblium floripes W.Germany(N.Rhine) Chattian
Homotryblium Homotryblium floripes W.Germany(N.Rhine) Chattian
Hystrichogonyaulax Hystrichogonyaulax coreoides W.Germany(N.Rhine) Rupelian
Hystrichogonyaulax Hystrichogonyaulax polytrix W.Germany(N.Rhine) Rupelian
Hystrichokolpoma Hystrichokolpoma cinctum W.Germany(N.Rhine) Rupelian
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum W.Germany(N.Rhine) Rupelian Chattian
Orthozygus Orthozygus aureus W.Germany(N.Rhine) Rupelian
Pentadinium Pentadinium laticinctum W.Germany(N.Rhine) Rupelian Chattian
Pentadinium Pentadinium laticinctum W.Germany(N.Rhine) Rupelian Chattian
Pentadinium Pentadinium laticinctum W.Germany(N.Rhine) Rupelian Chattian
Pentadinium Pentadinium taeniagerum W.Germany(N.Rhine) Rupelian Chattian
Pentadinium Pentadinium taeniagerum W.Germany(N.Rhine) Chattian