Index to the genera, subgenera, and sections of the Pyrrhophyta, 7.
Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. et al. (1974) Index to the genera, subgenera, and sections of the Pyrrhophyta, 7. Phycologia Vol. 13 # 1 P. 57- 61
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Cornudinium Cornudinium Nd Nd
Diacanthum Diacanthum Nd Nd
Dictyopyxis Dictyopyxis Nd Nd
Doidyx Doidyx Nd Nd
Druggidium Druggidium Nd Nd
Egmontodinium Egmontodinium Nd Nd
Epicephalopyxis Epicephalopyxis Nd Nd
Epiplosphaera Epiplosphaera Nd Nd
Scriniodinium Scriniodinium Nd Nd
Evittia Evittia Nd Nd
Forma Forma Nd Nd
Fromea Fromea Nd Nd
Gymnodinium Gymnodinium Nd Nd
Gymnodinium Gymnodinium Nd Nd
Gymnodinium Gymnodinium Nd Nd
Halophoridia Halophoridia Nd Nd
Homotryblium Homotryblium Nd Nd