Fossil dinoflagellates: index to genera and species.
Lentin,J.K. et al. (1973) Fossil dinoflagellates: index to genera and species. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper Vol. 73 # 42 P. 1- 176
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Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium oligacanthum sp. nov. Nd Nd
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium parvum Nd Cenomanian
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium patagonicum Nd Eocene
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium pectiniforme Nd Oligocene
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium pilosum Nd Nd
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium polyacanthum Nd Early Kimmeridgian
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium polypes sp. nov. Nd Cenomanian
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium polypes Nd Albian Cenomanian
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium polytrichum Nd Late Bathonian
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium spiralisetum Nd Late Cretaceous
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium tiara Nd Eocene
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium tribuliferum Nd Oxfordian
Cobricosphaeridium Cobricosphaeridium hebes Nd Recent
Cobricosphaeridium Cobricosphaeridium spiniferum Nd Recent
Cobricosphaeridium Cobricosphaeridium spiniferum Nd Recent
Cobricosphaeridium Cobricosphaeridium spiniferum Nd Holocene
Codonia Codonia Nd Nd