An annotated synopsis of Paleozoic fossil spores and the definition of generic groups.
Schopf,J.M. et al. (1944) An annotated synopsis of Paleozoic fossil spores and the definition of generic groups. Illinois State Geological Survey, Report of Investigations # 91 P. 1- 66
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Spore Spore type 46 sp. nov. Nd Nd
Spore Spore type 7 Zern.,1931 sp. nov. Nd Nd
Spore Spore type B2 sp. nov. Nd Nd
Spore Spore type B4 sp. nov. Nd Nd
Spore Spore type D5 sp. nov. Nd Nd
Spore Spore type D5 sp. nov. Nd Nd
Spore Spore type E2 sp. nov. Nd Nd
Spore Spore type E6 sp. nov. Nd Nd
Spore Spore type G1 sp. nov. Nd Nd
Spore Spore type K8 sp. nov. Nd Nd
Sporites Sporites bipilosus Germany Early Westphalian C
Sporites Sporites clavatopilosus Germany Early Westphalian C
Sporites Sporites clavatopilosus Germany Late Westphalian A Early Westphalian C
Sporites Sporites clavatopilosus Germany(Rhineland) Westphalian C
Sporites Sporites diffusopilosus Nd Nd
Sporites Sporites dificilis Nd Nd
Sporites Sporites echinospinosus Nd Nd