Silurian microflora and chitinozoa in Guanyinqiao Qijiang County Sichuan Province and their stratigraphic significance
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In Chinese with English summary
Fang,X. et al. (1988) Silurian microflora and chitinozoa in Guanyinqiao Qijiang County Sichuan Province and their stratigraphic significance [ In Chinese with English summary ] Professional Papers of Stratigraphy and Palaeontology,(Diceng Gushengwu Lunwen Ji). Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences # 20 P. 198- 209
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Eisenackitina Eisenackitina sp China(Szechwan) Llandoverian
Eisenackitina Eisenackitina sp.C Vern.,1982 sp. nov. China(Szechwan) Llandoverian Wenlockian
Elektoriskos Elektoriskos pogonius China(Szechwan) Wenlockian
Eupoikilofusa Eupoikilofusa rochesterensis China(Szechwan) Llandoverian
Goniosphaeridium Goniosphaeridium makrosphaericum China(Szechwan) Llandoverian
Gorgonisphaeridium Gorgonisphaeridium echinodermum China(Szechwan) Llandoverian
Lagenochitina Lagenochitina bohemica China(Szechwan) Llandoverian
Lagenochitina Lagenochitina capax China(Szechwan) Llandoverian
Lagenochitina Lagenochitina ovoidea China(Szechwan) Llandoverian
Leiofusa Leiofusa bernesgae China(Szechwan) Wenlockian
Leiofusa Leiofusa elenae China(Szechwan) Llandoverian Wenlockian
Leiofusa Leiofusa filifera China(Szechwan) Llandoverian
Leiofusa Leiofusa fusiformis China(Szechwan) Wenlockian
Leiofusa Leiofusa granulacutis China(Szechwan) Wenlockian
Leiofusa Leiofusa orbiculata China(Szechwan) Wenlockian
Leiofusa Leiofusa rhikne China(Szechwan) Llandoverian Wenlockian
Leiofusa Leiofusa sp China(Szechwan) Wenlockian