Plant microfossil dating of some New Zealand Upper Tertiary volcanic rocks.
Couper,R.A. (1953) Plant microfossil dating of some New Zealand Upper Tertiary volcanic rocks. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology,Section B Vol. 34 # 5 P. 373- 377
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Pteridium Pteridium sp New Zealand Late Taranakian Early Wanganuian
Agathis Agathis australis New Zealand Late Taranakian Early Wanganuian
Libocedrus Libocedrus plumosa New Zealand Late Taranakian Early Wanganuian
Nothofagus Nothofagus novaezealandiae New Zealand Late Taranakian Early Wanganuian
Nothofagus Nothofagus New Zealand Late Taranakian Early Wanganuian
Muehlenbeckia Muehlenbeckia australis New Zealand Late Taranakian Early Wanganuian
Griselinia Griselinia sp New Zealand Late Taranakian Early Wanganuian
Pittosporum Pittosporum sp New Zealand Late Taranakian Early Wanganuian
Triorites Triorites harrisii New Zealand Late Miocene
Elytranthe Elytranthe striatus New Zealand Late Miocene Early Pliocene
Nothofagus Nothofagus cranwellae New Zealand Late Miocene Early Pliocene
Nothofagus Nothofagus lachlanae New Zealand Late Miocene Middle Pliocene
Polypodiidites Polypodiidites inangahuensis New Zealand Late Miocene Middle Pliocene
Proteaceae Proteaceae sp New Zealand Early Pliocene Middle Pliocene
Nothofagus Nothofagus sp New Zealand Late Miocene Late Pliocene
Coprosma Coprosma sp New Zealand Late Miocene Late Pliocene