Index to the genera, subgenera, and sections of the Pyrrhophyta.
Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. et al. (1966) Index to the genera, subgenera, and sections of the Pyrrhophyta. Studies in Tropical Oceanography (Miami) # 3 P. 1- 94
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Oblea Oblea rotunda Nd Nd
Oblea Oblea torta Nd Nd
Oblongata Oblongata Nd Nd
Oceanica Oceanica Nd Nd
Oculata Oculata Nd Nd
Odontochitina Odontochitina silicorum Nd Nd
Odontochitinopsis Odontochitinopsis molesta Nd Nd
Ollula Ollula goczanii sp. nov. Nd Nd
Omatia Omatia montgomeryi Nd Nd
Oodinium Oodinium ocellatum Nd Nd
Oodinium Oodinium pouchetii Nd Nd
Oodnadattia Oodnadattia tuberculata Nd Nd
Ornithocercus Ornithocercus magnificus Nd Nd
Ostreopsis Ostreopsis siamensis Nd Nd
Ourococcus Ourococcus insignis Nd Nd
Oxyphysis Oxyphysis oxytoxoides Nd Nd
Oxyrrhis Oxyrrhis Nd Nd