Index to the genera, subgenera, and sections of the Pyrrhophyta.
Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. et al. (1966) Index to the genera, subgenera, and sections of the Pyrrhophyta. Studies in Tropical Oceanography (Miami) # 3 P. 1- 94
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Hirundinella Hirundinella quadricuspis Nd Nd
Histioneis Histioneis Nd Nd
Histioneis Histioneis diomedeae Nd Nd
Histioneis Histioneis remora Nd Nd
Histiophora Histiophora ornata Nd Nd
Histiophysis Histiophysis rugosa Nd Nd
Hollandella Hollandella Nd Nd
Homunculus Homunculus Nd Nd
Horologinella Horologinella lineata Nd Nd
Humilia Humilia Nd Nd
Hyalosaccus Hyalosaccus ceratii Nd Nd
Hypnodinium Hypnodinium sphaericum Nd Nd
Hystrichodinium Hystrichodinium Nd Nd
Hystrichodinium Hystrichodinium pulchrum Nd Nd
Hystrichokibotium Hystrichokibotium pseudofurcatum Nd Nd
Hystrichokolpoma Hystrichokolpoma Nd Nd
Hystrichokolpoma Hystrichokolpoma cinctum Nd Nd