Illustrated key to genera of Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorphs, (excluding megaspores), of Western Canada. (Stratigraphic ranges and sample locations taken from E.T.Burden,1982 - Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorph biostratigraphy of the McMurray Formation, northeastern Alberta, Unpub.Phd Thesis)
Burden,E.T. et al. (1989) Illustrated key to genera of Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorphs, (excluding megaspores), of Western Canada. (Stratigraphic ranges and sample locations taken from E.T.Burden,1982 - Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorph biostratigraphy of the McMurray Formation, northeastern Alberta, Unpub.Phd Thesis) American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Contributions Series # 21 P. 1- 147
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Murospora Murospora mesozoica Canada(Alberta) Late Aptian Early Albian
Murospora Murospora mesozoica North America Berriasian Albian
Neoraistrickia Neoraistrickia truncata Canada(Alberta) Late Barremian Early Aptian
Neoraistrickia Neoraistrickia truncata North America Berriasian Albian
Nyssapollenites Nyssapollenites albertensis North America Middle Albian Late Albian
Obtusisporis Obtusisporis canadensis Canada(Alberta) Late Barremian Early Aptian
Obtusisporis Obtusisporis canadensis North America Berriasian Albian
Ornamentifera Ornamentifera baculata North America Late Aptian Albian
Ornamentifera Ornamentifera baculata Worldwide Late Aptian Albian
Ornamentifera Ornamentifera distalgranulata North America Late Valanginian Aptian
Ornamentifera Ornamentifera distalgranulata Worldwide Berriasian Aptian
Ornamentifera Ornamentifera distalgranulata Canada(Alberta) Late Barremian Early Aptian
Ornamentifera Ornamentifera echinata Worldwide Hauterivian Albian
Ornamentifera Ornamentifera echinata North America Middle Albian Late Albian
Osmundacidites Osmundacidites wellmanii Canada(Alberta) Late Barremian Early Albian
Osmundacidites Osmundacidites wellmanii North America Berriasian Albian
Parvisaccites Parvisaccites radiatus Canada(Alberta) Late Hauterivian Early Albian