Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 5. Supplement to all Groups (Turmae).
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Synopsis der gattungen der sporae Dispersae.5. Teil.Nachtrage Zu Allen gruppen.(Turmae)
Potonie,R. (1970) Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 5. Supplement to all Groups (Turmae). [ Synopsis der gattungen der sporae Dispersae.5. Teil.Nachtrage Zu Allen gruppen.(Turmae) ] Beihefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Vol. 87 # 5 P. 1- 172
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Ornamentifera Ornamentifera Nd Nd
Ornamentifera Ornamentifera echinata USSR(Urals) Late Albian
Osmundacidites Osmundacidites France Early Liassic
Ovalipollis Ovalipollis Nd Nd
Ovoidites Ovoidites Turkey Tertiary
Palaeocoprosmadites Palaeocoprosmadites Nd Nd
Palaeocoprosmadites Palaeocoprosmadites arcotense India(Madras) Miocene
Palaeospongisporis Palaeospongisporis Nd Nd
Palaeospongisporis Palaeospongisporis europaeus E.Germany Keuper
Paleocaesalpiniaceaepites Paleocaesalpiniaceaepites Nd Nd
Paleosantalaceaepites Paleosantalaceaepites Nd Nd
Paleospora Paleospora Nd Nd
Paleospora Paleospora fragilis Pennsylvania Westphalian
Papillamonocolpites Papillamonocolpites Nd Nd
Papillamonocolpites Papillamonocolpites splendens Colombia Eocene
Papillotriletes Papillotriletes Nd Nd
Papillotriletes Papillotriletes grandis E.Germany Early Keuper