Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 5. Supplement to all Groups (Turmae).
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Synopsis der gattungen der sporae Dispersae.5. Teil.Nachtrage Zu Allen gruppen.(Turmae)
Potonie,R. (1970) Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 5. Supplement to all Groups (Turmae). [ Synopsis der gattungen der sporae Dispersae.5. Teil.Nachtrage Zu Allen gruppen.(Turmae) ] Beihefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Vol. 87 # 5 P. 1- 172
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Lapposisporites Lapposisporites lapposus Netherlands Rotliegendes
Laroccatriletes Laroccatriletes Nd Nd
Laroccatriletes Laroccatriletes papyrus Netherlands Jurassic Cretaceous
Latosaccus Latosaccus Nd Nd
Latosaccus Latosaccus latus E.Germany Muschelkalk
Latosporites Latosporites Nd Nd
Laudaypollis Laudaypollis Nd Nd
Laudaypollis Laudaypollis clarus Hungary Late Santonian
Leptotriletes Leptotriletes Nd Nd
Leptotriletes Leptotriletes rhaticus W.Germany Nd
Leschikisporis Leschikisporis Nd Nd
Liliacidites Liliacidites Nigeria Middle Eocene
Limbosporites Limbosporites Nd Nd
Limbosporites Limbosporites lundbladii Canada(NWT,Franklin) Late Triassic
Limbosporites Limbosporites lundbladii Sweden Liassic
Longaevipollis Longaevipollis Nd Nd
Longapertites Longapertites Colombia Eocene