Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 5. Supplement to all Groups (Turmae).
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Synopsis der gattungen der sporae Dispersae.5. Teil.Nachtrage Zu Allen gruppen.(Turmae)
Potonie,R. (1970) Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 5. Supplement to all Groups (Turmae). [ Synopsis der gattungen der sporae Dispersae.5. Teil.Nachtrage Zu Allen gruppen.(Turmae) ] Beihefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Vol. 87 # 5 P. 1- 172
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Iraqispora Iraqispora Nd Nd
Iraqispora Iraqispora labrata Iraq Permian
Ischyosporites Ischyosporites Nd Nd
Jacobipollenites Jacobipollenites Nd Nd
Jacobipollenites Jacobipollenites magnificus India(Madras) Miocene
Juglandipites Juglandipites Nd Nd
Juglandipites Juglandipites magniforamina Scotland Miocene
Jussitriporites Jussitriporites Nd Nd
Jussitriporites Jussitriporites undulatus Colombia Eocene
Kelbergiasporites Kelbergiasporites Nd Nd
Kelbergiasporites Kelbergiasporites levis W.Germany Early Devonian
Keuperisporites Keuperisporites Nd Nd
Keuperisporites Keuperisporites baculatus E.Germany Keuper
Klukisporites Klukisporites Hungary Jurassic
Korbapollenites Korbapollenites Nd Nd
Korbapollenites Korbapollenites novus India Early Gondwana
Kosankeisporites Kosankeisporites Nd Nd