Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 5. Supplement to all Groups (Turmae).
Foreign title:
Synopsis der gattungen der sporae Dispersae.5. Teil.Nachtrage Zu Allen gruppen.(Turmae)
Potonie,R. (1970) Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 5. Supplement to all Groups (Turmae). [ Synopsis der gattungen der sporae Dispersae.5. Teil.Nachtrage Zu Allen gruppen.(Turmae) ] Beihefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Vol. 87 # 5 P. 1- 172
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Elaterosporites Elaterosporites Nd Nd
Elaterosporites Elaterosporites verrucatus Senegal Late Albian Early Cenomanian
Elytranthe Elytranthe striatus Nd Nd
Emphanisporites Emphanisporites Canada(Gaspe Area) Devonian
Endopollenites Endopollenites Nd Nd
Endosporites Endosporites Nd Nd
Enigmophytospora Enigmophytospora Spitsbergen Devonian
Enigmophytospora Enigmophytospora simplex Spitsbergen Devonian
Ephedripites Ephedripites Malaysia(Sarawak) Late Cretaceous
Ephedripites Ephedripites Ivory Coast Aptian Albian
Ephedripites Ephedripites Senegal Aptian Albian
Ephedripites Ephedripites Oklahoma Pleistocene
Ephedripites Ephedripites Colombia Paleocene Eocene
Equisetosporites Equisetosporites Arizona Late Triassic
Eucommiidites Eucommiidites Netherlands Late Jurassic Cretaceous
Eucommiidites Eucommiidites W.Germany(Saarland) Early Cretaceous
Eupteleapollis Eupteleapollis Nd Nd