Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 1
Foreign title:
Synopsis der gattungen der sporae Dispersae. Teil 1
Potonie,R. (1956) Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 1 [ Synopsis der gattungen der sporae Dispersae. Teil 1 ] Beihefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch Vol. 23 P. 1- 103
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Setosisporites Setosisporites hirsutus Germany Late Westphalian B
Simonozonosporites Simonozonosporites Nd Nd
Simozonotriletes Simozonotriletes Nd Nd
Singhisporites Singhisporites India(Bihar) Early Gondwana
Singhisporites Singhisporites surangei India(Bihar) Early Gondwana
Speciososporites Speciososporites Nd Nd
Speciososporites Speciososporites bilateralis Germany Late Westphalian B
Sphagnites Sphagnites Nd Nd
Sphagnites Sphagnites australis Nd Nd
Sphagnites Sphagnites australis Nd Nd
Sphagnum Sphagnum Nd Nd
Sphagnum Sphagnum antiquasporites Montana Tertiary
Sphagnumsporites Sphagnumsporites Nd Nd
Sphagnumsporites Sphagnumsporites antiquasporites Montana Tertiary
Sphagnumsporites Sphagnumsporites antiquasporites Montana Tertiary
Sphagnumsporites Sphagnumsporites australis Kerguelen Island Tertiary
Sphagnumsporites Sphagnumsporites australis Australia Early Tertiary