New data on the volume and age of the effusivo-pyroclastic and tufogeno-sediment formations of the Kronotsk Peninsula.
Foreign title:
Novye dannye ob Ob'eme i vozraste Effuzivno-Piroklasticheskikh i Tufogenno-Osadochnykh Obraovaniy Kronotskogo P -Ova
Sadreev,A.M. et al. (1965)
New data on the volume and age of the effusivo-pyroclastic and tufogeno-sediment formations of the Kronotsk Peninsula. [ Novye dannye ob Ob'eme i vozraste Effuzivno-Piroklasticheskikh i Tufogenno-Osadochnykh Obraovaniy Kronotskogo P -Ova ] Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya
Vol. 1965 # 7 P. 122- 126