Floral evidence of climatic variations in the Middle-Pliocene of the Reuver Stage
Foreign title:
Floristisch belegte Klimaschwankungen im mitteleurop¤ischen Plioz¤n der Reuver-Stufe.
Altehenger,A. (1959) Floral evidence of climatic variations in the Middle-Pliocene of the Reuver Stage [ Floristisch belegte Klimaschwankungen im mitteleurop¤ischen Plioz¤n der Reuver-Stufe. ] Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B Vol. 106 # 1 P. 11- 70
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Geraniaceae Geraniaceae sp Germany Reuverian
Geraniaceae Geraniaceae sp Germany Late Neogene
Geraniaceae Geraniaceae sp Germany Late Neogene
Ginkgo Ginkgo sp Germany Reuverian
Gramineae Gramineae Germany Reuverian
Hedera Hedera sp Germany Reuverian
Hedera Hedera sp Germany Late Neogene
Hedera Hedera sp Germany Late Neogene
Hedera Hedera sp Germany Late Neogene
Helicosporium Helicosporium sp Germany Reuverian
Ilex Ilex sp Germany Reuverian
Ilex Ilex sp Germany Late Neogene
Ilex Ilex sp Germany Late Neogene
Ilex Ilex sp Germany Late Neogene
Juglans Juglans Germany Reuverian
Keteleeria Keteleeria sp Germany Reuverian
Laevigatisporites Laevigatisporites neddenii Germany Late Neogene