Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 1: The Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Spores and Pollen.
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In Chinese with English summary
Song,Z.-C. et al. (1999) Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 1: The Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Spores and Pollen. [ In Chinese with English summary ] Science Press, Beijing, China Vol. 1 P. 1- 910
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites systylus China(S.China) Cenomanian Santonian
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites tongoloaformis China(N.China) Cenomanian Middle Eocene
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites tongoloaformis China(S.China) Cenomanian Middle Eocene
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites versiformis China(N.China) Cenomanian Oligocene
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites versiformis China(N.China) Cenomanian Oligocene
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites versiformis China(S.China) Cenomanian Oligocene
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites versiformis China(S.China) Cenomanian Oligocene
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites vestibulum China(Xinjiang Uygur) Late Cretaceous
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites vestibulum China(N.China) Maestrichtian Late Eocene
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites vestibulum China(S.China) Maestrichtian Late Eocene
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites xingouzuiensis China(N.China) Cenomanian Oligocene
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites xingouzuiensis China(Hupei) Cenozoic
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites xingouzuiensis China(S.China) Cenomanian Oligocene
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites xintaensis China(Hupei) Cenozoic
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites xintaensis China(N.China) Cenomanian Santonian
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites xintaensis China(S.China) Cenomanian Santonian
Trihyphaecites Trihyphaecites fractus China(N.China) Cenomanian Oligocene