Plio-Pleistocene correlations between the northwestern Mediterranean region and northwestern Europe according to recent biostratigraphic and palaeoclimatic data.
Suc,J.-P. et al. (1983) Plio-Pleistocene correlations between the northwestern Mediterranean region and northwestern Europe according to recent biostratigraphic and palaeoclimatic data. Boreas Vol. 12 # 1 P. 153- 166
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Stratiotes Stratiotes tuberculatus Mediterranean Sea Pliocene Early Pleistocene
Symplocos Symplocos sp Mediterranean Sea Pliocene Early Pleistocene
Symplocos Symplocos sp Netherlands Miocene
Symplocos Symplocos sp Mediterranean Sea Pliocene Early Pleistocene
Taxodium Taxodium sp Mediterranean Sea Pliocene Early Pleistocene
Taxodium Taxodium sp Netherlands Late Pliocene
Tricolpites Tricolpites liblarensis Netherlands Late Pliocene
Tricolpites Tricolpites microhenrici Netherlands Miocene
Tricolpites Tricolpites pseudocingulum Netherlands Miocene
Tricolpites Tricolpites villensis Netherlands Miocene
Tricolporites Tricolporites edmundii Netherlands Miocene
Tsuga Tsuga sp Netherlands Late Miocene Early Pleistocene
Tsuga Tsuga sp Netherlands Late Pliocene
Ulmus Ulmus sp Netherlands Late Miocene Early Pleistocene
Ulmus Ulmus sp Mediterranean Sea Pliocene Early Pleistocene
Zelkova Zelkova sp Mediterranean Sea Pliocene Early Pleistocene