Late Pliocene cyclicity on Zakynthos Island, (Eastern Mediterranean): Palynological evidence.
Suballyova,D. et al. (1999) Late Pliocene cyclicity on Zakynthos Island, (Eastern Mediterranean): Palynological evidence. The Pliocene:Time of Change (American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation. J.H.Wrenn,J.-P Suc and S.A.G. Leroy,editors). P. 93- 101
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Olea Olea Greece Late Pliocene
Ostrya Ostrya Greece Late Pliocene
Parrotia Parrotia persica Greece Late Pliocene
Parthenocissus Parthenocissus henryana Greece Late Pliocene
Phillyrea Phillyrea Greece Late Pliocene
Phlomis Phlomis fruticosa Greece Late Pliocene
Picea Picea Greece Late Pliocene
Pinaceae Pinaceae Greece Late Pliocene
Pinus Pinus Greece Late Pliocene
Plantago Plantago Greece Late Pliocene
Poaceae Poaceae Greece Late Pliocene
Polygalaceae Polygalaceae Greece Late Pliocene
Polygonum Polygonum Greece Late Pliocene
Populus Populus Greece Late Pliocene
Potamogeton Potamogeton Greece Late Pliocene
Pterocarya Pterocarya Greece Late Pliocene
Quercus Quercus Greece Late Pliocene