Variations in the palynoclastic content compared to sedimentological, geochemical and physical parameters of a Limestone-Marlstone sequence. An example from the Gargasian at Roquefort La Bedoule, Southern France. (In: Global and Regional Controls on Biogenic Sedimentation, Volumes 2: Cretaceous Sedimentation. E Flugel, D Herm, KA Troger and HJ Brumsack, editors) .)
Prжssl,K.F. et al. (1996) Variations in the palynoclastic content compared to sedimentological, geochemical and physical parameters of a Limestone-Marlstone sequence. An example from the Gargasian at Roquefort La Bedoule, Southern France. (In: Global and Regional Controls on Biogenic Sedimentation, Volumes 2: Cretaceous Sedimentation. E Flugel, D Herm, KA Troger and HJ Brumsack, editors) .) Gжttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Pal¤ontologie.Special Volume SB3. Vol. 3 P. 69- 71
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Lithodinia Lithodinia stoveri France(Alpes,Cote d'Azur) Gargasian
Tenua Tenua hystrix France(Alpes,Cote d'Azur) Gargasian