Palynological evidence for an Early Namurian age of the Cornbrook Sandstone Formation, Clee Hill, Shropshire.
Turner,N. et al. (1993) Palynological evidence for an Early Namurian age of the Cornbrook Sandstone Formation, Clee Hill, Shropshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society Vol. 49 # 3 P. 189- 196
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Fabasporites Fabasporites pallidus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Florinites Florinites pumicosus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Grandispora Grandispora echinata England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Grandispora Grandispora spinosa England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Granulatisporites Granulatisporites granulatus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Granulatisporites Granulatisporites microgranifer England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Grumosisporites Grumosisporites rufus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Knoxisporites Knoxisporites seniradiatus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Knoxisporites Knoxisporites stephanophorus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Leiotriletes Leiotriletes adnatus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Leiotriletes Leiotriletes gulaferus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Leiotriletes Leiotriletes inermis England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Leiotriletes Leiotriletes tumidus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Lophotriletes Lophotriletes microsaetosus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Lophotriletes Lophotriletes pseudoaculeatus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Lophotriletes Lophotriletes tribulosus England(Shropshire) Early Namurian
Lophozonotriletes Lophozonotriletes appendices England(Shropshire) Early Namurian