Biostratigraphy of the Surghar Range, Salt Range, Sulaiman Range and the Kohat area, Pakistan, according to Jurassic through Paleogene calcareous nannofossils and Paleogene dinoflagellates.
Kжthe,A. et al. (1988) Biostratigraphy of the Surghar Range, Salt Range, Sulaiman Range and the Kohat area, Pakistan, according to Jurassic through Paleogene calcareous nannofossils and Paleogene dinoflagellates. Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe B Vol. 71 P. 3- 87
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Batiacasphaera Batiacasphaera sp Pakistan Early Eocene
Botryococcus Botryococcus sp Pakistan Early Eocene
Ceratiopsis Ceratiopsis diebelii Pakistan Early Paleocene
Cladopyxidium Cladopyxidium sp Pakistan Middle Eocene
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium diversispinosum Pakistan Middle Paleocene Early Eocene
Cleistosphaeridium Cleistosphaeridium sp Pakistan Paleocene Eocene
Cordosphaeridium Cordosphaeridium commune Pakistan Early Eocene
Cordosphaeridium Cordosphaeridium exilimurum Pakistan Middle Eocene
Cordosphaeridium Cordosphaeridium fibroferum Pakistan Late Paleocene
Cordosphaeridium Cordosphaeridium fibroferum Pakistan Late Paleocene
Cordosphaeridium Cordosphaeridium inodes Pakistan Late Paleocene Middle Eocene
Cordosphaeridium Cordosphaeridium minimum Pakistan Late Paleocene
Cordosphaeridium Cordosphaeridium robustum Pakistan Late Paleocene
Cordosphaeridium Cordosphaeridium tenuistriatum Pakistan Paleocene Early Eocene
Danea Danea californica Pakistan Late Paleocene
Deflandrea Deflandrea phosphoritica Pakistan Eocene
Diphyes Diphyes colligerum Pakistan Middle Eocene Late Eocene