Shale-Facies microfossils from the Proterozoic Bylot Supergroup, Baffin Island, Canada.
Hofmann,H.J. et al. (1994) Shale-Facies microfossils from the Proterozoic Bylot Supergroup, Baffin Island, Canada. Journal of Paleontology, Memoir Vol. 68 # 4 P. 1- 35
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Nostocomorpha Nostocomorpha sp. Hofm.& Jack.,1994 sp. nov. Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Obruchevella Obruchevella valdaica Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Oscillatoriopsis Oscillatoriopsis sp. Hofm.& Jack.,1994 sp. nov. Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Palaeocalothrix Palaeocalothrix divaricatus Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Palaeolyngbya Palaeolyngbya sp. Hofm.& Jack.,1994 sp. nov. Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Pellicularia Pellicularia tenera Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Polysphaeroides Polysphaeroides biseritus Nd Nd
Polysphaeroides Polysphaeroides contextus Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Polysphaeroides Polysphaeroides nuclearis Nd Nd
Polythrichoides Polythrichoides lineatus Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Pterospermopsimorpha Pterospermopsimorpha insolita Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Satka Satka squamifer Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Siphonophycus Siphonophycus beltensis Nd Nd
Siphonophycus Siphonophycus capitaneum Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Siphonophycus Siphonophycus kestron Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Siphonophycus Siphonophycus robustum Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic
Siphonophycus Siphonophycus rugosum Canada(Arctic) Proterozoic