Palynomorphs. (In: Cretaceous. In the Isle of Wight in Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphical Micropalaeontology of the Dorset coast and Isle of Wight, Southern England. Field guide for the XXth European Micropalaeontological Colloquium. A.R.Lord and P.R.Bown, editors)
Batten,D.J. et al. (1987) Palynomorphs. (In: Cretaceous. In the Isle of Wight in Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphical Micropalaeontology of the Dorset coast and Isle of Wight, Southern England. Field guide for the XXth European Micropalaeontological Colloquium. A.R.Lord and P.R.Bown, editors) British Micropalaeontological Society, Guide Book 1, Field Guide, XXth European Micropalaeontological Society # 1 P. 88- 149
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Surculosphaeridium Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum England(Isle of Wight) Early Coniacian Campanian
Surculosphaeridium Surculosphaeridium spinocongregatum England(Isle of Wight) Santonian
Surculosphaeridium Surculosphaeridium trunculum England(Isle of Wight) Late Aptian
Systematophora Systematophora complicata England(Isle of Wight) Early Aptian Late Aptian
Systematophora Systematophora complicata England(Isle of Wight) Middle Cenomanian
Tanyosphaeridium Tanyosphaeridium boletus England(Isle of Wight) Early Aptian
Tanyosphaeridium Tanyosphaeridium salpinx England(Isle of Wight) Early Aptian
Tanyosphaeridium Tanyosphaeridium variecalamum England(Isle of Wight) Aptian Early Turonian
Trichodinium Trichodinium castanea England(Isle of Wight) Vraconian
Trichodinium Trichodinium castanea England(Isle of Wight) Late Vraconian Campanian
Trichodinium Trichodinium sp England(Isle of Wight) Early Aptian Vraconian
Trilobosporites Trilobosporites apiverrucatus England(Isle of Wight) Barremian Early Aptian
Trilobosporites Trilobosporites hannonicus England(Isle of Wight) Barremian
Trilobosporites Trilobosporites weylandii England(Isle of Wight) Early Aptian
Triporoletes Triporoletes radiatus England(Isle of Wight) Barremian
Triporoletes Triporoletes reticulatus England(Isle of Wight) Late Barremian
Vadaszisporites Vadaszisporites sacali England(Isle of Wight) Early Cenomanian Middle Cenomanian