A synthesis of Norwegian Sea biostratigraphy ODP Leg 104 on the Voring Plateau.
Goll,R.M. (1989) A synthesis of Norwegian Sea biostratigraphy ODP Leg 104 on the Voring Plateau. Proceedings of the ODP,Scientific Results,104,College Station,Texas,(Ocean Drilling Program) Vol. 104 P. 777- 826
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Impagidinium Impagidinium patulum Atlantic(Norwegian Sea) Late Miocene Late Neogene
Impagidinium Impagidinium sp.1 sp. nov. Atlantic(Norwegian Sea) Late Miocene Late Neogene
Labyrinthodinium Labyrinthodinium truncatum Atlantic(Norwegian Sea) Late Miocene
Multispinula Multispinula minuta Atlantic(Norwegian Sea) Late Pliocene Pleistocene
Nematosphaeropsis Nematosphaeropsis lemniscata Atlantic(Norwegian Sea) Late Pliocene Pleistocene
Rottnestia Rottnestia borussica Atlantic(Norwegian Sea) Late Miocene Late Neogene
Systematophora Systematophora sp.1 sp. nov. Atlantic(Norwegian Sea) Late Miocene Late Neogene
Tectatodinium Tectatodinium pellitum Atlantic(Norwegian Sea) Late Pliocene Pleistocene