Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs.
Downie,C. et al. (1965) Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs. Geological Society of America, Memoir # 94 P. 1- 180
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Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium saalfeldiensis Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium salpingophorum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium saturnium Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium scaffoldii India(Assam) Eocene
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium setigerfurcatum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium sexradiatum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium simplex Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium siphoniphorum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium spiciferum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium spinellosum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium spinescens Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium spinipansatum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium spinosum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium spiralisetum Netherlands Late Cretaceous
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium staurasteroides Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium stellaeforme Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium stellatum Nd Nd