Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs.
Downie,C. et al. (1965) Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs. Geological Society of America, Memoir # 94 P. 1- 180
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Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium ehrenbergii Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium eisenackianum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium elegantulum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium eoinodes Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium eoplanctonicum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium equispinosum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium erraticum Baltic Late Llandoverian
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium ferox France(Paris Basin) Senonian
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium fimbriatum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium floripes Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium flosculus Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium fluctuans Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium franconium Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium fucosum Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium geometricum Belgium Ypresian
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium gliwicense Nd Nd
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium gotlandicum Baltic Late Llandoverian