Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs.
Downie,C. et al. (1965) Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs. Geological Society of America, Memoir # 94 P. 1- 180
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Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium multipilosum Nd Nd
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium multipilosum Nd Nd
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium mutabile Nd Nd
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium mutabile USSR(Baltic) Middle Cambrian
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium nanum Nd Nd
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium neptunii Nd Nd
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium nudatum USSR(Pre-Baltic) Early Ordovician
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium octospinosum Canada(Alberta) Late Devonian
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium ohioense USA Late Devonian
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium oligacanthum Nd Nd
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium oligacanthum Nd Nd
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium oligacanthum Nd Nd
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium oligacanthum Nd Nd
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium oligacanthum Nd Nd
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium oligofurcatum Baltic Late Llandoverian
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium ordovicum Nd Nd
Baltisphaeridium Baltisphaeridium paleozoicum Nd Nd